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2.2.3 Motherboard. Identify the location of the central processing unit (CPU), expansion slots, expansion cards, RAM slots, ports and connectors on the motherboard.
E N D Identify the location of the central processing unit (CPU), expansion slots, expansion cards, RAM slots, ports and connectors on the motherboard. Kenal pasti lokasi unit pemprosesan pusat (CPU), slot pengembangan, kadpengembangan, slot RAM, pelabuhan dan penyambung pada motherboard.
A CPU socket is a connector built into the motherboard where the CPU (central processing unit) goes. Most motherboards use the PGA (Pin Grid Array) architecture which means that there is a grid of holes, in which a particular CPU's pins will fit into. Soket CPU adalah penyambung yang dibina ke dalam motherboard di mana CPU (unit pemprosesan pusat) pergi. Kebanyakan papan induk menggunakan seni bina PGA (PinGrid Array) yang bermaksud bahawa terdapat grid lubang, di mana pin CPU tertentuakan dimuatkan ke dalam.
In 20/24 pin configurations, the Mini-Fit Jr. connector may be used on ATX motherboards as the main power connector. 4, 6 and 8 pin configurations of the same style of connector are used for additional CPU power and graphics card power. This is changing as power, signal and speed requirements increase in sophistication and electronic requirements. More commonly, the Mini-Fit, Jr. can be found in consumer applications, such as white goods, requiring high density and high current. • These connectors are polarized so that they usually cannot be inserted incorrectly, and lock into position using a latch.
A RAM slot or what is sometimes called an expansion slot is a rectangular slot that is built into the motherboard. A RAM slot is used to place expansion cards in it, such as RAM cards to increase the amount of RAM that is on the computer. The main purpose of the RAM slot or expansion slot, is just for the user to be able to increase the amount of RAM on their computer. Satu slot RAM atauapa yang kadang-kadangdipanggil slot pengembanganialahslotsegiempat yang dibinakedalam motherboard. Satu slot RAM yang digunakanuntukmeletakkankadpengembangandidalamnya, sepertikad RAM untukmeningkatkanjumlah RAM yang adadikomputer. Tujuanutama slot RAM atau slot pengembangan,hanyauntukpenggunamampuuntukmeningkatkanjumlah RAM padakomputermereka.
Integrated Drive Electronics (IDE) is a generic term applied to any drive with an integrated (built-in) disk controller. The first drives with integrated controller were Hardcards. In the IDE architecture, the disk controller is integrated into the drive. This combination drive/controller assembly usually plugs into an interface on the motherboard or an interface card plugged into an empty bus slot. • Enhanced IDE (EIDE) was a marketing program first initiated by Western Digital. EIDE has two sides: Software - the Enhanced BIOS Specification that surpasses the 504 MB hard drive capacity limitation Hardware - hard drives that conform to the ATA-2 and ATA-PI Standards
The floppy disk interface uses what is likely the strangest cable of all those in PCs today. It is similar to the standard IDE cable in that it is usually a flat, gray ribbon cable. It is unusual in terms of the number of connectors it has and how it is used to configure the setup of the floppy disks in the system. The floppy disk interface uses what is likely the strangest cable of all those in PCs today. It is similar to the standard IDE cable in that it is usually a flat, gray ribbon cable. It is unusual in terms of the number of connectors it has and how it is used to configure the setup of the floppy disks in the system.
The ISA card-edge connector is used to connect peripheral cards to the motherboard of PC compatible computers. The "ISA Connector" is actually two card-edge connectors one 62-pin, one 36-pin. The 36-pin connector (designated as having pins C1-D18) was added for 16-bit I/O at the time the IBM PC/AT was developed. Kad-ujung penyambung ISA digunakan untuk menyambung kad persisian untukmotherboard komputer PC yang serasi. "ISA Penyambung" sebenarnya adalah dua kadkelebihan penyambung 62-pin, satu 36-pin. Penyambung 36-pin (ditetapkan sebagaimempunyai pin C1-D18) telah ditambah selama 16 bit I / O pada masa IBM PC / ATtelah dibangunkan.
The PCI slot is one of longest existing slots on a motherboard, and were expansion slots for cards like modem, lan cards, sound cards even old video cards. Now most of the listed devices are integrated into the motherboards, so there is lesser use for PCI slots. Mostly there are used today for soundcards, better ones than the onboard sound from the motherboard, and TV capture cards. Slot PCI adalahsalahsatu slot terpanjang yang sediaadapada motherboard, danslotpengembangankadseperti modem, kadlan, kadbunyiwalaupunkad video lama.Kebanyakanperanti yang tersenaraidisepadukankedalampapaninduk, makapenggunaan slot PCI yang lebihkecilbagi. Kebanyakannyadigunakanhariiniuntuksoundcards, orang-orang yang lebihbaikdaripadabunyipesawatdari motherboard, dankadpenangkapan TV.
The serial port is a type of connection on PCs that is used for peripherals such as mice, gaming controllers, modems, and older printers Port siriadalahjenissambunganpada PC yang digunakanuntukperalatansepertitikus,pengawalpermainan, modem, danpencetak yang lebihtua
A parallel interface for connecting an external device such as a printer. Most personal computers have both a parallel port and at least one serial port. Antaramukaselariuntukmenyambungperantiluaransepertipencetak. Kebanyakankomputerperibadimempunyai port selaridansekurang-kurangnyasatu port siri.
A number of integrated circuits designed to perform one or more related functions. For example, one chipset may provide the basic functions of a modem while another provides the CPU functions for a computer. Newer chipsets generally include functions provided by two or more older chipsets. In some cases, older chipsets that required two or more physical chips can be replaced with a chipset on one chip. Beberapalitarbersepadu yang direkauntukmelaksanakansatuataulebihfungsi yang berkaitan. Sebagaicontoh, satu chipset bolehmenyediakanfungsiasasmodemmanakalaseoranglagimenyediakanfungsi CPU untukkomputer. Baruchipsetumumnyatermasukfungsi yang disediakanolehduaataulebih chipset lebihtua. Dalamsesetengahkes, lebihtua chipset yang memerlukanduaataulebihcipfizikalbolehdigantikandengan chipset padasatucip.
A USB port is a standard cable connection interface on personal computers and consumer electronics. USB ports allow stand-alone electronic devices to be connected via cables to a computer (or to each other). USB stands for Universal Serial Bus, an industry standard for short-distance digital data communications. USB allows data to be transferred between devices. USB ports can also supply electric power across the cable to devices without their own power source. • Both wired and wireless versions of the USB standard exist, although only the wired version involves USB ports and cables.
PS/2 Keyboard Connector Keyboard Plug
The keyboard connector is the device at the end of the cable that is used to attach the keyboard to the system. Penyambungpapankekunciperantipadaakhirkabel yang digunakanuntukmelampirkan keyboard kepadasistem.
PS/2 Mouse Connector Mouse Connector
The PS/2 connector is a 6-pin Mini-DIN connector used for connecting some keyboards and mice to a PC compatible computer system. Its name comes from the IBM Personal System/2 series of personal computers, with which it was introduced in 1987. The PS/2 mouse connector generally replaced the older DE-9RS-232 "serial mouse" connector, while the PS/2 keyboard connector replaced the larger 5-pin/180° DIN connector used in the IBM PC/AT design. The PS/2 designs on keyboard and mouse interfaces are electrically similar and employ the same communication protocol. However, a given system's keyboard and mouse port may not be interchangeable since the two devices use a different set of commands.
Serial communication is a popular means of transmitting data between a computer and a peripheral device such as a programmable instrument or even another computer. • Serial communication uses a transmitter to send data, one bit at a time, over a single communication line to a receiver. You can use this method when data transfer rates are low or you must transfer data over long distances. • Serial communication is popular because most computers have one or more serial ports, so no extra hardware is needed other than a cable to connect the instrument to the computer or two computers together.
A Video Graphics Array (VGA) connector is a three-row 15-pin DE-15 connector. The 15-pin VGA connector is found on many video cards, computer monitors, and some high definition television sets. • On laptop computers or other small devices, a mini-VGA port is sometimes used in place of the full-sized VGA connector.
A parallel port is a type of interface found on computers (personal and otherwise) for connecting various peripherals. In computing, a parallel port is a parallel communication physical interface. It is also known as a printer port or Centronics port. The IEEE 1284 standard defines the bi-directional version of the port, which allows the transmission and reception of data bits at the same time.
Audio Out Jack (Middle) Microphone Jack (Left)
In the UK, the terms jack plug and jack socket are commonly used for the respective male and female TRS connectors.[2] In the U.S., a stationary (more fixed) electrical connector is called a "jack".[3][4] The terms phone plug and phone jack are sometimes used to refer to TRS connectors,[5] but are also sometimes used colloquially to refer to RJ11 and older telephone plugs and the corresponding jacks that connect wired telephones to wall outlets (the similar terms phono plug and phono jack refer to RCA connectors though both plug types are used in tandem when a computer or MP3 player connects to a stereo). In conversation, the diameter is often added to specify which size — quarter-inch phone plug or 3.5 mm phone jack for the unbalanced two-channel three-contact version, and balanced TRS jack or TRS phone plug for the balanced one-channel three-contact version • A TRS connector (tip, ring, sleeve) is a common family of connector typically used for analog signals including audio. It is cylindrical in shape, typically with three contacts, although sometimes with two (a TS connector) or four (a TRRS connector). • It is also termed an audio jack, phone jack, phone plug, and jack plug. Specific models are termed stereo plug, mini-jack, mini-stereo, headphone jack, tiny telephone connector and bantam plug.
Sockets on computers and network devices are known as "ports." A network port is also called a LAN port --- LAN stands for Local Area Network --- which is an industry term for a private network. The leading set of standards for the physical properties of LANs is called Ethernet. The Ethernet recommendations evolve over time, each new addition creating faster and more efficient networks. The latest series of Ethernet standards covers networks that can transfer data at more than a thousand million bits per second. This is a gigabit LAN. RJ45 is the common name for connecting the network cable to the computer
2. Figure 11 show a computer motherboard.Rajah 11 menunjukkanpapanlitarindukkomputer.
Based on figure above, answers the question that follow.Berdasarkan rajah diatas, jawabsoalanberikut.a. What is the function of the motherboard on the computer?Apakahfungsipapanlitarindukkomputer?The motherboard represents the logical foundation of the computer. The primary function of the motherboard chipset is to direct this data to the correct area’s of the motherboard, and therefore the correct components.Motherboard mewakiliasas yang logikkomputer. Fungsiutama chipset motherboard adalahuntukmengarahkan data inikepadakawasan yang betul motherboard, danolehitukomponen yang betul.
b. State two components attach directly to motherboard.Nyatakanduakomponen yang disertakanbersamadenganpapanlitarinduk.Other components attach directly to it, such as the memory, CPU (Central Processing Unit), graphics card, sound card, disk drives, along with various external ports and peripherals.Komponen-komponen lain melampirkansecaralangsungkepadanya, sepertimemori,CPU (Central Processing Unit), kadgrafik, kadbunyi, pemacucakera, bersama-samadenganpelbagaipelabuhanpersisiandanluar.
c. Most motherboards have one or more expansions slots. What are function of expansion slot?Kebanyakanpapanlitarindukmempunyaisatuataulebih slot pengembangan. Apakahfungsi slot pengembangan?The function of expansion slots are exactly like their name. they are meant to hold extra devices. They “expand” your systems ability to have hardware.Fungsi slot pengembanganadalahsamasepertinamamereka. merekabertujuanuntukmemegangperantitambahan. Mereka "mengembangkan" keupayaansistemandamempunyaiperkakasan.
Prepared by :- ArinaDayanabtJamalllulil NurAmaninabtRuslan