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Status and Highlights Albert Migliori, Chair, NHMFL Science Advisory Council

Intended to be a supersonic flyby of relevant and recent status and highlights of broadly-selected NHMFL foci. Deeper detail will be posted on the NHMFL EAC Wiki. https://portal.magnet.fsu.edu/eac2010/default.aspx

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Status and Highlights Albert Migliori, Chair, NHMFL Science Advisory Council

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  1. Intended to be a supersonic flyby of relevant and recent status and highlights of broadly-selected NHMFL foci. • Deeper detail will be posted on the NHMFL EAC Wiki. • https://portal.magnet.fsu.edu/eac2010/default.aspx • The companion overview talk on “NHMFL Vision” and the single-topic talks will fill in more gaps. Status and HighlightsAlbert Migliori, Chair, NHMFL Science Advisory Council

  2. User Programs

  3. (1) Unique Ultra-Low Temperature Capabilities: • High sensitivity pulsed NMR low temperature electronics (preamplifier) • Sample rotator at mK temperatures: anisotropy of FQE • (2) Program Growth: • Added 10 mK, 10 T fast-turn around capability • Commissioned Bay 2 of UF Microkelvin Lab. (extends T to below 0.1 mK) • (3) Prominent Publications: • Ultra-Low T study of BEC Condensation of magnons(V. Zapf et al.) • Crossover from non-universal scaling regime in FQHE plateau (W. Pan, D. Tsui et al.) • Magnetism of 2D quantum magnets (M. Meisel (UF), A. Feher et al. (Šafárik Univ., Slovakia)et al.) High B/T ProgramNeil Sullivan

  4. 2nd run cycle for the 85T MS magnet user program. 85T MS magnet call for proposals was 100% oversubscribed. The 1st run cycle was completed in January 2010. • Installation of the PFF’s first helium reliquifier completed in the late spring reduced the LHe consumption of this well used magnet by approximately 80%. Pulsed Field Facility User Program Jonathan Betts Recent high-magnetic-field experiments on the "High Tc" cuprates; Fermi-surface instabilities as a driver for superconductivity;John Singleton, Ross McDonald and Susan Cox,Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter 404  350-353 (2009)  Exact mapping of the dx2?y2 Cooper-pair wavefunction onto the spin fluctuations in cuprates: the Fermi surface as a driver for 'high Tc' superconductivity;Ross D McDonald, Neil Harrison and John SingletonJ. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21 012201 (2009) Nearly isotropic superconductivity in (Ba,K)Fe2As2 H. Q. Yuan1, J. Singleton, F. F. Balakirev, S. A. Baily, G. F. Chen, J. L. Luo & N. L. Wang NATURE, 457,565 (2009)

  5. Completed assembly of 100T Outsert, (January 2009) • Completed conceptual design of Duplex user magnet upgrade. (October 2009) • Magnet Group awarded R&D 100 Award ( MRI for Carry-on Liquids) (October 2009) • Completed conceptual design of 95T – 100T insert upgrade (May 2010) • Commissioned 4 MJ Capacitor bank for User Program (June 2010) • Insert #3 fabricated and delivered as a spare (June 2010) • 177th 85T pulse (Insert #2) (July 2010) Pulsed Magnet ProgramChuck Swenson

  6. FlexTime: 30% more magnet time without increasing power charges. • 20T noise environment now comparable to other NHMFL magnets. • Advanced cryogenics. • 4 Power supplies upgraded from 10MW to 14 MW each. DC Field User ProgramEric Palm • Graphene – in 2009 - 17 distinct PIs, 9 of them new users • Quantum Oscillations in HTS – YBCO, pnictides, etc. Zhau, Y. et al, Phys. Rev. Lett., 104 066801 (2010) Coldea, A.I., et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 026404 (2009)

  7. Novel 25 T split resistive magnet coil and housing design complete • Reached 36 T with a resistive magnet in December 2009 (new record) • Developed conceptual design for 28 MW, 40 T magnets Resistive Magnet ProgramJack Toth & Jingping Chen

  8. Experimental Thrust: Through a series of recent hires in the Colleges and NHMFL, the infrastructure for materials growth and measurement has grown significantly. Condensed Matter Sciences ProgramJim Brooks • Chemical Vapor Deposition Laboratory for Nanowire Devices – Ongi Englander, ME • Molecular Beam Epitaxy Laboratory for Thin Oxide Films – Maitri Warusawithana, Physics • High Resolution X-ray Crystallography Laboratory for Single Crystal Analysis – Theo Siegrist, Chem. and BioEng. • Floating Zone Furnace Facility for Single Crystal Growth – Haidong Zhou, NHMFL 5µm

  9. Theory/Computational Thrust: Theoretical component of CMS has increased in number of faculty and Lab-related research with seven academic faculty actively involved in the CMS Theory program. Condensed Matter Sciences ProgramVladDobrosavljevic • Non-Abelian quasiparticles: fractional quantum Hall liquids and quantum computation. – Kun Yangand Nick Bonesteel • Theoretical approach to Dirac and related critical materials, wiki-physics development, NSF Career Award – Oskar Vafek • Energy storage design using molecular dynamics – Per Rikvold • The role of disorder in correlated electronic materials -Vlad Dobrosavljevic

  10. • New Avance III Console for 900 MHz - upgraded console for WB600 #2 with old 900 MHz console • NMR/MRI Probes for in vivo imaging, triple resonance 3.2 mm MAS. • Two recent NIH grants NMR & MRI ProgramTim Cross High-Field NMR Study of Solid Oxide Fuel CellC. Grey SUNY Stony Brook/Cambridge UK; Z. Gan, NHMFL • High-field 45Sc multiple-quantum magic-angle spinning (MQMAS) reveals the 5-coordinate Sc site associated with an oxygen vacancy responsible to anionic conductance. • Perovskite-type materials shows the best results as conductor in solid oxide fuel cells at intermediate operating temperatures • The electric-field-gradient and chemical shift para-meters are obtained from the MQMAS lineshape.

  11. HTS NMR probes, novel contrast agents, microimaging, leveraged by NIH funding. • Three of seven instruments in the facility upgraded-$1.4M. • Partnership with UF Chemistry, CTSI:center for metabolomics- $800k. • Hired a PhD level Staff Scientist for Animal Imaging: UF and NHMFL external user programs • With high B/T facility: successful ARI-R2 proposal to revitalize the UF helium liquefaction AMRIS MRI/S ProgramJoanna Long • First MRI microscopy of mammalian neurons and subcellular structures • High resolution brain white matter fiber structure • Natural product identification

  12. Program growth • New EMR lab with two new high frequency spectrometers* • New push into biochemistry (future acquisition of HiPER) (1 electron “NMR”)* • Major milestones: • World’s highest frequency pulsed EPR spectrometer (336 GHz) • Expanded continuous frequency coverage to 1 THz (35 T for g=2)* • High resolution EPR increased to 700 GHz in 25 T Keck magnet* • Addition of Mössbauer spectroscopy to user instrumentation • Development of EPR under pressure (separate NSF CHE funding) • JACS 11; PRL 9; Nature 1; Nature Physics 1;PNAS 1; PRB 9; Inorg. Chem. 18; Dalton Trans. 5; Biochemistry 1. EMR ProgramStephen Hill—New director!!

  13. Funded by NSF Chemistry Division ($17.5M) to design, build, and make available 21 T FT-ICR MS • Mass accuracy improvements by an aggregate factor of 5 at a given magnetic field. • Solved the puzzle of why much of crude oil is insoluble. • 4 major external awards • Initiated Future Fuels Institute (with 5-6 major oil companies in a joint partnership, targeting high-profile • Diversity: (a) Hired a female scholar-scientist, who just received NSF RAPID funding to analyze the Deepwater Horizon oil spill; (b) female user won award as best grad student paper in her field for work performed at NHMFL ICR Program (2008-2010)Alan Marshall

  14. In-situ analysis of 67 elements/5 minutes: Journ. of Analyt. Atomic Spectroscopy • In-vivo mercury isotope fractionation in fish1: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. • Palladium partition: no need for late veneer of meteorites after core formation to explain abundances of platinum group elements In Nature Geoscience • Record of C4 plants in Central Inner Mongolia: shift in the monsoon pattern in Eastern Asia during the Cenozoic3. In Earth and Planetary Science Letters(crabgrass • corn, sugarcane, sorghum- C4 plants are responsible for ~25% of all the photosynthesis on land). • Since Jan 1, 2008: • $1.45M NSF • $750k NASA, • $1M NOAA • $150k from EPRI5. • Outside users6 :$2.2M7 since Jan 1, 2008. Geochemistry (almost a) User ProgramVincent Salters

  15. Materials and Magnets

  16. High-Strength Material Program Ke Han • NHMFL Has the lead in understanding and using high strength materials for high field magnets: • Co-Ni-Mo-Cr for Pulsed Magnets: Nano-platelet distribution on performance of the alloys. • Cu-Ag for resistive magnets: anisotropic composite. • Cu+Al2O3 and Cu-Nb for pulsed magnets: electric resistivity vs strength. • Nb3Sn: C and N in CICC alloys. • High dislocation density Cu: nanotwins in conductors, stabilizer of superconducting magnets.

  17. Wire, conduit, for MagLab, and (Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin) magnets completed. • Two model coils completed in past year. • International Design review held Jan 2010. • Readiness review for cryostat held July 2010. • $40M proposal for ZEEMANS beamline submitted. Cable In Conduit Conductor Magnet ProgramIain Dixon as of summer 2010, mid-point in current award period

  18. HTS Magnet ProgramDenis Markiewicz, David Larbalestier, Ulf Trociewicz, HuubWeijers, Mark Bird • Funding received for 32 T all-superconducting magnet, installed layer-winding and pancake winding systems. • Submitted $20M proposal for 25-30 T conical magnet for neutron scattering at SNS July 2009. • Submitted $10M “secret” proposal for YBCO coil and tape technology in May 2010.

  19. ASC Status and Highlights 2008-2011David Larbalestier • Raised $9M in external funds, published 130 papers, employed ~25 undergrads, ~10 grad students, 7 postdocs. • Teamed to write successful NSF proposal for an all-superconducting 32 T. • Expanded FSU electron microscopy facilities with HRSEM/FIB and atomic resolution STEM. • Niobium for superconducting RF cavities (Fermi, Jlab, IIT, NWU, Chicago, MSU). • Nb3Sn: 100% externally funded program, multilab collaboration (DOE-HEP, ITER-France). • 2212: Core support leveraged a major ARRA multilab program (VHFSMC). • Pnictides: early Nature paper, Hellstrom just received an NSF grant. • Magnet technology: 2212 for 32 T, 20 layer coils (Ulf Trociewitz lead), YBCO - highest field small coils (34T) (with MS&T and SuperPower)

  20. Supporting Programs

  21. Increased outreach to Title I and underserved schools. Total annual: ~8,000-10,000 K12 • Two published articles on RET program results: • Pop, M. M., Dixon, P., & Grove, C. (2010). Research Experiences for Teachers (RET): Motivation, Expectation, and Changes to Teaching Practices due to Professional Program Involvement. Journal of Elementary Science Education 21(2), 127-148. • Grove, C. M., Dixon, P. J., & Pop, M. M. (2009). Research Experiences for Teachers: Influences Related to Expectancy and Value of Changes to Practice in the American Classroom. Professional Development in Education 35(2), 247-260. • 2008-2010 REU program hosted 62 students; 3 published; 5 HBCU’s • 2008-2010 RET program hosted 44 teachers; 2 published • Secured funding for SciGirls Program, a partnership with Public Television. Educational ProgrammingPat Dixon

  22. K-12 diversity programs aimed primarily at general outreach to diverse community: • K-12 classroom visitation, REU, RET, Open House • For undergraduate and above, diversity programs are tailored to provide *individualized* opportunities for talented individuals to enhance their careers: • Example: A. Edison’s CO-WIN lecture at Claflin University, SC in Sept. 2009. • Claflin obtains a new 700 MHz NMR spectrometer. • Claflin works with Edison as a 2010 REU, receives scholarship. Diversity ProgramDragana Popovic

  23. User Collaboration Grants Program and Lab Enhancements Lloyd Engel High Impact Publications App. Phy. Lett. 5 Biochemistry 2 J. of American Chem. Society 7 Nature Materials 1 Nature 3 Phys. Rev. B 25 Phys. Rev. Lett. 16 Lab Enhancements are new capabilities implemented by NHMFL using internal resources. For enhancements we show 54 users by January 2010, for Awards starting from 2005-2009.

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