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General Classroom/Ryan Information. Transportation/Bus Procedures. Please fill out the transportation form on the front table.
Transportation/Bus Procedures • Please fill out the transportation form on the front table. • Our school will have teachers on the bus for the first week of school so kids will probably be getting home a little later than usual – please don’t worry! We are making sure the right kids are on the right bus getting to the right place. • If your child is a bus rider, please send them on the bus the first day of school! We can’t help them get home safely on the bus if they’re not there!
First Day of School • On Monday, students should line up on the basketball courts facing the parking lot. There will be a cone or a card with our classroom number on it to show the kids where to line up. We’ll walk into the building together.
Specials Schedule • We have a rotating 6 day specials schedule which includes music, p.e., library and the computer lab. • Monday (the first day of school) is a Day 2 • Day 1 – music Day 2 – library Day 3 – p.e. Day 4 - music Day 5 – computers Day 6 – p.e. • We go to specials from 2:00 – 2:30.
Lunch • We go to lunch from 11:18 – 11:58 • Students play first and then eat • If your child eats school lunch, please go down to the cafeteria and put money on their lunch account. The cafeteria staff will send notes home when the account is low and you can send in money with your child or pay online at www.mylunchmoney.com
Homework • We will not be sending home homework the first week of school, we will practice in class. • After the first week, I will send all the homework for the week home on Monday. The directions are on the front followed by daily pages. • Homework pages are due daily, i.e., we check Monday homework on Tuesday morning. • We will check homework daily in class (except Monday) and then send the whole packet back home on Fridays.
Responsibility • One of my important jobs as a second grade teacher is to help students become more responsible and independent. Because of this, students will not be calling home if they forget homework, library books, p.e. shoes, etc. Thank you so much for helping your child learn the importance of responsibility. • The consequence of forgetting or not completing homework will be the loss of recess and unfinished homework will be completed at that time.
Classroom Discipline Parents, teachers, and students working together is the best way to help a child succeed. • We have classroom agreements posted in the classroom. • Kind words (no putdowns) • Attentive Listening • Mutual Respect • The Right to Pass • Students not following rules will discuss situation with teacher, or receive a warning, or may lose 5 minutes of recess if behavior doesn’t improve. • Red Slips • Filled out and sent home for parent signature • Consequence listed on slip that goes home.
Behavior Ladder • Every afternoon, the children will reflect about their behavior on their behavior ladder. • This goes home every night in their homework folder for a parent signature.
Supplies • We supply all materials students need for school, however, we do have an optional supply list. • These are the items off that list we can really use in room 14: • anti-bacterial wipes, • 1 inch 3 ring binder, • pencil top erasers, • single subject notebooks • dry erase marker and eraser (one per child).
Classroom Odds and Ends • Children are allowed to bring in a snack to eat during our morning literacy block. Please make sure it’s a healthy snack and not too messy. Please don’t send candy for snack or anything your child can’t open by themselves. • Please have your child bring a daily water bottle with their name clearly marked. This is very important during our hot times of the year.
Contacting me • Please contact me with any concerns, questions, or joys you or your child may have. • The best way to contact me is through email: carlson.samantha@chandler.k12.az.us but I’m also available by phone 224-3244 or you can always send in a note. • I’m also happy to meet with you to discuss any issues. Please contact me to set up an appointment.
GoingGreen • Our school is going green this year in an effort to reduce paper consumption and streamline communication. • I would like to have an accurate email list so I’m asking all parents to email me by the first day of school so that I can create that list. Please make sure that it is an email that you use and check often. • My weekly newsletters will be delivered electronically via our school website, which is accessed off of the Chandler district website. Please let me know if you do not have internet access and need a hard copy. • I will also have the homework up on the website, but this will still be sent home with students weekly.
Ryan Website • The best way to get information about our classroom, the PTO, the principal, special areas, etc., is to use our school website: ww2.chandler.k12.az.us/chandlerschools • Once you’re on the website, choose Ryan from the drop down menu at the top of the page and you will be on our school site. Choose me from the teacher list and that’s where you’ll find our classroom info. • If you register for e-alerts, you will be notified by email every time I update the page. You can register here at my student computers, in the computer lab, or at home.