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Understanding the Differences: Social Media vs. Search Optimization

Explore the key variances between social media and SEO, including audience, content formats, speed of results, limits on traffic, durability of success, and measurement methods.

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Understanding the Differences: Social Media vs. Search Optimization

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  2. Green computing • By Pinterest • By Twitter

  3. By Google • By Bing

  4. By Yahoo!

  5. MALWARE • By Pinterest • By Twitter

  6. By Google • By Bing

  7. By Yahoo!

  8. Computer virus • By Pinterest • By Twitter

  9. By Google • By Bing

  10. By Yahoo!

  11. CYBERCRIME • By Pinterest • By Twitter

  12. By Google • By Bing

  13. By Yahoo!

  14. QUESTIONS • Q1. How are the results different? • First, here’s the big picture: • What is search engine optimization (SEO)?SEO is about being discovered and getting traffic through search engine rankings. It fills the top of the funnel and creates awareness. • What is social media marketing?Social media is about connecting, building relationships and getting traffic from social media networks. It strengthens the middle of the funnel and creates engagement. • Go one level deeper and you’ll find that the audiences, the actions and the outcomes are all very different. • Let’s takes a close look at the major differences between social and search. This post will help you answer the search vs. social question for yourself, decide which content to promote in which channel, how to spend your time and where to set your expectations. • Here’s the breakdown of the differences (and similarities) between social media and SEO.

  15. 1. Audience and intent: The mindset of your potential visitors • Social MediaYou know a lot about who these people are, but very little about what they are thinking. They’re clicking around. They’re browsing. That’s why visitors from social media marketing are less likely to act. They were cruising through a social network when they found you. They have weak intent, but they are more likely to share and spread awareness. Social fans and followers often influence potential buyers. • Search OptimizationYou know a lot about what they are thinking, but very little about who they are. They just searched. They’re looking for something. That’s why visitors from search are more likely to be ready to buy, but less likely to share and interact. These visitors enter with a specific purpose, need or question. They have strong intent. • 2. Formats: Which types of content will perform • Text? Video? Audio? Images? What content marketing formats are best for each channel? • Social MediaVisuals perform best in social media since they help capture the attention in fast moving social streams. Images and video are the most shared content on the web. Posts with images generate the most likes and shares.Punchy, emotional headlines work well. • Search OptimizationLong form text performs best in search. The average page that ranks high in Google has 1500+ words. There’s a good reason Google loves Wikipedia: detailed articles. See the Ideal Length Guidelines for more information.Longer descriptive headlines work well.

  16. 3. Speed: How long before you’ll see results • Social MediaAlthough growing a following takes time, social media posts appear instantly and results can happen within minutes. • Search OptimizationSEO is typically slow and uncertain. Even highly relevant pages take days to get indexed and rank. It often takes years to build up enough credibility to compete for the most valuable phrases. • 4. Upper limits: The size of the prize • Social MediaThere is virtually no limit to the amount of traffic a page can get from social media. A huge number of people may share a piece of content. If you’ve ever seen the Analytics for content that has “gone viral,” you know just how far and how fast things can spread. • Search OptimizationThere is a ceiling to the amount of traffic a page will get from a search engine. Traffic will never exceed the number of people who search for that phrase each day. The total demand for the topic (the search volume) is the maximum amount of traffic the page will get from search engines. • 5. Durability: How long success will last • Social MediaMost visibility and traffic happens within minutes of posting. Although response may be quick, social media requires a continuous, ongoing effort. • Search OptimizationOnce a page is ranking, it may have durable visibility, creating an ongoing, passive source of visitors. Depending on the phrase and the page, high rankings may endure for weeks or months.

  17. 6. Measurement: How to report on success • The traffic you win from each channel is visible in your Google Analytics. But the number may not be accurate. How do you measure social and search outcomes? • Social MediaIt’s easy to measure social engagement, but hard to measure reach and impressions. Shares, likes and comments are all highly visible and can be reported using a tool like Buzzsumo. Also, each social network offers its own reporting. But it’s hard to measure reach. The total visibility and traffic of all social activity is not easy to report on. There are many platforms and each has its own reports. Social traffic reports in Google Analytics are not very accurate.

  18. Q2. What type of information are you more likely to find on Twitter, on Pinterest, and using a search engine? • Topics: What works where • Which topics work well in which channel? Once you have an instinct for it, • you’ll know where to promote any piece of content. • Social MediaContent that stirs an emotional response often does best, especially emotions such as anxiety, anger and awe. Trending topics often do well in social media. • Search OptimizationResearch-based content often performs best, such as detailed, how-to instructional posts and articles that answer common questions. Evergreen topics that don’t quickly go out of style often do well in search engine marketing

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