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Computer Science. Summer term 2012 . Final Project Team 2. Content 1.- Organization 2.- Request 2.- Software Development 3.- Team work experience 4.- Final Product. Team organization. Request.
ComputerScience Summerterm2012 Final Project Team 2
Content • 1.- Organization • 2.- Request • 2.- Software Development • 3.- Team work experience • 4.- Final Product
Request Write an ACUAS μCEasy package for the AVR Butterfly board. The following macros must be available • ACTIVATE_ADC • BRIGHTNESS • TEMPERATURE • VOLTAGE • BEEP • ACTIVATE_LCD • INIT_UART • DATAFLASH • PROGRAM_INIT • PROGRAM_START • PROGRAM_END • VARIABLE • STRING • WAIT_SEC
Request ATMEL AVR Butterfly ATmega169 Lowpowerdesign Peripherals: ● 120 segment LCD ● 4 MbitexternalDataFlash ● ProgrammingMethods: Bootloader, SPI, Parallel, JTAG ● Joystick, 4 directions ● Piezo speaker ● 32768 Hz oscillator for real time clock ● RS232 level converter for PC ● Temperature sensor ● Light sensor ● 3V, 600 mA button cell battery ●
Software development Macro… A macro is a fragment of code which has been given a name. Whenever the name is used, it is replaced by the contents of the macro. There are two kinds of macros. Object-like It looks like a data object in code that uses it function-like Resemble function calls
Software development Macro- Function-like… • #define • #define PROGRAM_INIT() • ( )parentheses immediately after the macro name Macro Arguments To define a macro that uses arguments, to insert parameters between the pair of parentheses in the macro definition is necessary. The parameters must be valid C identifiers, separated by commas and optionally whitespace.
Joystick port/pin configuration JOYSTICK PORT/PIN CONFIGURATION Up PB6 Down PB7 Right PE3 Left PE2
Joystick Macros • Pin configuration from the pin diagram were observed. ///Execute the following instruction if the joystick up button is pressed #define ON_JOYSTICK_UP if(!(PINB & (1 << 6))) ///Execute the following instruction if the joystick up button is not pressed #define OFF_JOYSTICK_UP if(PINB & (1 << 6)) ///Wait until the joystick up button is pressed #define WAIT_FOR_JOYSTICK_UP while(PINB & (1 << 6)); ///Wait until the joystick up button is released #define WAIT_FOR_RELEASE_JOYSTICK_UP while(!(PINB & (1 << 6)));
// The volume must be between a value of 0 to 100, this macro must be used to allow the sound be heard #defineBEEP_VOLUME(v) {OCR1AH = 0; OCR1AL = v;} OCR1A is a 16 bit register. In ordertomodifythevalue of thevolume of the speaker thevalue of thisregistermustbemodified. Thisregistercontrolsthe PWM pulse width. Therebyitcontrolsthepower of thesignal (volume). Buzzer Macros
Buzzer Macros // The tone is a vale between 20 and 20000 in Hz (the “audible” frequencies), duration in seconds in values between 0.1 and 25 #defineBEEP(tone,duration) {InitBuzzer(tone,duration);} BEEP macro callsInitBuzzerfunction.
Buzzer Macros voidInitBuzzer(int f, intd) { inticr1; icr1 = 1000000/(2*f); ICR1 = icr1; // Top value of the Timer1 TCCR1A = (1<<COM1A1); // Set OC1A when upcounting, clear when downcounting TCCR1B = (1<<WGM13); // Phase/Freq-correct PWM, top value = ICR1 SET_BIT(TCCR1B, CS10) // StartTimer1, prescaler=1 WAIT_SEC(d) // Waits d seconds CLEAR_BIT(TCCR1B, CS10) // Stop Timer1 }
ADC Macros • To switch on the AD converter ACTIVATE_ADC ADCSRA = (1<<ADEN); ADMUX |= (0<<REFS1) | (1<<REFS0); autoADCps(); Set ADEN bit to activate AD Converter. Reference voltage AVCC = 5V Functionthat sets the ADC prescalervaluedependingfromclockfrequency. • This instruction has to be executed only one time (in the PROGRAM_INIT part).
ADC Macros • To chose for analogue input (from 1 to 8) ADC_CHANNEL(ch) ADMUX &= 0b11110000; ADMUX |= (ch-1); PORTF &= ~(1 << (ch-1)); initialize channel bits (0-3) set channel “ch”. Clear PORTF selectedchannel bit -->switch off pull up resistor “ch-1” • ADC_CHANNEL(1) // pin 0 of port A is chosen for analogue input
ADC Macros • The actual conversion is started ADCONVERT(x) ADCSRA |= (1<<ADSC); loop_until_bit_is_clear(ADCSRA,ADSC); ADCSRA |= (1<<ADSC); loop_until_bit_is_clear(ADCSRA,ADSC); x=ADCW; start a single conversion Wait for completion of ADC x acquires the value of the AD conversion • The result is of 10 bit resolution and will be stored in the 16 bit variable <x>. This variable has to be previously declared
ADC Macros • The actual conversion is started ADCONVERTlow(x) ADCSRA |= (1<<ADSC); loop_until_bit_is_clear(ADCSRA,ADSC); ADCSRA |= (1<<ADSC); loop_until_bit_is_clear(ADCSRA,ADSC); x=ADCW >> 2; start a single conversion Wait for completion of ADC Shifting bit to show only 8 bits value • The 8 most significant bits of the 10 bit result will be stored in the 8 bit variable <x>.
ADC Macros • The actual conversion is started ADCONVERT_MV(x) ADCSRA |= (1<<ADSC); loop_until_bit_is_clear(ADCSRA,ADSC); ADCSRA |= (1<<ADSC); loop_until_bit_is_clear(ADCSRA,ADSC); x=ADCW*5./1.024; start a single conversion Wait for completion of ADC Shifting bit to show only 8 bits value • Performs a 10 bit AD conversion and store the result in mV in an integer or float variable x.
ADC Macros Example: #include “easybutterfly.h“ // library for Buterfly PROGRAM_INIT VAR16(mvolt) // Declares a 16 bit unsigned variable ACTIVATE_ADC // To switch on the AD converter ADC_CHANNEL(1) // Select pin 0 of the ADC multiplexer PROGRAM_START ADCONVERT_MV(mvolt) //The AD conversion is executed and store in // the variable “mvolt” PROGRAM_END
Brightness // Perform a 10 bit AD conversion from the value of the brightness sensor and store the value in a 8 bit variable #defineBRIGHTNESS(x) {ACTIVATE_ADC ADC_CHANNEL(3) ADCONVERTlow(x)} The BRIGHTNESS macro uses the macros of the ADC previously defined, the output of thebrightness sensor is input in the PORTF2, theresult of theconversionis a 8 bits value.
VoltageMeasurement // Perform a 10 bit AD conversion from the value of the V_in pin and store the result in volts in an integer (or double or float) variable #defineVOLTAGE(x) {ACTIVATE_ADC ADC_CHANNEL(2) ADCSRA |= (1<<ADSC); loop_until_bit_is_clear(ADCSRA,ADSC); ADCSRA |= (1<<ADSC); loop_until_bit_is_clear(ADCSRA,ADSC); x=ADCW*5.0/1023.0;} The VOLTAGE macro uses some macros of the ADC previously defined, the input fortheV_in pin isthe PORTF1, theresult of theconversionis a floatvaluethat can bestored in an integer(or double or float) variable.
TemperatureMeasurement #defineTEMPERATURE(x) {ACTIVATE_ADC ADC_CHANNEL(1) ADCSRA |= (1<<ADSC); loop_until_bit_is_clear(ADCSRA,ADSC); ADCSRA |= (1<<ADSC); loop_until_bit_is_clear(ADCSRA,ADSC); intadc=ADCW; float t=adc/(1024-adc);float r=log(t); x=4250/(r+14.2617)-273;} The TEMPERATURE macro uses some macros of the ADC previously defined, the output of thetemperature sensor is input in the PORTF0, theresult of theconversionis a floatvaluethat can bestored in an integer(or double or float) variable.
LCD Macros #defineACTIVATE_LCDLCD_Init (); //Macro toinitializethe LCD #define CLEAR_LCDLCD_Clear(); //Macro toclearthe LCD #define LCD_CHAR(character)LCD_putc(character); //Macro towrite a characteronthe LCD #define LCD_TEXT(pStr) LCD_puts(pStr); //Macro towrite a stringonthe LCD #define LCD_NUMBER(v) {itoa(v,lcd_str,10); LCD_puts(lcd_str);}; //Macro towrite a numberonthe LCD #defineLCD_D_NUMBER(v,w,p) {dtostrf((v),w,p,lcd_str); LCD_puts(lcd_str);}; //Macro towrite a floatonthe LCD
LCD Macros Key Variables chargTextBuffer[TEXTBUFFER_SIZE]; // Buffer that contains the text to be displayed chargScroll; // Only six letters can be shown on the LCD. unsigned intLCD_character_table[] PROGMEM = { 0x0A51, // '*' (?) 0x2A80, // '+' 0x0000, // ',' (Not defined) 0x0A00, // '-' 0x4000, // '.' Degree sign
LCD Macros LCD Segments Connections on the STK502 • The LCD glass has in total 120 segments
LCD Macros LCD digit segment mapping into the LCD Data Registers
Example LCD Macro : #include "projectdefinitions.h" PROGRAM_INIT ACTIVATE_LCD // initialize the LCD. The output begins at the first position of the display. CLEAR_LCD // Clears the LCD screen. PROGRAM_START LCD_TEXT("HALLO WIE GEHTS") WAIT_SEC(25) CLEAR_LCD // Clears the LCD screen. LCD_CHAR (‘G') WAIT_SEC(10) CLEAR_LCD // Clears the LCD screen. LCD_D_NUMBER(11.31,1,2) WAIT_SEC(5) CLEAR_LCD // Clears the LCD screen. PROGRAM_END
UART is Available on pin header J406With level converters Connections : Just connect TxD , RxD and GND with Vcc min 2.0V
Macros definition: #define INIT_UART {uart_init( UART_BAUD_SELECT(UART_BAUD_RATE,F_CPU) ); sei();} Initialises the UART. Must be invoked in the PROGRAM_INIT part. Sets frame format: asynchronous, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit #define UART_TEXT(string) uart_puts((char*) string); Sends a string which is located in SRAM over UART #define UART_TEXT_CONST(string) uart_puts_p(string); Sends a string which is located in flash ROM over UART. The string must be declared as: static const char PText[] PROGMEM = "text"
#define UART_NUMBER (x) {itoa( x, (char*)uart_str, 10); uart_puts((char*)uart_str);} Used to ”Sends a number over UART“ #define UART_CHAR(c) uart_putc(c); Used to ”Sends one character over UART“ #define UART_CRLF uart_putc(13) ; uart_putc(10) ; Used to”Sends a linefeed over UART“ #define UART_READ_CHAR(c) c = uart_getc(); Used to ”Reads one character from UART“ #define UART_READ_LINE(c_array,max_char) uart_read_line((c_array), (max_char), 3) Used to ”Reads a Line from UART“
DataflashMemory • DataFlash is a low pin-count serial interface for flash memory compatible with the SPI standard. • The DataFlash only supports the most commonly used SPI modes, 0 and 3.
Dataflash Macros • INIT_DF • Initialize the communication with the dataflash via SPI • END_DF • Disable the communication with the dataflash
Dataflash Macro for writing • WRITE_BYTE_BUFFER(IntPageAdr, Data) • Writes a byte in the buffer • WRITE_STR_BUFFER(IntPageAdr, NB, string) • Writes a string in the buffer • BUFFER_TO_DF(PageAdr) • Sends the buffer information in to a page address of the dataflash
Dataflash Macro for reading • DF_TO_BUFFER(PageAdr) • Reads the data in a page address of the buffer and sends the information to the buffer. • READ_STR_BUFFER(IntPageAdr, NB, string) • Reads a string in the internal address of the buffer to save it into an array • READ_BYTE_BUFFER(IntPageAdr) • Reads a byte from the buffer
Example Dataflash Macro : unsignedchar FRIEND[8] = {0};while(1) { ACTIVATE_LCD CLEAR_LCD INIT_DF DF_TO_BUFFER(2) READ_STR_BUFFER(1, 8, FRIEND) LCD_TEXT(FRIEND) _delay_ms(2000); END_DF }} #include "projectdefinitions.h"#include <avr/delay.h>intmain(void) {INIT_DFunsignedchar Word[4]; Word[0]= ‘T'; Word[1]= 'e'; Word[2]= ‘a'; Word[3]= ‘m'; WRITE_STR_BUFFER(1,8,Word) _delay_ms(100); BUFFER_TO_DF(1)END_DF
Team work experience • Good • Can be improved