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Gangmasters Licensing Authority Migrant Workers Conference 29 March 2007

2. Approach. BackgroundMission and Scope of ActivitiesSetting up the GLALicensing ProcessLicensing StandardsEnforcement StrategyChallengesHousing IssuesQuestions/Discussion. 3. Background (1). 1867 Agricultural Gangs Act1973 Employment Agencies Act (EAA)1994 EAA Registration Scrapped1998

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Gangmasters Licensing Authority Migrant Workers Conference 29 March 2007

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    1. Gangmasters Licensing Authority Migrant Workers Conference 29 March 2007

    2. 2 Approach Background Mission and Scope of Activities Setting up the GLA Licensing Process Licensing Standards Enforcement Strategy Challenges Housing Issues Questions/Discussion

    3. 3 Background (1) 1867 Agricultural Gangs Act 1973 Employment Agencies Act (EAA) 1994 EAA Registration Scrapped 1998 Operation Gangmaster 1998 Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) formed 2000 Grabiner Report 2002 ETI Temporary Labour Working Group 2003 14th EFRA Select Committee Report

    4. 4 Background (2) Sep 03 Mark Simmonds’ Bill Dec 03 Government still unconvinced. But .. 7 Jan 04 Jim Sheridan Bill introduced 5 Feb 04 Morecambe Bay tragedy 27 Feb 04 2nd Reading Sheridan Bill Jul 04 Gangmasters (Licensing) Bill enacted Nov 04 TLWG Code published 1 Apr 05 GLA formed

    5. 5 GLA Mission (1) To safeguard the welfare of workers whilst ensuring labour providers operate within the law The mission will be achieved by:

    6. 6 GLA Mission (2) Introduction of system to licence labour Communication of legal requirement Impose least burden on LP and LU GLA Standards Compliance Enforcement by GLA Enforcement with others Monitor effectiveness

    7. 7 Scope/Offences Agriculture, Horticulture, Shellfish Gathering, Food Processing & Packaging. Operating as LP without licence (<10) Engaging services of unlicensed LP (<.5) Using false documentation Obstructing compliance/enforcement

    8. 8 Setting Up The GLA Formed 1 Apr 05 Opened for Business 6 Apr 06 Joint Effort: GLA Board LPs LUs (Suppliers) Retailers Defra TUs

    9. 9 GLA Licensing Process Application Cleared Funds Intelligence/OGD Checks (6) Application Inspection Possible Licence Decisions Refuse Grant with ALCs Grant

    10. 10 GLA Licensing Standards Possession of Valid Licences Payment of Wages, Tax, NI, VAT, Deductions, etc Debt Bondage, Harsh Treatment or Intimidation Workers’ Accommodation Hours Worked. Working Time Regs, etc H&S (including Training) Recruitment & Contractual Arrangements Sub-Contracting Identity Issues. Under-age Working

    11. 11 GLA Licensing Standards Critical non-compliances (30 points) Major non-compliances (8 points) Reportable non-compliances (4 points) Correctable non-compliances (2 points)

    12. 12 GLA Enforcement Strategy Intelligence Licensing Compliance Enforcement Communication Policy

    13. 13 GLA and the AS WRS in GLA sectors: 17% in UK 33% in Scotland 27% in the South West 24% in East Anglia 23% in the South East 20% in Northern Ireland <10% in Wales and London

    14. 14 GLA Enforcement Strategy Strategic Assessment Intelligence CRR/ERR

    15. 15 AS8 Workers in GLA Sector May 2004 – June 2006 71,620 AS WRS workers in the GLA regulated sector. 17% of the total of 427,095 41,020 (57%) of WRS workers working in GLA regulated sectors were Polish 121,580 WRS workers came from Lithuania, Slovakia and Latvia. 17% of the registered total from Lithuania, 10% from Slovakia and 6% from Latvia.

    16. 16 Main Challenges Manage stakeholder expectations Overseas LPs Shellfish Hampton Measuring outcomes VFM Accommodation

    17. 17 Accommodation Accommodation Offset Displacement Concealment Working Group

    18. 18 Questions/Discussion

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