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E-commerce in the Republic of Macedonia. EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA IN BEIJING. August, 2017.

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  1. E-commerce in the Republic of Macedonia EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA IN BEIJING August, 2017

  2. The Law on Electronic Commerce (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 133/07 and 17/10) established a legal framework for the electronic commerce and its rapid development, following the principle of the European countries, considering that the law was drafted in accordance with the Directive 2000/31/EU on certain legal aspects of information society services, in particular electronic commerce, on the EU's internal market. Despite the development trends of electronic commerce, certain problems hinder development. Therefore, the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Macedonia, in cooperation with the Ministry of Information Society and Administration, implements activities for the promotion of e-commerce.

  3. In accordance to the provisions of the Law, the State Market Inspectorate and the Agency for Electronic Communications, through the competent inspectors, carry out in the area of ​​inspection. During the enforcement of the law there was a need to clarify the provisions in the area of ​​inspection supervision. • The service provider should indicate all relevant codes of good practice to which he is a signatory and information on how these codes can be used electronically. 1. Approaches to amending the e-commerce law to clarify the provisions in the Law on Electronic Commerce in the area of ​​supervision and inspection supervision.

  4. The information society services provider, when listing the prices of products and services, should be stated clearly and unambiguously, in particular it should be stated whether they include the costs of delivery, taxes and manipulation costs that affect the stated price. • For the performed inspection, the State Market Inspectorate and the Agency for Electronic Communications prepare quarterly reports on the controls performed and publish them on their web pages • If the content of the agreement is the access of the users and they are not stored or be stored in an electronic register, then the legal entity providing the service shall be punished by a fine of 3,000 to 5,000 euros fine of 900 to 1,800 euros shall be imposed to the responsible person of the legal entity providing information society services and / or a fine of 600 to 1200 euros shall be imposed on a natural person as an information society service provider.

  5. For this aim, a contact point for e-commerce is established e-mail: “kontakt@e-gov,mk” through which interested parties will be able to ask questions about e-commerce regulations, within the e-commerce website that operates within The Ministry of Information Society and Administration (http // e-trgovija.gov.mk) in which the contact section can function as an “e-commerce contact point“. 2. One of the identified needs for promoting e-commerce is the need for greater awareness and support of stakeholders in e-commerce.

  6. There will be detailed information about internet retailers and consumers including: general information and information on the advantages of e-commerce, useful tips, e-commerce regulations, links to a large number of e-stores, a section on commonly asked questions with the ability to A question shall be raised which shall be directly answered by the Ministry of Economy or other competent institution if the issue concerns an electronic signature, an electronic invoice, a payment method with an electronic card, etc. • In this way, consumers and citizens who want to buy a product from an electronic store will receive useful and practical information from the e-commerce website and the contact person who is posted on the website.

  7. 3. The first e-commerce shops in the Republic of Macedonia started to appear in 2010, especially important for students and unemployed to open an e-shop. That year, there were a dozen e-stores, and today there are about 250-300 e-stores "The founder of e-shopping in Macedonia and the founder of the first electronic store Exquisite has been successfully working in the field of e-commerce in the Republic of Macedonia for three years. Macedonia, promoting the new way of buying over the internet, thus enabling the citizens great privileges and facilitation in everyday life. Electronic purchasing from home and payment by payment cards also enables the delivery of the delivered directly to the home, easily and simply through a web access only.

  8. Namely, the growing trend of the electronic commerce in the Republic of Macedonia is a result of the favorable conditions for opening electronic stores offered by the Government of the Republic of Macedonia through the MISA (free website development) and the increased need of the citizens for 24 hours buying from home.  • Internet users mostly want to buy electronic and computer equipment, clothing, footwear and gifts, and least of all food and beverages. Apart from their wide choice, they want safe shopping, lower prices and free delivery.

  9. Thank You BEKRI AJDINI, Third secretary Embassy of the Republic of Macedonia in Beijing San Li Tun Diplomatic Compound Office building 1-32, 100600 Beijing Tel.65327846 Fax. 65327847 Mob. 13121625233 E-mail:bekri.ajdini@mfa.gov.mk

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