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Mythology, Legends, and Folklore

Mythology, Legends, and Folklore. TAKE NOTES!. Mythology. What is mythology? Mythology is the study of myths. What are myths? Traditional stories of a culture to explain its historical events, practices, beliefs, and/or natural phenomenons. Legends. What are legends?

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Mythology, Legends, and Folklore

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  1. Mythology, Legends, and Folklore TAKE NOTES!

  2. Mythology • What is mythology? • Mythology is the study of myths. • What are myths? • Traditional stories of a culture to explain its historical events, practices, beliefs, and/or natural phenomenons.

  3. Legends • What are legends? • Popular stories that are passed down from one generation to the next. • They are regarded as historical, but can not be verified that they actually happened.

  4. Folklore • What makes up folklore? • Folklore is a culture’s folktales. • What are folktales? • Stories that are timeless and placeless among a culture- they usually teach a lesson.

  5. How? • All myths, legends, and folktales have been around for generations, even before the written language came. How? • Oral Tradition • Passed down from generation to generation by telling the stories/word of mouth.

  6. Assignment • Read RWL (Readings in World Lit) with study guide questions • Pgs 3-6 (African myth) • Pgs 42-47 (Japanese folktale) • Pgs 48-56 (Irish legend) • DO NOT FORGET TO READ THE OPENING PARAGRAPHS!

  7. Flood Myths • Many cultures have their own version of flood myths. • Archeologists discovered that there was truly a flood that occurred in the Middle East many years ago. • They discovered this from the layers of sediment they found in the earth. • There are many similarities between flood myths in each culture.

  8. Noah’s Ark Flood Myth Info • Jews, Muslims, and Christians all share the stories of the Christian Old Testament. • There are different variations for each religion, but same type of info. • Judaism- Tanakh • Torah, Nevi’im, Ketuvim • Islam- Koran • Christian- Old Testament

  9. How are the 3 religions tied together? God/Allah Hagar----affair----Abraham----married----Sarai/Sarah (Judaism) Ishmael Issac Muhammed(Angel Gabriel) Joseph (Angel Gabriel) Jesus (Islam) (Christianity)

  10. Reading Assignments WITH Study Guide Questions!! In-Class Reading: RWL The Great Flood with SG?s HOMEWORK: Chinese Flood Myth (handout) with SG?s Noah’s Ark (handout) with SG?s *Answer the SG? about how all flood myths are alike.

  11. Differences Myths • Cultures have myths to explain why we are different from one another. • Skin, language, social status, etc • How the World Changed (BAV) • Tower of Babel • Find Caste System definition!

  12. Sources • The Holy Scriptures: The Tanakh. 2008.21 Aug 2008 <http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Bible/jpstoc.html>. • Ham, Alyce. Telephone. 21 Aug 2008. • Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary: 10th Ed. Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster, Inc., 2001. • Mnayer, Maggie. Person to Person. 21 Aug 2008.

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