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Library Governance

Library Governance. OK… To begin with… T. There are the laws that pertain to public libraries. Ohio Revised Code Section 3375 Some highlights. 5 different kinds of libraries County Free Public Libraries 3375.06 County District 3375.19 Municipal 3375.12 School District 3375.15

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Library Governance

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  1. Library Governance

  2. OK… To begin with… T There are the laws that pertain to public libraries...

  3. Ohio Revised Code Section 3375 Some highlights... • 5 different kinds of libraries • County Free Public Libraries 3375.06 • County District 3375.19 • Municipal 3375.12 • School District 3375.15 • Township 3375.09 • Association

  4. County Libraries.… • Service area is entire county. • Receive all the LLGSF for that county • 6 board members appointed by county commission • Tax authority…county commission

  5. County District Libraries... • Service district is everywhere except within the boundaries of any other library. • Receive just part of the LLGSF…but often the most. • 7 board members appointed 3 by common pleas judge, 4 by county commissioners • Tax authority - County commissioners

  6. School District Libraries... • Service district is within the boundaries of the school district. • Receive just part of the LLGSF… • 7 board members appointed by local board of education • Tax authority - Board of Education

  7. Municipal Libraries... • Service district is within the boundaries of the municipality. • Receive just part of the LLGSF… • 6 board members appointed by the mayor • Tax authority - City Council

  8. Township Libraries... • Service district is within the borders of the township. • Receive just part of the LLGSF…complete with other libraries • 3 board members appointed by the township trustees • Tax authority - Township Trustees

  9. Association Libraries... • Service district is usually within the boundaries of the community the association was formed in. • Receive just part of the LLGSF… • Board members are apponted or elected in accordance with association articles of each indiviual association. • Tax athority - County Commission

  10. All these libraries are run by a library director.... A Clerk Treasurer.... And a Library Board....

  11. The Library...A Vital Link to the Community…That Is Much Like A Business • Taxpayers are stockholders • Patrons are customers • Staff are employees • County budget commisiion is the banker • Board has responsibility to all four groups… • Taxpayers… • expect their money to be spent in a judicious manner • Patrons… • want servcie that meets needs & is delivered effectiviely & efficiently • Employees… • need enough staff to get the job done, want to be well managed & competitively paid • Budget commission… • wants assurance that there is a plan for current & future use of library funds

  12. How do we do this??!!

  13. Role of the Library Board • To see that the library is operated in an efficient & productive manner. • Under the administrate guidance of the director…hired by the board • HIRING AN ABLE ADMINISTRATOR IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT DUTIES OF THE BOARD • The board expresses views in the policies it adopts • The board is a prime advocacy group…before the budget commission, state legislature, civic & cultural organizations, & the general public

  14. Legal Counsel… • In Ohio…the county prosecutor is the legal counsel for public libraries… • except when one library in a county is against another library in the same county.. • Setting Policy… • One of the primary responsibilities of a board. • Meetings… • Regular meetings held on a pre-determined schedule…usually monthly & in the by-laws • Special meetings held separate from the regular meetings…also in the bylaws. • Executuve sessions are held to descuss matters of a confidential nature… • personnel, real estate, etc.

  15. The Trustees and the Director • The relationship between the library board and the director is a partnership. • The director is charged with administering or managing the library on a daily basis. • It is the director's responsibility to exercise professional judgement about the • library's operations and procedures. • Trustees represent the public in the governing of the library. • The trustees are responsible for evaluating services, establishing policies, & setting goals • & objectives to be implemented by the director and staff. • Trustees develop the plans & policies which guide the library's operation, • but they do not operate the library. • Ideally, the relationship of the director & trustees is cooperative and complementary. • They treat one another with respect, communicate carefully, & • act on the basis of mutual understanding.

  16. Any Questions...

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