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A New Look at the Statistical Model Identification. HIROTUGU AI(AIKE, JIEJIBER, IEEE IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. AC-19, KO. 6, DECEMBER 1974 Professor : Ming- Shyan Wang Student: Cai-Jia Hong.
A New Look at the Statistical Model Identification HIROTUGU AI(AIKE, JIEJIBER, IEEE IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, VOL. AC-19, KO. 6, DECEMBER 1974 Professor:Ming-Shyan Wang Student: Cai-Jia Hong
Abstract he history of the development of statistical hypothesis testing in time series analysis is reviewed briefly and it is pointed out that the hypothesis testing procedure is not adequately defined as the procedure for statistical model identilication. The classical maximum likelihood estimation procedure is reviewed and a new estimate minimum information theoretical criterion (AIC) estimate (MAICE) which is designed for the purpose of statistical identifica- tion is introduced. When there are several competing models the MAICE is defined by the model and the maximum likelihood esti- mates of the parameters which give the minimum of AIC defined by AIC = (-2)log(maximum likelihood) + 2(number of independently adjusted parameters within the model). MAICE provides a versatile procedure for statistical model identi- fication which is free from the ambiguities inherent in the application of conventional hypothesis testing procedure. The practical utility of MAICE in time series analysis is demonstrated with some numerical examples.
Introduction(1/3) in spite of the recent, development of t.he use of statistical concepts and models in almost, every field of engineering and science it seems as if the difficulty of constructing an adequate model based on the information provided by a finite number of observations is not fully recognized. Undoubtedly the subject of statistical model construction or ident.ification is heavily dependent on the results of theoret.ica1 analyses of the object. under observation. Yet. it must be realized that there is usually a big gap betn-een the theoretical results and the pract,ical procedures of identification. A typical example is the gap between the results of the theory of minimal realizations of a linear system and the identifichon of a Markovian representation of a stochastic process based on a record of finite duration.
Introduction(2/3) A minimal realization of a linear system is usually defined through t.he analysis of the rank or the dependence relation of the rows or columns of some Hankel matrix [l]. In a practical situation, even if the Hankel matrix is theoretically given! the rounding errors will always make the matrix of full rank. If the matrix is obtained from a record of obserrat.ions of a real object the sampling variabilities of the elements of the matrix nil1 be by far the greater than the rounding errors and also the system n-ill always be infinite dimensional. Thus it can be seen that the subject of statistical identification is essentially concerned with the art of approximation n-hich is a basic element of human intellectual activity.
11. HYPOTHESITSE STINIGN TIMES ERIESA NALYSIS The studyo f t,het,estingprocedureof time series start,ed with t.he investigation of the test. of a. simple hypot,hesis t,hat a. single serial correlation coefficient. is equal t.o0. The utilit,y of this t.ype of t.est, is certa,inlyt.oolimit,ed to make it a generally useful procedure for model identification. In 1%7 Quenouille143 int.roduced a test for the goodness of fit of a.utoregressive (AR) models. The idea of the Quenouille’s test was extended by Wold [5] to a test of goodness of fit of moving average (31-4) models. Several refinements and generalizations of these test. procedures followed [GI-[9] but a most, significant contribut,ion to trhe subject, of hypothesis testing in time series analysis was made by Whittle [lo], [ l l ] by a systematic application of the 7Veyma.n-Pearson likelihood ratio t.est. procedure to t.he time series situation.
IV. IIEAKL OGLIKELIHOOADS AS A MEASUREOFFIT The well known fact that the MLE is, under regularity conditions, asymptotically efficient [29] shows that the likelihood function tends to be a most sensitive criterion of the deviation of the model parameters from the truevalues. Consider the situation where ~ 1 . x. .~ .. ,x .\- are obtained as the rcsults of 12: independent observations of a random variable with probability density function g(r). If n parametric famil- of density function is given by f(.&) with a vector parameter 0. the average log-likelihood. or the log-likelihood divided by X , is given by
VI. NUMERICALE XAMPLES Before going into t,he discussion of t,he characteristics of MAICE it,s practical utilit,y is demonst,rated in this section.
VII. DISCCSSIOXS When f(al0) is very far from g(x), S(g;f(. je)) is only a subjective measure of deviation of f(.r(e) from g(r). Thus the general discussion of the characteristics of 3IAICE nil1 only be possible under the assumption that for at least one family f(&) is sufficiently closed to g(r) compared with the expected deviation of f(sJ6) from f(rI0). The detailed analysis of thc statistical characteristics of XXICE is only necessary when there are several families which sa.tisfy this condition. As a single estimate of -2A7ES(g;f(.)8)-)2, times the log-mitximum likelihood will be sufficient but for the present purpose of “estimating the difference” of -3XES(g;f(. 18)) the introduction of the term +2k into the definition of AIC is crucial. The disappointing results reported by Bhansali [%I were due to his incorrect use of the statistic. equivalent to using +X. in place of +?X- in AIC.
VIII. COWLUSION The practical utility of the hypothesis testing procedure as a method of statistical model building or identification must be considered quite limited. To develop useful procedures of identification more direct approach to the control of the error or loss caused by the use of the identified model is necessary. From the success of thc classical maximum likelihood procedures t he mean log-likelihood seems to be a natural choice as the criterion of fit of a statistical model. The XUCE procedure based on -4IC which is an estimate of the mean log-likelihood proyides a versatile procedure for the statistical model identification. It also provides a mathematical formulation of the principle of parsimony in the field of model construction. Since a procedure based on AIAICE can be implemented without the aid of subjective judgement, thc successful numerical results of applications suggest that the implcmentations of many statistical identification proccdurcs for prediction, signal detection? pattern recognition, and adaptation will be made practical 11-ith AIBICE.
ACKSOTTLEDGNEST The author is grateful to Prof. T. Kailath, Stanford University: for encouraging him to mite the present paper. Thanks are also duc to Prof. I<. Sato. Sagasaki University, for providing the brain wave data treated in Section V.
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