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Background, objectives and agenda of the workshop

Background, objectives and agenda of the workshop. Paolo Valente Regional Workshop on Migration Statistics (Bishkek, 15 – 17 February 2010). Organizers and contributors. Statistical Division of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE)

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Background, objectives and agenda of the workshop

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  1. Background, objectivesand agenda of the workshop Paolo Valente Regional Workshop on Migration Statistics (Bishkek, 15 – 17 February 2010)

  2. Organizers and contributors • Statistical Division of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE) • United Nations Population Division (UN/DESA) • UNFPA • UNDP • Other partners of the Global Migration Group (GMG)

  3. Background: Dev. Acc. project • United Nations Development Account Project on Migration • Project objective: “To strengthen national capacities to incorporate international migration issues into national development strategies in order to maximize the development benefits of international migration and minimize its negative impacts” • Executing agencies: UN Regional Commissions (ECLAC leader) and UN/DESA Population Div.

  4. Background: DA Project in UNECE • Objective in UNECE: Strengthening the national capacity of countries in Central Asia and CIS to develop evidence-based policies on international migration, by: 1) improving availability and quality of statistics on international migration; 2) establishing networks for exchange of data and information; 3) improving capacity to utilize statistical data for purposes of analysis and policy making

  5. Background: DA Project in UNECE Project activities in UNECE: • First workshop (Bishkek, Feb. 2010) • Toolkit • Data sharing mechanism (clearing house) • Inventory of information sources in the UNECE Region • Second workshop (2nd half of 2010), possibly involving also policy-makers

  6. Background: Global policy initiatives • 2006 High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development, organized by the United Nations General Assembly • Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD), lead by Governments: • Brussels (2007) • Manila (2008) • Athens (2009) • Mexico (2010) • Spain (2011) • Morocco (2012) • 2013: Second High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development.

  7. Objectives of workshop • General objective: identify gaps in availability of data on international migrant stocks, flows, and characteristics in the region and identify ways and means to close this gap before the 2013 High-level Dialogue • identify key migration trends and policies at global and regional level • review internationally agreed standards and recommendations • assess gaps between international norms and data available • propose practical steps to implement the key elements of these recommendations • provide tools for follow-up activities • identify needs for capacity building

  8. Content and agenda  All sources of migration data will be covered, including censuses, admin. sources, surveys and border statistics Sessions: • The migration agenda: implications for data collection • Practical solutions to implement the international recommendations • Using population censuses to measure migration • Enhancing the use of administrative sourcesand border cards to measure migration • The use of household surveys to measure the impact of migration • Regional cooperation and capacity building • Practical steps to strengthen national capacities, data availability and exchange

  9. General format of sessions • Presentations by facilitators • Presentations by countries • Group work • Reporting back, discussion and wrap-up • Informal discussion • Active participation by all participants!

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