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Revelation – End Times – Prophecy. Revelation 1:1-9. John the Baptist. John the apostle, the son of Zebedee. Between 81 AD and 95 AD. Who is John writing to?. From whom does John e xpress grace and peace?. What is biblical grace & biblical peace?. Why are grace and peace
Revelation – End Times – Prophecy
John the apostle, the son of Zebedee
From whom does John express grace and peace?
What is biblical grace & biblical peace?
Why are grace and peace from God significant at the beginning of this book?
Faithful witness of the • truth concerning Himself • and His mission
Faithful witness of the • reality that God has in store • for human life through faith • in Jesus
Faithful witness of the • things to come
“Firstborn from the dead” The first one who was raised and never died again
The ruler of the kings of the earth
He has set us free from our sins by His blood
He has made us a kingdom (WE are the kingdom)
He has made us priests to His God and Father
How does who Jesus IS and what He has DONE impact your response to His Word?
He is the firstborn from the dead
He is the ruler of the kings of the earth
He has set us free from our sins by His blood
He has made us priests of His God and Father
To Him belong the glory and dominion forever and ever
PAY ATTENTION because He is coming