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Corporate Background. Work Term Context. Process Technologies. CMM Level Three: Defined. All projects use standardized management and engineering processes for software development and maintenance.
Corporate Background Work Term Context Process Technologies CMM Level Three: Defined. All projects use standardized management and engineering processes for software development and maintenance. CMC Electronics stands on a solid reputation based on over one hundred years of innovation. Today, CMCE is widely recognized to be a world leader in the design, manufacture, sales and support of high-technology electronic products for the aerospace and communication markets. System Architecture Program Abstract MKS Integrity DOORS Conclusion MHP FMCDU Software and HardwareSystem Architecture Software Process Maturity Overview Sikorsky Cyclone CH-148 The FMCDU creates an interactive display to present critical flight data, mission data and communication system status to the aircraft crew. Citations and Acknowledgements Flight Management Control Display Unit • Student Background • Honours Bachelor of Computing. Three of four co-op semesters completed. • Previous Co-op Work Experience: • Blue Coat Systems (2005) - Quality Assurance. • Rogers Cable (2006) - Development Support.Third Prize Winner for Best Work Term Report • Work Term Goals: • Broaden software development skills. • Develop agile decision-making practices. • Expand time management abilities. • Increase ability to conceptualize large projects. Measuring, Analyzing and Improving About CMC Electronics Inc. 1901 Guglielmo Marconi successfully makes the first trans-oceanic wireless transmission. 1902Marconi founds the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company. 1925 Company name changed to Canadian Marconi Company. 60sCorporate focus moves towards aircraft navigation, monitoring and display systems. 2001 Company name changed to CMC Electronics. “ ” • October 2003: CMC Electronics was assessed and certified with CMM Level Three. This level provides a foundation from which all engineering processes will be examined and decisions can be made on how to improve them. • A component of this certification is reliant upon the technologies being utilized within the process management infrastructure: • MKS Integrity™ is used for software version control, code and development path management, review session logging and issue tracking. • Telelogic DOORS® is used for managing and tracing system requirements. Marconi co. circa 1910 “ ” Foundation, Application and Interface Integration Layers • The MHP FMCDU system is constructed on three levels: • Interface layer contains the graphical user interface (GUI) software to manage user data and response feedback. • Application layer includes application programming interfaces (API), drivers, the kernel and operating system software. • Foundation layer consists of the existing open hardware architecture. • The Maritime Helicopter Project (MHP) • Engineering of software design and development of flight computer systems. • Replacing systems on board aging Sikorsky Sea-King Helicopters. • System will include components for Flight Management, Mission Data Management, and Communication Management. • MHP conducted to support Naval Surface Warfare, Sub-surface Warfare and Search and Rescue operations. • Two Flight Management Control Display Units (FMCDUs) located in cockpit. • Traceable. All components of software functionality and low-level implementation detail must be traceable to a higher level of system and customer requirements. • Defined. Software which requires a very high degree of dependability necessitates a rigid and highly defined process management infrastructure. • Consistent. A corporation-wide set of procedures for design, implementation and maintenance will ensure that all aspects of the product lifecycle are well controlled and documented. “ • In general, lives will ultimately depend on the reliability of flight equipment. • Developing commercial and military aviation equipment must take place in a very sensitive and high precision environment. ” Software Capability Maturity Model (CMM) • Internationally recognized standard for software development. • The model helps judge the maturity of the software processes of an organization. A ranking between one and five indicates the evolutionary stage for the key procedures in practice. • Describes and provides company guidelines used for managing and developing software. • A proven model. Benefits include: • Reliable on-time delivery • Higher product quality • Predictable expenses 5. Optimizing • Thanks to: • My supervisor, Kevin Sanford and my coworkers, Bryan Lowe and Felix Petngang. • My co-op support in Guelph: Deborah Stacey, Sharon Popkey and Bruce Wilson. • Source Document References: • CMCE Corporate Outline and Presentation. 1999-2006. • CMCE Capability and Demonstration Brochure. 2005. • Maritime Helicopter Program Reference Document. 2003-06. • New Hire Orientation Training Material – Marlene Walker. 2006. • Co-op Student Activities • Working as a member of the Military Software Engineering team. • Working closely with the FMCDU device. • Writing, proofreading and editing software design and requirements documents. • Developing embedded user interface keyboard and display software for the FMCDU in C and in Ada languages. • Conducting and participating in review sessions to examine produced work. 4. Managed 3. Defined 2. Repeatable 1. Initial Capability Maturity Model Stages