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American Studies. Past Events In this section, describe past events that have occurred, detailing the purpose of the event, who hosted it, and who attended. Include an image. Upcoming Events
American Studies Past Events In this section, describe past events that have occurred, detailing the purpose of the event, who hosted it, and who attended. Include an image. Upcoming Events In this section, include the date, title, and brief description of future AMS related events occurring on campus. Ex: Dec. 10 Event #1 Dec. 23 Event #2 Jan. 3 Event #3 Ams Program Updates In this section, mention any changes that have occurred, such as the addition of courses to the curriculum, any notable growth in the program, recognition the program has received, and/or any changes within the faculty. The following text is simply a placeholder for the content expected to populate this text box. Loremipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturadipiscingelit. Fuscesagittisullamcorpercursus. Aliquamornarejustoeuodioultrices non blanditloremmalesuada. Pellentesqueultricessodalesdiam ac sodales. Picture of Event/Flyer This image is a placeholder for a more relevant image. Faculty Conferences, Awards, Presentations, In this section, highlight relevant conferences faculty have attended, awards they have received, or presentations they have given recently. The following text is simply a placeholder for the content expected to populate this text box. Loremipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturadipiscingelit. Fuscesagittisullamcorpercursus. Aliquamornarejustoeuodioultrices non blanditloremmalesuada. Pellentesqueultricessodalesdiam ac sodales. Maurisvehiculaurnavelodiofacilisisornare. This image is a placeholder for a more relevant image. Feature In this section, describe a significant event related to AMS. Whereas in “Past Events”, it is recommended you write a brief description of an event, in this section it would be appropriate to elaborate further. The following text is simply a placeholder for the content expected to populate this text box. Loremipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturadipiscingelit. Fuscesagittisullamcorpercursus. Aliquamornarejustoeuodioultrices non blanditloremmalesuada. Pellentesqueultricessodalesdiam ac sodales. Maurisvehiculaurnavelodiofacilisisornare. This image is a placeholder for a more relevant image.
American Studies Student Work • In this section, highlight the accomplishments of a single student or multiple students in AMS. There are a variety of ways in which you can approach this section.: • Introduce an award that a student has received • Describe research that a student is currently undergoing • Write about a conference in which a student is participating • Allow a student to showcase work he or she did in an AMS course or describe a topic • he or she found particularly interesting in an AMS course or a newly acquired piece of • insight into American culture Picture of Writer/work Name as Caption on bottom The following text is simply a placeholder for the content expected to populate this text box. Loremipsum dolor sit amet, consecteturadipiscingelit. Fuscesagittisullamcorpercursus. Aliquamornarejustoeuodioultrices non blanditloremmalesuada. Pellentesqueultricessodalesdiam ac sodales. Maurisvehiculaurnavelodiofacilisisornare. Maecenas bibendum ante semper risuscursus a temporaugue semper. Etiamaliquetgravidapulvinar. Pellentesque mi urna, tempus necfringilla id, pretiumsederat. Maecenas euarcuaugue. Pellentesque habitant morbitristiquesenectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpisegestas. Aenean a justoeu nisi sagittissagittis. Donecmalesuada mi ac odioaliquamfacilisis. Praesentvolutpatodio in nequecongue ac sollicitudin quam hendrerit. Donec at sodalesneque. Curabituraccumsan, nisl vitae dignissimtincidunt, erosnibhcondimentum. Duisaccumsan, metussedconguevarius, nunc magna sagittisnibh, at variusfelis dui et felis. Faculty Work Work in Progress Introduce a faculty member here: (including a photo, their department and topic of interest, if applicable) Past Publications Highlight a variety of AMS faculty’s past publications that provide readers with insight into the breadth of subjects encompassed by American Studies. If applicable, include pictures of the works, arranged as follows: • List and describe relevant faculty publications or projects in progress • If the faculty member has multiple works in progress, list using bullets to deviate from the block text used in other sections on the page • If the faculty member only has one relevant work in progress, use this space to describe the work
American Studies Fall 2012 • Current Program Curriculum • The AMS curriculum has been slightly modified. Students minoring in American Studies are required to take the following courses: • AMS 210 Concepts in American Studies • One course from the following: • HST 121 United States History through 1865 • HST 122 United States History Since 1865 • HST 123 United States and North Carolina since 1865 • POL 111 American Government • COM 100 Communications in a Global Age • An Additional 200 Level Course • Three Approved 300-400 Level Courses • *The approved 200 Level and 300 level electives are within the following departments: Communications, English, History, Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Religion, and Sociology • Check out the updated American Studies website at: • www.elon.edu/e-web/academics/american_studies/ AMS Program Updates This semester, the American Studies program has undergone significant growth. AMS has appointed Dr. Samuele F. S. Pardini as the new program coordinator, as of Fall 2012. He is joined by the new advisory board, which includes: (INSERT NAMES OF THE ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS HERE) The number of students enrolling in the minor has increased from 4 in the Spring of 2012 to 20 as of now. For the first time, 30 students are taking the introductory course, which is now offered in both the fall and spring semesters. AMS Received Fund for Excellence Grant The AMS Program received a Fund for Excellence Grant to establish the first American Studies Interfaculty Research Colloqium. The Fund for Excellence Grant is awarded to projects that enhance studies within the liberal arts and sciences. Wake Forest Professor Teaching Introductory Course A visiting professor from Wake Forest University, Dr. Kathleen McClancy, will be teaching the introductory course, American Concepts: Introduction to American Studies, this upcoming spring. Dr. McClancy received her Ph.D. from Duke University and currently teaches English at Wake Forest. What is American Studies? American Studies (AMS) is an interdisciplinary program, engaging students interested in a variety of topics and disciplines in a unifying study of American culture. Recent modifications to the curriculum have increased its flexibility and therefore allowed for diverse student and faculty involvement; 8 disciplines, 7 departments, and 2 schools are represented.
Fall 2012 American Studies Faculty Work The AMS Faculty is very active in the academic community,. Faculty publish scholarly papers, speak on panels, and lecture at events across the country. Dr. Pardini’s Busy Year The program coordinator, Dr. Pardini, has been very busy this year. Pardini lectured at UNC Greensboro in March, presented a paper at the Calandra Italian American Institute in NYC in April, and was in a panel on the ASA Committee on American Studies Programs and Centers: Revising and Developing American Studies Curricula/Programs in the Twenty First Century in November. Others on the panel included program coordinators from Wayne State University; University of Texas, Austin; Brown University; Rutgers University, New Brunswick; and Radboud University Nijmegen (in the Netherlands). Pardini was also regarded for his work on “The Boss,” Bruce Springsteen. Pardini’s essay, “Bruce Zirilli: The Italian Side of Bruce Springsteen” was reprinted in Bruce Springsteen, Cultural Studies, and the Runaway American Dream (edited by Kenneth Womack, Jerry Zolten, and Mark Bernhard). Dr. YoramLubling on John Dewey Dr. Amy Johnson On Jamaica Professor Amy Johnson presented a paper at the Latin American and Caribbean Section of the Southern Historical Association Conference in Mobile, Alabama. The title of her paper was “Slavery, Freedom, and Memories of Slaveholding among the Maroons of Jamaica.” This past June Dr. Johnson also published an article called “Slavery on the Gold Coast and the African Resistance to Slavery in Jamaica during the Early Colonial Period” in LIMINA: A Journal of Historical and Cultural Studies. She spent the summer in Jamaica doing research on her book project, thanks to a Hultquist and FR&D grant. Professor YoramLubling presented a paper called “John Dewey and the ‘seat’ of Intellectual Authority,” at The Pragmatic Workshop at The College of William and Mary in March. This was not Lubling’s only extension of Dewey’s work. In 2011, Lubling’s book, The Person Vanishes: John Dewey’s Philosophy of Experience and the Self, was regarded for adding a “missing chapter” to John Dewey’s philosophy of personality by tracing the philosopher’s developing understanding of personhood. Student Work Alumnus at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts SURE for Shaprio AMS Minor Robert Shapiro received a $3,000 SURE summer grant. Shapiro worked with Elon English professor, Dr. Kevin Boyle, on his project, "Inner Lives on the Page: Studying Craft in Reading and Writing Poetry.” The project focused on studying contemporary American poetry and then creating original poems integrated with techniques from the poets studied. Shapiro compiled the eight original poems he wrote into a portfolio, showcasing his work. Elon Graduate Andrew Dispensa began his graduate degree at the prestigious American Academy of Dramatic Arts in NYC. The program’s alumni includes Robert Redford, Danny DeVito, Lauren Bacall, and Kirk Douglass.