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What Does It Mean To Be Filled With The Spirit

What Does It Mean To Be Filled With The Spirit . Eph esians 5:18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;. Temperament. “Temperament is the combination of inborn traits that subconsciously affects man’s behavior”

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What Does It Mean To Be Filled With The Spirit

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  1. What Does It Mean To Be Filled With The Spirit Ephesians5:18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;

  2. Temperament “Temperament is the combination of inborn traits that subconsciously affects man’s behavior” Tim Lahaye, Spirit Controlled Temperament.

  3. Hippocrates 460 - 370 B.C Credited with coining the Hippocratic Oath, still relevant and in use today.

  4. Blood - Sanguine • Yellow Bile - Choleric • Black Bile - Melancholy • Phlegm - Phlegmatic

  5. Sparky Sanguine Extrovert *He is the pleasure seeking, sociable, lively, and enjoying temperament.

  6. Sparky Sanguine Good salesmen Hospital workers Teachers Actors Public speakers Occasionally good leaders

  7. Weaknesses *He is impractical and disorganized. *He seldom lives up to his potential. *He is great at starting something and never finishing them.

  8. Weaknesses *He easily forgets his appointments, and obligations *He can go overboard and become obnoxious by dominating, not just the major part of the conversion, but all of it.

  9. Rocky Choleric Extrovert The hot, quick, active, practical, strong-willed temperament

  10. Rocky Choleric *They make executives, idea men, producers, dictators, or even criminals, depending on their moral standards.

  11. Weaknesses *Christian compassion is foreign to his nature. *He is thick-skinned and unsympathetic toward other people, their dreams, and needs.

  12. Weaknesses *He can be cruel, running roughshod over the feelings of others. *It is hard for him to apologize.

  13. Weaknesses *Success can make him very proud, haughty, and domineering to the point where he becomes obnoxious *He makes others frustrated, feeling they can never please him.

  14. Maestro Melancholy He is the analytical and quit temperament. He often referred to as the “Black, or dark temperament.”

  15. Maestro Melancholy *Many of the world’s geniuses, artists, musicians, inventors, and educators were melancholy.

  16. Weaknesses *He is self-centered. His self-centeredness isusually covered up through his willingness to sacrifice. *He is consistently self examining himself *He is prone to depression.

  17. Weaknesses *He is easily offended or insulted, “he carries his feeling on his sleeve”. *He is pessimistic. *He is indecisive and fearful of making decisions because he doesn't want to be wrong.

  18. Weaknesses *He makes marriage very difficult because 90 percent of the time his partner never measures up to whatis expected of her. *Because of his sensitive nature he can harbor feeling of resentment and animosity for years.

  19. Flip Phlegmatic *He is the relaxed and peaceful temperament.

  20. Flip Phlegmatic *He makes a good diplomat, accountant, teacher, leader, scientist, or other meticulous-type worker.

  21. Weaknesses *He is prone to be slow and lazy. *He can be stubborn and opposed to change of any kind.

  22. Weaknesses *He is selfish, looking at an opportunity presented to him as, “what is it going to cost me?” or “What will it take out of me? *He is indecisive.

  23. Ephesians4:22 That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts

  24. Dr. Henry Brandt once stated: “You can use your background as an excuse for present behavior only until you receive Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior. After that you have a new power within you that is able to change you conduct.”

  25. How do I start? • Seek righteousness • By confessing any unconfessed sin that may be in your life. • Submit yourself completely to God. • Ask God to fill you. • Believe

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