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Operations on Rational Number s

Learn how to add fractions with unlike denominators using the Least Common Multiple method. Understand the concept of fractions, find the LCM, and add numerators to get the result. Follow the golden rule of algebra for numerator-denominator relationship.

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Operations on Rational Number s

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Operations on Rational Numbers Fractions- Adding Fractions with unlike Denominators.

  2. Vocabulary • What is a fraction? A fraction is a number that has a numerator and a denominator.

  3. Adding fractions with unlike denominators • Step 1: Check to see if the denominators are like or unlike. If unlike; Step 2: • Find the least common multiple( you have to find a common denominator) so you can add the numerators. • Use the “L” method to find the L.C.M (revisit the video on L.C.M)

  4. Step 3: After you find the L.C.M, find the factors and multiply with that number the denominator and the numerator(remember golden rule of algebra, what you do to the denominator you do to the numerator). Step 4: Write the common denominator only once and add the numerators. Step 5: Reduce if needed.

  5. Example for Adding fractions(Rational numbers) • 3 3 6 8 The denominators are unlike so we use the “L” method to find the L.C.M 2 6, 8 3 3, 4 4 1, 1 Now go back and multiply. The L.C.M of 6,8 is 24

  6. 3 3 6 8 The L.C.M is 24 so, make the denominator 24 by multiplying (6 * 4) to get 24 and multiply (8* 3) to get 24. Golden rule of algebra--- What you do to the denominator you will do to the numerator. 4. 3 3. 3 12 9 21 4 .6 3. 8 24 24 24 Don’t forget to reduce ( by 3) 7/8

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