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Telework for development , equity and better world !!. What is Telework?. Telework is an alternative work arrangement for employees. It allows employees to conduct some or all of their work at an alternative worksite away from the employer's typically used office.
Telework for development , equity and better world !! by: ABEL AMARE abelamare@live.co.uk
What is Telework? by: ABEL AMARE Telework is an alternative work arrangement for employees. It allows employees to conduct some or all of their work at an alternative worksite away from the employer's typically used office. Telework is also referred to as telecommuting, flexiwork, and flexiplace.
Where ? • The telework concept can be applied to a variety of work environments. The work location might be: • An employee's residence, • a Telework Center, • an airport, a coffee shop or any other location with connectivity to the internet. by: ABEL AMARE
Why telework ? • It would improve family life • It reduces our foreign exchange expense for oil and , port payments(rent ) by: ABEL AMARE
And it would save companies and individuals money. • It could reduce carbon emissions • Additional carbon footprint savings will come from reduced: • office energy, • roadway repairs, • urban heating, • office construction, • business travel, paper usage (as electronic documents replace paper). by: ABEL AMARE
reduce the carnage on our highways. • It provide new employment • opportunities for persons with disability • It reduces health and insurance costs • It slows global warming • It prevents traffic accidents by: ABEL AMARE
It reduces traffic jams • Traffic jams rob Ethiopia economy of millions of dollars /year • Traffic jams idle away almost millions litters of gas and accounts for thousands extra tons of greenhouse gases by: ABEL AMARE
Telework Equalizes personalities and reduces potential for discrimination • Hiring sight unseen, as some all-virtual employers do, greatly reduces the potential for discrimination. • It ensures that people are judged by what they do versus what the look like. • For persons with disability ,telework give a chance to work at home , and discrimination will be less because of accessibility and the likes • As a result it increase the participation of persons with disability for employment by: ABEL AMARE
Telework redistributes wealth • Location-independent job opportunities offer better employment options to rural workers by: ABEL AMARE
Telecommuting reduces stress, illness, and injury • 80% of diseases show that stress is a trigger. Because telework reduces stressful commutes, teleworkers are likely to suffer fewer stress-related illnesses. • Teleworkers are exposed to fewer occupational and environmental hazards at home. • Teleworkers suffer fewer airborne illnesses because of lack of contact with sick co-workers. • Teleworkers report being able to make more time for exercise. • Anyone who has ever dieted knows it’s harder to stay the course when you dine out. Teleworkers often eat healthier meals and are less inclined to consume fast food lunches , unhealthy foods from different corners by: ABEL AMARE
Benefits for the Employee Who Teleworks… by: ABEL AMARE • Increases flexibility in juggling work and home life allowing for child-care/elder-care arrangements through alternative work hours • Allows employee to work when they are more productive (i.e. some employees have more energy working in unconventional work hours), setting their own schedule and pace • Less sick time -- teleworkers may be able to work a few hours when sick rather than taking entire sick day; improved general health through reduced stress and reduced adverse effects from commuting (including exposure to air pollution)
Increases productivity when focus is solely on the work (less meetings, familiar and comfortable work environment with less interruptions) • Savings on gasoline and other commuting costs (no parking fees; less maintenance on private vehicles) • Savings include lunches at home and lower costs for reduced business wardrobe by: ABEL AMARE
Increases flexibility in residential location allowing employees to live further from central office location (often reducing costs of living in more expensive metropolitan areas near to employer) • Creates more control for the employee over their work environment • More personal time when not commuting daily • Boost morale through added benefits • Creates fair and accurate work performance evaluations based on productivity and quality of work rather than by clock-punching by: ABEL AMARE
Benefits for the Employer Who Allows Telework… by: ABEL AMARE • Increased Productivity: Employers that allow Teleworking see an increase between 10% and 40% in productivity from their employees, although 10%-20% is a more accurate number./USA practice/ • Decreased Absenteeism: Employees who telework take, on average, four fewer sick days a year than employees who do not. Employees who Telework are less likely to go to a Dr. appointment and take the rest of the day off. • Improved Morale: Employees who are allowed to Telework by their manager are most likely to deem it as a perk; in turn more likely to remain positive in their position and produce an increased workload. • Decreased Overhead: Telework can significantly decrease overhead costs associated with leased office space, equipment and parking. • Retention and Recruitment Tool: Telework is an attractive benefit when attempting to retain your employees as well as a tool to lure skilled professionals to join your team.
Telecommuting reduces unscheduled absences • 78% of employees who call in sick, really aren’t. They do so because of family issues, personal needs, and stress./USA experience/ • Unscheduled absences cost employers thousands of birr/employee per year; that adds up to millions /yr for companies • Telecommuting programs reduce unscheduled absences • Telecommuters typically continue to work when they’re sick (without infecting others). • The cost of replacing an employee extends far beyond the recruiting process. It includes separation costs, temporary replacement costs, and lost productivity training costs and frequently lost customers, co-workers, and corporate intelligence. return to work more quickly following surgery or medical issues. • Flexible hours allow telecommuters to run errands or schedule appointments without losing a full day. by: ABEL AMARE
ABEL AMARE CELL 0911639926 abelamare@live.co.uk abelims@aol.com abel@ethiojobs.net by: ABEL AMARE