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2010 NYC CCoC SuperNOFA SHP and SC Renewal Programs Evaluation Training

Presented by. Joanna Weissman, Executive DirectorPolicy and Research, DHSJim Mutton, Co-chair of the NYC CCOC Evaluation CommitteeProject RenewalMichael Zuriff, Co-chair of the NYC CCOC Evaluation CommitteeThe Bridge, Inc.Aleida ValentinSenior Policy Analyst, DHSMerih AnilSenior Policy

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2010 NYC CCoC SuperNOFA SHP and SC Renewal Programs Evaluation Training

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    1. 2010 NYC CCoC SuperNOFA SHP and S+C Renewal Programs Evaluation Training

    2. Presented by Joanna Weissman, Executive Director Policy and Research, DHS Jim Mutton, Co-chair of the NYC CCOC Evaluation Committee Project Renewal Michael Zuriff, Co-chair of the NYC CCOC Evaluation Committee The Bridge, Inc. Aleida Valentin Senior Policy Analyst, DHS Merih Anil Senior Policy Analyst, DHS

    3. Agenda Evaluation Training Goals 2009 Evaluation Committee Overview 2010 Evaluation Instrument Brief Introduction to Site Visit Process

    4. 2010 NYC CCOC Evaluation Training Goals: To provide information and tips trainees can use to complete the evaluation package more efficiently. To identify common pitfalls and help trainees to avoid those mistakes. To improve NYC CCOC’s performance outcomes in the 2010 HUD NOFA application.

    5. Projects that are required to participate in the 2010 Evaluation Process All SHP and S+C projects previously funded by the NYC CCoC that will expire in calendar year 2011

    6. 2010 Evaluation Time Frame Submission Deadline: January 22, at 4pm. Mail-in Submission; Hand-in Delivery; or Electronic Submission. February 18, 2010: Site Visits Scheduled February 19, 2010: Site Visit Training Site Visits Will Occur Between February 25 – March 25 April 15, 2010: Preliminary Evaluation Ranking Released All programs have 7 days to appeal scores Decision on appeals will be finalized in 10 days Final Evaluation Ranking Released on May 11, 2010 SuperNOFA Application Training Sessions TBD, depending on the release of the NOFA

    7. 2010 SuperNOFA Evaluation Instrument Overview Section 1: Threshold Review Criteria Section 2: Achievement of Goals and Objectives Section 3: Housing Performance Assessment Section 4: Mainstream Program & Employment Resources Performance Assessment Section 5: Chronic Homelessness Section 6: Consumer Satisfaction Survey Section 7a: S+C Vacancy Rates Section 7b: Expenditure of Funds Section 8: Site Visits

    8. Rules and Procedures on Portfolio Submission, Notification and Deadline The NYC CCoC Distribution List will be the medium of communication of deadlines. A minimum of three notices will be sent to providers; two email notices at the e-mail addresses provided in the NYC CCoC Distribution List and one hard copy letter to executive directors. All materials for submission should be downloaded from www.nychomeless.com. A deadline is a deadline. All portfolios are due no later 4:00 pm on January, 22,2010. Mail-in Submission to Aleida Valentin, 33 Beaver St., 20th Floor, NY, NY 10004 E-mail Submission to Merih Anil at manil@dhs.nyc.gov Hand Delivery to DHS, 33 Beaver Street (20th Floor) Wednesday, January 20, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Thursday, January 21, from 3:00 PM and 5:00 PM. Friday, January 22, from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM.

    9. Ranking Policies: Eligibility for Ranking To be eligible for ranking, all SHP and S+C renewal projects must meet the application deadline of January 22,2010 must be consistent with the Consolidated Plan must apply for one year of funding.

    10. Eligibility for Ranking: Threshold Criteria To be eligible for ranking, all SHP and S+C Renewal Programs must also pass the threshold criteria below: Operation at 75% capacity - Capacity is defined as HUD APR program capacity (APR question 3C). Complete at least quarterly (4) annual uploads to the HMIS report server. If the SHP and S+C Renewal program does not pass the threshold criteria or are not exempt, the portfolio will be not be reviewed.

    11. Section 2: Achievement of APR Goals and Objectives - 10 Points (50 for Outreach)

    12. Section 3: Housing Performance Assessment - 30 Points Transitional Housing programs complete Appendix 3.a. This section measures the movement to permanent or transitional housing or treatment facility, APR Question 14. The benchmark for this section is 75%. Permanent Housing programs complete Appendix 3.b. This section measures the percentage of clients who have left and stayed in the program for 6 months or longer, APR Question 12a and 12b. The benchmark for this section is 80%. Safe Havens programs complete Appendix 3c. This section measures the movement to permanent or transitional housing or a treatment facility. Reference APR Question 14. The benchmark for this section is 75%.

    13. Section 4: Mainstream Program and Employment Resources Performance 15 Points (Mainstream Programs 10 pts. & Employment Resources 5 pts.) This section measures the percentage of residents who exit the program with no financial resources and the percentage of those who exit with employment resources. The benchmark is less than 10% of residents who leave, leave with no financial resources, or 90% or more of those who leave the program have some financial resources. For employment, the benchmark is that 20% leave with employment resources. APR Question 12(a) and 11(d). Outreach programs are exempt.

    14. Section 5: Chronic Homelessness Assessment – 10 Points This section measures a programs success in meeting the NYC CCoC Chronic Homeless Priority. There is an added 5b. Section for Safe Havens – the scoring remains the same (10 points). Programs that are not exempt and do not meet the chronic homeless placement requirements must provide an explanation for the reasons and extenuating circumstances. If the explanation is not reasonable, a 5 point deduction is taken.

    15. Section 6: Consumer Satisfaction Survey – 25 Points (40 Points for Outreach) All agencies are required to input the surveys into the NYC CCoC online database at www.nychomeless.com. Agencies are required to enter the surveys with either a client entering the surveys directly or to have a client witness the entry of surveys by staff, in either case clients must sign affidavit attached to evaluation document. The actual survey instruments are NOT to be submitted. Instead, a survey methodology page must be submitted, including the name and contact information of the staff administering the survey; the methodology, and the name and contact information for the client witness. Due date for consumer survey submission is Friday, January 22, 2010.

    16. Section 7a: Shelter Plus Care Vacancy Rate 10 Points This measurement is included in order to improve NYC CCoC’s score in the 2010 Super-NOFA application as this measurement is one of the measurements HUD takes into account in evaluating and ranking continuums of care nationally.

    17. Section 7b: Expenditure of Funds – 10 Points This measurement is to assess if providers use their grant monies in a timely and appropriate manner. Supportive Housing and Outreach Programs are required to complete this section.

    18. Section 8: Site Visits – 100 Points The Site Visit Evaluation reviews the performance indicators that are assessed in Sections 1-7a/b. In addition, service provision and staffing, facility and program information are reviewed and clients and staffs are interviewed. If a program’s score on Sections 1-7a/b ranks them in the bottom 10% or if a program’s score is below 70, then a Client, Coalition, and Government site visit team will conduct a mandated site visit in late February and March 2010, to be schedule during the month of February 2010. If a site visit is mandated then the final Evaluation Score for the program will be the average of the site visit score and the evaluation process (Sections 1-7a/b).

    21. Summary Avoid making arithmetic errors. Check for consistency among your responses both in your APRs and completed evaluation package. Check if you have missing sections from your evaluation package. Set program goals meeting or exceeding HUD standards.

    22. Tips for Submission Deadline is a deadline. Read all instructions carefully. Answer every question completely. Submit backup documentation when required. Include copy of most recent APR Ask Questions! All documents are on our website at www.nychomeless.com.

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