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An Anti Spam Action Strategy John Haydon, Australian Communications Authority

An Anti Spam Action Strategy John Haydon, Australian Communications Authority. 10 Principles. Partition the task National action, international cooperation High level commitment, multi-layered approach Strong anti spam legislation A Responsible agency Engage industry stakeholders

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An Anti Spam Action Strategy John Haydon, Australian Communications Authority

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  1. An Anti Spam Action StrategyJohn Haydon,Australian Communications Authority

  2. 10 Principles • Partition the task • National action, international cooperation • High level commitment, multi-layered approach • Strong anti spam legislation • A Responsible agency • Engage industry stakeholders • Promote Internet standards • Support Global industry or Government bodies • Use existing or established work • Consumer Education, Consumer Action

  3. Role of Governments • Establish or identify an agency /agencies with national and international responsibilities and powers. • Establish legislation drawing upon appropriate prior work (OECD Toolkit, ITU activities, the experience of other economies). • Establish bilateral and multilateral arrangements as appropriate. • Encourage and protect the anti spam activities of ISPs and ESPs, • e-marketers and consumers

  4. The Anti Spam Agency • Focus national activities and international cooperation and coordination against spam. • Educate consumers (behaviour on the net, maintenance of software, use of appropriate technology). • Coordinate with ISPs, ESPs and e-marketers on industry codes and responses to spam. • Enforce anti spam legislation. • Contribute to international cooperation by supporting relevant international bodies and arrangements with other economies.

  5. Industry • E-Marketers develop codes to set the extent of responsible and reasonable behaviour (to preserve the e-market). • ISPs and ESPs should develop codes for the governance and technical arrangements to limit spam. • Develop systems to assist the regulator to gather evidence for anti spam law enforcement action. • Software and anti spam systems providers support the work of relevant international bodies

  6. International Organisations • Build anti spam solutions within relevant areas of competence – i.e. goal is not to universalize rules but build on core competencies- e.g. • ICANN –management and use of the DNS and Internet addressing • ITU - network management • IETF - engineering standards for internet and e-mail • OECD - marketing and content, economics (major economies) • APEC - marketing and content, economics (Pacific economies) • ICPEN – practical investigation tools

  7. Consumers and the Public • Adopt responsible behaviour to limit spammers access to email addresses. • Maintain up to date computer operating systems, anti virus and anti spam software. • Assist ISPs, ESPs and the anti spam agency by providing evidence to assist in the enforcement of anti spam laws.

  8. Questions Contact details:Australian Communications Authority www.aca.gov.au1300 855 180john.haydon@aca.gov.au

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