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WHAT DO LEADERS NEED? In connection to Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development, including British values and approaches to the Prevent Duty. Linda Cowie & Meg Henry, Schools Linking.
WHAT DO LEADERS NEED? In connection to Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development, including British values and approaches to the Prevent Duty. Linda Cowie & Meg Henry, Schools Linking
What professional development do leaders say they need ? Different starting points to the journey
DEVELOPING PROCESS • Whole day Leadership of SMSC CPD • SMSC Staff meetings in special, primary, infant, secondary schools and PGCE • School audits and reports • Bespoke leadership support including policy, identifying priorities, action planning • District wide work creating a network • Toolkit/Audit/Guidance Resources • Curriculum resources • Conferences
LEADERS CONNECTING WITH VALUES What would you hear, see and feel like in a great school? What is it like to be a pupil in this school? Ofsted Sept 2015
And for every problem that is muddled by over-complexity, a dozen are muddled by over-simplifying
OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS The school’s thoughtful and wide-rangingpromotion of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and their physical well-being enables them to thrive. School Inspection Handbook Sept 2015 Are we thoughtful? Are we wide ranging? Does everyone thrive here? How do we lever for change? Possible to work with frameworks to ensure maximum lever for change but without compromising thinking.
BRITISH VALUES….. NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH BRITISHNESS Leadership process Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and, within this, the promotion of fundamental British values, are at the heart of the school’s work. Outstanding Leadership & Management School Inspection Handbook Sep 2015
A GREAT DEAL OF SUPPORT IS NEEDED FOR PREVENT Prevent Duty- From 1 July 2015 … “due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism”. Schools can build pupils’ resilience to radicalisation by providing a safe environment for debating controversial issues and helping them to understand how they can influence and participate in decision making. Schools are already expected to promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils and, within this fundamental British values. Safeguarding Curriculum
And if we want others to turn out differently – less hateful, more hopeful – we will have to keep more than one idea in our heads at the same time. Gary Younge Jan 2015
WHAT CAN LEADERS PROVIDE THAT PROTECTS STUDENTS ? Create strong sense of belonging Ensure strong, genuine individual and collective pupil voice. Students can become vulnerable if they are not heard. Work with power of ideals such as democracy Connect with current situation and views Act to avoid confusion taking over. Work to find ways to localise global messages Build confidence so adults will highlight Beware the emperors new clothes Make sure the resources are the right ones – don’t just press click and play.
REVIEW AND SUPPORT • Established process • Manageable, Action based • Supportive and challenging • Identifying Strengths and Priorities • Triangulate- students, staff, parents thoughts, data • Evidencing and articulating outstanding SMSC
BSHBradford Secondary Heads 5 Key Levers forSchool Improvement Ethos as a key lever for change by a school partnership grouping
Staff training The staff training that begin the audit process was an incredibly impressive session. You are very happy to celebrate our achievements but also don't shy away from those challenging conversations in order to help us to ensure that SMSC is truly outstanding. This piece of work has been a very powerful part of our school improvement.’ Sue Pierce, Headteacher, Hazelbeck School
. Recommendations: What do middle leaders need specifically? Broad understanding of SMSC in practice plus guidance about what specific contributionand impact their subject can make (and limitations) Guidance about sensible, meaningful subject specific ways of evaluating the effectiveness of their impact.
Recommendations Offer Leadership Training for SMSC?BV?curriculum approaches to the Prevent Duty. Staff training in schools- join dots SMSC..values..protect Attention to meaningful curriculum options SMSC/BV Move to distinguish between Britishness & British Values Serious attention to what is best practice connected to ‘Preventing radicalisation’ through the curriculum. Existing Schools Linking written guidance and toolkit of support updated/enhanced/endorsed Working party enhance subject specific guidance Evaluation, Audits, policy – with health warning- must focus on impact Availability of ongoing training & advisory support Training for Ofsted! In all of above headteacher engagement critical