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Socio-Cultural & Economic Empowerment in Child Health

Explore the link between female empowerment and child health from a Socio-Cultural & Economic perspective. Learn about the "5E 9D NUT+GEN" model and real-world cases of successful interventions in Gujarat, Chandigarh, Madhya Pradesh, and Ethiopia. Discover how government, businesses, NGOs, and communities play crucial roles in tackling malnutrition.

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Socio-Cultural & Economic Empowerment in Child Health

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  1. Networking Event & Workshop on Exploring Link between Female Empowerment and Child Health Organized by University of Nottingham, UK & A N Sinha Institute of Social Studies, Patna(March 18, 2019)Socio-Cultural & Economic Perspective of Women Empowerment and Child Health “5E 9D NUT+GEN”- A Suggestive Model Prof. Rajiv R Thakur PhD. Dean-Development & Professor, Strategy , BIMTECH, Gr. Noida www.rajivrthakur.comrajivrthakurworldpress.com Dr Vinita SrivastavaPh D Assistant Professor, Marketing, Jaipuria Inst. Of Management, Noida

  2. Socio-Cultural & Economic Context Nutrition Child Health Women Empowerment

  3. Support network ECOSYSTEM (Socio-Cultural, Economic & Others) • Government • Business • Agencies • Society • Community • Women & Children • Self help groups • NGOs • Panchayats • Social activists • Contributor • Beneficiaries An integrated and holistic approach including various stakeholders – Contributor, Beneficiary, Middle Agencies designed around Right Channels and Right interventions.

  4. Case 1. Dang –A Tribal District, Gujarat“Mission BalamSukham” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtfFgsjPlJY) • Govt. of Gujarat launched the mission in 2012. • Designed and launched to mitigate the problems of malnutrition in children through an integrated and holistic approach including various stakeholders, departments and interventions. First, the government established separate ministry, department and officers for child and women welfare to drive the movement in the state. Had 3 way action by i.)establishing channel, from the government in form of departments/ministry, ii.) involving community groups as a middle men and iii.)empowering beneficiaries. Increased communication between community support networks like Panchayati raj, self-help groups, nutrition committee and citizens Launched nutrition supplementation programs. Curative measures by dividing the children in categories according to their health need and provided care in accordance with it. It has also provided facility and infrastructure.

  5. Case 1. Dang- A Tribal District, Gujarat“Mission BalamSukham” Impact: • Improvement in male:female sex ratio from 1000: 900 to 1000:1007 • Focus on Women in Particular • Increase in property in name of women with policies like duty relief when property registered in name of women, increased formal employment of women in animal husbandry units which increases income and also bonus from profits. These steps carried empowerment to women. • Ensured Infrastructure like 24hrs full facility ambulances and free care in private and govt. hospitals also ensured doctor attendance that improve the infant mortality rate and mother’s death rate through ChinranjiviYojna • Curative measures that provide nutrient, supplement to child and mothers also ensured attendance of Anganwadi workers by encouraging them with different awards and recognition regularly.

  6. Case 2. ChandigarhAnganwadiand slum case • Study by Dr. Prakarsh Singh in 4 field experiments in association with state government targeting child malnutrition in Chandigarh, West Bengal and Punjab in 2010. Introduced 2 things to help the Chandigarh Case • First introduced a recipe book for mothers that provided list of food which should be given to child and mother for the proper nourishment. • Secondly, introduced incentive plan for the Anganwadi workers who lacks attention to their work of caring of children. (worker getting $3 for every child who gets improvement in health and gets deducted $1 from bonus if a child health goes down. This had encouraging results) • The combination of both were vital, one without second was not helpful as noticed in the experiment. The results were tremendous • Got 4% decrease in the situation of malnutrition in a quarter. • Cost-benefit ratio of this experiment was calculated as $1:$16.

  7. Case 3. Madhya PradeshRMF(Real Medicine Foundation)eradicating Malnutrition • This state of India carries largest malnutrition burden of the country. • 60% of its children under 5 are malnourished. • Real medicine foundation in collaboration with IMF has given its effort in eradicating malnutrition in 500 villages of MP • Approach was simple and efficient. These were some measures: • Created a strong partnership with government, different NGOs, businesses to gain access to local resources that could be used for this purpose. • Idea was simple, just to fix a meet of supply and demand, i.e. to provide local resources to the local communities by spreading awareness, education about nutrition to child and most importantly to mothers. • Focused on education of mothers, who in turn take right care of the child because they believe that women who knows can automatically prevent malnutrition in their children.

  8. Case 4 Ethiopia, Somali region, Intervention by VSF-Suisse: • The Somali region of Ethiopia is the most severe hit by chronic and acute malnutrition with the rate of 27.4% and 22.7% respectively. • These are the pastoral regions of Ethiopia. VSF-Suisse came up with some interventions as follows: •Nutrition-sensitive Interventions: VSF-Suisse intervened by linking agriculture and livestock to community in order to meet the nutrition of the people. This include animal based food like meat and milk availed to households from local market and also provided 9 milk giving goats in an effort to fulfil the nutrition needs. It was observed that above intervention makes improvement in health of children but not enough. It also lead to decline of mothers who breastfeed their children from 12% to nil due to availability of goat milk.

  9. Case 4 Ethiopia, Somali region, Intervention by VSF-Suisse: • Pastoral community platforms: They used Pastoral community platforms of Pastoral field school (PFS) and Village community banks (VICOBA) to improve community on awareness, education and finances. The PFS include group of community members who meet regularly sharing their observation on livestock, land management and spread awareness about breastfeeding, Hygiene etc. on the other hand, VICOBAs were the groups with women members who were trained and meet regularly to organise collective savings and loans to fight droughts and emergencies. • Result of above as in BCIN action research: The behavioural change for improved nutrition has prepared an action research which gives the evidence that by including communication of important nutrition and health information to community in the routine activity of Pastoral community platforms gives a tremendous benefit and improvement in health condition of the community. The platforms gave knowledge about breastfeeding, optimal young child feeding practices, food safety and personal hygiene which in turn have positive impact

  10. What do Cases Suggest: The Right Interventions ECOSYSTEM Political Comitment/Policy Intervention Budgetary capacity Monitoring

  11. A Case of Failure Bhagnocha, VaishaliDist , Bihar (Study at SarojSewaSansthan) Population: 2500 Cast: Brahmins, Yadav, Rajput, Dhanuk, Kurmi, Chamar, Dusadh, Kayasth, Tikulhar, Parvar, Tatma, Teli. Electricity in 2012 Literacy rate : 60% Crippled Aganwadis Lack of Awareness and Voice in Women (A Woman with the voice is by definition a strong woman– Melinda Gates) Nearest health centre: 5Km at Mahnar Provision for Nurses but Absent (Quacks) Gender ratio: 892:1000 Malnutrition and Health issues like TB/ Diarrhoea/malaria most common

  12. Female Empowerment and Child Health“5E 9D NUT+ GEN”: A Suggestive Model ECOSYSTEM Nut+ Nutrition + e.g.Hygiene) Women Empowerment (5E:9D) Gen (Genuity)

  13. Empowering Women 5E 9D

  14. Empowering Women: Essential 5Es

  15. Nav Durga: 9 different Manifestations of Durga

  16. Empowering Women: 9D(Key Traits in Women derived from NavDurga)

  17. NUT+ Nutrition+ (e.g. Hygiene)

  18. GEN Genuity

  19. 5E 9D NUT+GEN : In a Nutshell Salient Points of “5E 9D NUT+ GEN” Model for Women Empowerment and Child Health • Reinforces integrated approach including every Stakeholder • Has a Socio – Cultural, Economic & Other Context • Emphasizes efficiency and effectiveness of the Channel Focusing on • Empowering Women (5E9D) • Nutrition plus Hygiene ( NUT+) • Genuity (GEN)

  20. 5E 9D NUT+GEN : • Change of Orientation: Change in thinking; Multi dimensional Intervention; aim at cumulative Impact • Identify the Target of Change • Design of the Project (e.g. sharpening the axe rather cutting the tree) • Develop Distinctive Character for the project • Innovation : Concepts like Social Collaterals; Arvind Eye Care engaging young girls as employee in hospital • Technology Intervention – Genuity, Scale, Scope, Efficiency

  21. 5E 9D NUT+GEN : Limitations • Model is Suggestive only at this stage • Need to be tested and Validated • Action plain is to be detailed under each unit suggested

  22. Thank You All

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