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Meat. Today you will learn how to…. List factors affecting the selection of meats Describe principles of cooking meat Describe how to store and prepare meats. What is Meat?. Meat is the edible portions of mammals. In the U.S., the major meat-producing animals are cattle, swine and sheep.

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  1. Meat

  2. Today you will learn how to… List factors affecting the selection of meats Describe principles of cooking meat Describe how to store and prepare meats.

  3. What is Meat? • Meat is the edible portions of mammals. • In the U.S., the major meat-producing animals are cattle, swine and sheep. • You need 2-3 servings from the meat group per day. • Each serving is a total of 5-7 oz.

  4. Nutritional Value of Meat The amount of fat meat contributes to the diet depends on the quality of the meat. Meats are good sources of: iron, phosphorus, copper, thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin

  5. Where’s the Beef!?

  6. Where’s the Beef!? • Beef comes from mature cattle over 12 months of age. • Beef is usually bright, cherry red in color with white fat. • They are classified according to age and sex.

  7. Beef • It’s the largest animal used for food. • Wholesale cuts are the sides cut into quarters and then into smaller pieces. • Retail cuts are wholesale cuts still cut into smaller pieces at the grocery store.

  8. Ground beef • Ground beef - contains only the fat originally attached to the meat before grinding. • Hamburger - can have extra fat added to it during grinding.

  9. Other Meats • Veal - a very young beef. Cattle less than 3 months of age. • Pork - meat of a swine. Swine that are 7-12 months old. • Lamb - meat of sheep. Sheep less than 1 year old. Small animal used for meat. • Variety Meats - the edible parts of the animal other than the muscles. EX) liver, heart, kidney, tongue, and sweetbreads.

  10. Inspection and Grading • Federal inspectors must examine all meat and meat products shipped across state lines. • The USDA (US dept. of Agriculture) oversees the grading program. • Graded based on marbling, maturity, texture and appearance.

  11. The USDA shield assures consumers meat has met certain standards of quality USDA PRIME USDA CHOICE USDA SELECT

  12. Storing Meat • Freezer Storage: • Type of Meat • Luncheon meat • Ham • Ground meats • Pork cuts • Lamb • Beef • Refrigerator Storage: • Type of Meat • Fresh meat cuts • Ground meats • Variety meats • Leftover cooked meats

  13. Cooking Meat • Using too high of a cooking temp can result in cooking losses. • Fat, water and other unstable substances that evaporate from the surface of the meat. • Causes meat to shrink, and decrease in size and weight.

  14. Don’t have a probe thermometer handy to judge your meat’s level of doneness?  Experienced chefs often test steak doneness by feel.  As meat cooks it firms up (cooking protein causes it to tighten and expel moisture). By using your hand as a reference, you can tell how cooked your meat is by how it springs back when pressed.

  15. Beef Cookery Methods • Frying • Cooking in Fat • Deep Fat Frying • Pan Frying • Dry Heat Methods • Tender Cuts • Roasting • Broiling • Pan-broiling • Stir-Frying • Moist Heat Methods • Less Tender Cuts • Braising - brown in small amounts of oil, add liquid and cover. Simmer unitl tender. • Cooking in Liquid • Boiling • Steaming • Simmering

  16. Taco Casserole Mini Sliders

  17. Day 1: • 1. Brown beef, onions, peppers and seasoning in a skillet on your stovetop • 2. Place biscuits in bottom of a greased casserole dish and press into thin crust • 3. Pour your meat mixture onto your crust • 4. Top with optional toppings • 5. Label your K# and P# • 6. Store in cooler

  18. Day 2: Bake…eat and enjoy!

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