1. Light I. Electromagnetic Radiation
EM Radiation
EM Spectrum
Types of EM Radiation
2. A. EM Radiation Electromagnetic Radiation
transverse waves produced by the motion of electrically charged particles
does not require a medium
speed in a vacuum = 300,000 km/s
electric and magnetic components are perpendicular
3. A. EM Radiation Photons
tiny, particle-like bundles of radiation
absorbed and released by electrons
4. B. EM Spectrum
5. C. Types of EM Radiation Radiowaves
lowest energy EM radiation
6. C. Types of EM Radiation Radiowaves
FM - frequency modulation
AM - amplitude modulation
7. C. Types of EM Radiation Infrared Radiation (IR)
slightly lower energy than visible light
can raise the thermal energy of objects
thermogram - image made by detecting IR radiation
8. C. Types of EM Radiation Visible Light
small part of the spectrum we can see
ROY G. BIV - colors in order of increasing energy
9. C. Types of EM Radiation Ultraviolet Radiation (UV)
slightly higher energy than visible light
UVA - tanning, wrinkles
UVB - sunburn, cancer
UVC - most harmful, sterilization
10. C. Types of EM Radiation Ultraviolet Radiation (UV)
Ozone layer depletion = UV exposure!
11. C. Types of EM Radiation X rays
higher energy than UV
can penetrate soft tissue, but not bones
12. C. Types of EM Radiation Gamma rays
highest energy EM radiation
emitted by radioactive atoms
used to kill cancerous cells
13. Seeing Light Something that produces its own light is called a luminous object.
Objects that reflect light waves are called illuminated objects.
14. Reflection Regular (or specular) reflection when all light waves reflect in the same direction. Law of reflection
Diffuse reflection light waves reflect, but are scattered in many directions.
Retro-reflective light is bounced straight back!
15. Reflection Incident beam incoming light ray
Reflected beam outgoing light ray
Normal line perpendicular, measure all angles from this line.
16. Law of Reflection The angle of incoming light (angle of incidence) is equal to the angle of reflected light (angle of reflection).