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Career Guidance: It’s Not Just a Nice Idea. Effective Career Guidance Resources. Why do our students need Career Self-Management skills?. In 2005-06 there were 547,014 California students enrolled in grade 9, how many grade 12 students were enrolled in 2008-09?
Career Guidance: It’s Not Just a Nice Idea Effective Career Guidance Resources
In 2005-06 there were 547,014 California students enrolled in grade 9, how many grade 12 students were enrolled in 2008-09? Source: CDE Enrollment, Graduation and Dropouts 180,345 296,785 349,011 476,121
468,281 grade 12 students were enrolled in 2007-08, how many students graduated from High School in 2008? Source: CDE Enrollment, Graduation and Dropouts 376,393 443,080 400,134 201,256
What percentage of first-time, full-time students in the US completed a Bachelor’s degree within six years? Source: National Center for Public Policy & Higher Education “Measuring Up” 2008 38% 63% 56% 81%
What percent of jobs now require some level of post-secondary education? (Conference Board, Oct 2006) 50% 70% 90% 30%
What percentage of employers cited lifelong learning/ self direction (career management) as a very important applied skill for the workforce? Source: “New Graduates Workforce Readiness” 43% 50% 77% 30%
What percentage of employers rated the incoming workforce (college graduates) as ‘excellent’ at that applied skill? Source: “New Graduates Workforce Readiness” 25% 79% 54% 30%
The Old Paradigm in Career Development and Planning From: A linear, destination-oriented model of: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Birth Job ChoiceEducation/Training EmploymentRetirement Source: Phil Jarvis, Vice President National Life/Work Center
Moving to a New Paradigm in Career Development and Planning 12-25 jobs 5+ occupations 3+ sectors (USDOL) Source: Phil Jarvis, Vice President National Life/Work Center
100% California College Enroll-ment Line 1990 California College Enroll-ment Line 1999 High School Diploma or Less 60 35 15 10 90% 65 to 70 Academic and Workplace Skills Shortfall Area 65 80% 70% 45 60% Post-High School Training or Education National College Enroll-ment Line 1950 50% 40% Community College Area UC and CSU Area a-g 20 30% 20% 20-25 20 20 20 4 - Year Degree or More 10% 0% 1950 1990 2000 2010 Required Education and Training Increases for Employment – 1950 through 2010
What statistics tell us For every 100 California 9th graders in 2006 • 65 graduated from high school • 36 entered college the next Fall • 25 were still enrolled as sophomores • 20 graduated within 6 years Student Pipeline - Transition and Completion Rates from 9th Grade to College The National Center for Higher Education Management Systems 2009
DROPOUTS AND POORLY PREPARED STUDENTS HAVE A NEGATIVE IMPACT ON THE ECONOMY • More than 175,000 students did not graduate from California’s high schools in 2009; the lost lifetime earnings in California for that class of dropouts alone total more than $45.5 billion. • California would save more than $2.3 billion in health care costs over the lifetimes of each class of dropouts had they earned their diplomas. • If California’s high schools graduated all of their students ready for college, the state would save almost $687.9 million a year in community college remediation costs and lost earnings. • California’s economy would see a combination of crime-related savings and additional revenue of about $1.1 billion each year if the male high school graduation rate increased by just 5%. Alliance for Excellent Education (www.all4ed.org)
Trends of the Future • 60% of today’s high school students will work in jobs which do not yet exist. • More than 75% of all college students will work while attending college. • Performance based pay will be the norm. • International ventures in business will grow exponentially. The Bridge: Winter 1991 and GAO Report 1996
California’s Forgotten Middle-Skill Jobs • Some 43 percent of all job openings in California between now and 2016 will be in middle-skill jobs. • Middle-skill jobs require more than a high school diploma but less than a four-year college degree. • Refers to the level of education required by a particular job – not to the actual competence and capacity of workers and occupations—many middle-skill occupations require highly skilled trade and technical workers with several years of training and on- the-job experience. • Community colleges, apprenticeship programs, nonprofit community-based training organizations, and private career schools provide middle-skill training.
Career Education Missing Most career decision-making is largely unintentional and not fully informed: 84% of Americans say they are not in their ideal job. (Career Building) 78% of students credit their parents as their top adult influence in career planning. (Ferris State University) 28% of 12th-graders see school as meaningful, and 39% believe it will impact success later life. (NCES, Condition of Education 2002)
Student Success Research indicates that when students see the relevance of what they are studying in school in relation to their own career goals, they can begin to make the connection between current coursework and the achievement of future life and work goals. Therefore, one resource for engaging students in their current education is a strong career guidance program. SSPI Jack O’Connell in ASVAB CEP support letter
Research ShowsInformed & Considered Career Decisions Work Educational Outcomes • Improved preparation and participation in postsecondary education • Better articulation among levels of education and between education and work • Higher graduation and retention rates Social Benefits • Higher levels of worker satisfaction and career retention • Shorter path to primary labor market for young workers • Lower incidence of work-related stress and depression Economic Consequences • Higher incomes and increased tax revenues • Lower rates and shorter periods of unemployment • Increased worker productivity “The Educational, Social, and Economic Value of Informed and Considered Career Decisions” Scott Gillie and Meegan Gillie Isenhour, 2003 & 2005 For America’s Career Resource Network Association
High School Career Exploration Programs: Do They Work? Found convincing evidence that career exploration programs are improving the future prospects of a large and diverse group of high school students by increasing the likelihood that they will graduate and go on to postsecondary education. • Students who participate in career exploration programs are more likely than nonparticipants to take college entrance and Advanced Placement exams • Students who participate in career exploration programs are more likely to graduate from high school • Students who participate in career exploration programs are more likely to go to college and to attend a two-year rather than four-year institution Visher, Bhandari, and Medrich - Phi Delta Kappan, October, 2004
Evaluation of The Real Game A two-year evaluation, involving 600 students, indicated that the U.S. version of The Real Game: • Significantly strengthened students’ understanding of the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to succeed in the workplace; • Positively impacted students’ goal setting abilities and confidence in their future success; • Increased student’s engagement in school, and • Benefited student’s sense of self-efficacy University of Massachuetts, Amherst, 2007
The Ultimate GOAL Of Career Education To help students develop the career self-management skills they will need, lifelong: • to be healthy, self-reliant and resilient citizens, • able to find work they love in times of constant workforce change, and • maintain balance between work and other life roles
Career Readiness Career readiness involves three major skill areas: • core academic skills and the ability to apply those skills to concrete situations in order to function in the workplace and in routine daily activities; • employability skills (such as critical thinking and responsibility) that are essential in any career area; • technical, job-specific skills related to a specific career pathway. Association for Career & Technical Education 2010
Getting Real: Helping Teens Find Their Future New Goal for High school • Every student will graduate from high school having developed a postsecondary plan that is grounded in at least tentative career choices and has a high probability of success. College Graduation Indicators include: • High school grade point average (academic skills) • Career maturity/focus College Drop Out Reasons includes: • Lack of commitment to graduating (no clear goal or reason to attend) Kenneth Gray, 2009
Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills A Three-Part Foundation • Basic Skills: Read, write, math, listen and speak • Thinking Skills: Creative, visualize, know how to learn • Personal Qualities: Responsible, self-manager, honest Five Workplace Competencies • Resources: Identify, organize, plan, and allocate resources • Interpersonal: Work with others • Information: Acquire and use information • Systems: Understand complex inter-relationships • Technology: Work with a variety of technologies
Career Self-Management Skills • Personal and Social Development • Build and maintain a positive self-concept • Develop interpersonal skills including respect for diversity • Integrate personal growth and change into career development • Balance personal, leisure, community, learner, family and work roles • Educational Achievement and Lifelong Learning • Attain educational achievement and performance levels needed to reach personal and career goals • Participate in on-going lifelong learning experiences • Career Management • Create and manage a career plan that meets your career goals • Use a process of decision-making as one component of career development • Use accurate, current and unbiased career information during career planning and management • Master academic, occupational and general employability skills • Integrate changing employment trends, societal needs and economic conditions into your career plans • National Career Development Guidelines 2004
Critical Skills Needs and Resources for the Changing Workforce • “Overall, employers placed the greatest weight on employee adaptability and critical thinking skills. HR (human resource) professionals and employees both reported that adaptability/flexibility and critical thinking/problem-solving skills were of greatest importance now compared with two years ago.” A Study by the Society for Human Resource Management and WSJ.com June 2008
Are They Really Ready to Work? • Employability skills “dominate rankings of knowledge and skills expected to in- crease in importance over the next five years.” • Employers identified critical thinking/problem solving, information-technology application, teamwork/collaboration, creativity/innovation and diversity as the top five such skills. Conference Board Consortium 2006
States Career Clusters Initiative Knowledge and Skills 2008 • All secondary students are expected to meet state academic standards • Essential Knowledge and Skills apply to careers in all clusters and pathways • Cluster Knowledge and Skills apply to all careers within a particular cluster • Pathway Knowledge and Skills apply to all careers within a particular career pathway www.careerclusters.org
Career EducationKindergarten Life 13+ Advanced Preparation 11-12 Career Preparation Entry Level Employment 9-10 Career Guidance 6-8 Career Exploration K-5 Career Awareness
CalCRN Resources • CaliforniaCareers.info • California CareerZone • California Reality Check • California Career Planning Guide • The Real Game CaliforniaTM (TRGC)
California Career Resource NetworkEducation Code Section 53086 • The mission … is to provide all persons in California with career development information and resources to enable them to reach their career goals. • The primary duty … is to develop and distribute career information, resources, and training materials to middle school and high school counselors, educators, and administrators, in order to ensure that middle schools and high schools have the necessary information available to provide a pupil with guidance and instruction on education and job requirements necessary for career development.
California Career Resource Network Contacts John Merris-Coots Executive Director (916) 323-6544 jmerriscoots@californiacareers.info Christina Rogers, MS NCC Career Counselor and Training Coordinator (916) 273-4369 angelescc@comcast.net