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Generating “Rectify( )”. Assembly code examples Part 1 of 3. Concepts. Concepts of C++ “stubs” Forcing the test to fail – test of test Generating valid “C++ code” to satisfy the tests Need for “name mangling” for overloaded functions
Generating “Rectify( )” Assembly code examplesPart 1 of 3
Concepts • Concepts of C++ “stubs” • Forcing the test to fail – test of test • Generating valid “C++ code” to satisfy the tests • Need for “name mangling” for overloaded functions • How do you find out the name mangled name so it can be used in assembly code • Learning just enough TigerSHARC assembly code to make things “work” TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Software “AM” radio concept RF STAGE Antenna Pickup AUDIO STAGE Low passFilter+ amplifier Low passFilter Rectifier Mixer LocalOscillator IF STAGE Audio out Most stages handled with high speed software TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Test Driven Development Work with customer to check that the tests properly express what the customer wants done. Iterative process with customer “heavily involved” – “Agile” methodology. CUSTOMER DEVELOPER TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
E-TDD Test.cpp files have four main components. Many error messages if not present Include Files – cut-and-paste (always the same) TEST_CONNECT (TestFileInfo) TEST(testNAME, testTYPE) NOTE: Tests execute from LAST in file to FIRST. As normally the LAST test is the most recently added test, this is good. You test if new code works and then check (regression test) that you did not break anything LINK_TEST(TestFileInfo, testTYPE) TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Now expand the Customer Tests to do what the customer has requested Problems to be fixed in Assignment 1 Add test for If N <= 0, return NULL otherwise return the start of the output array Tests are working by mistake as We are not resetting the output array to 0 between function calls TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Name mangled names can be seen from linker C++ name as used The name mangled name generated by in C++ code by the C++ compiler in response to function overloading. These are the “assembly code” names TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Next step: Write just enough code to satisfy the linker – C++ stubs TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Write the assembly language stub • We lost control of the processors in the debug environment. TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Build the code incrementally to satisfy tests See speed change now we Are executing code – but why failures Note what if N < = 0 TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Note Special marker Compiler optimization FLOATS 927 304 -- THREE FOLD INTS 960 150 – SIX FOLD Why the difference, and can we do better, and do we want to? Note the failures – what are they TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Fix Tests to only show “FAILURES TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Generate assembly code • Do the code in steps, attempting to satisfy one test at a time • Learn “the assembler” in steps • Get “some idea” of the issues we need to learn about as we go along • Just enough knowledge “to get things to work” • Worry about full details later TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
What we need to know based on experiences from other processors • Can we return from an assembly language routine without crashing the processor? • Return a parameter from assembly language routine • (Is it same for ints and floats?) • Pass parameters into assembly language • (Is it same for ints and floats?) • Do IF THEN ELSE statements • Read and write values to memory • Read and write values in a loop • Do some mathematics on the values fetched from memory All this stuff is demonstrated by coding HalfWaveRectifyASM( ) TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Write tests about passing values back from an assembly code routine TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
What we have learned • We passed the “very general” test • Managed to call and return from an assembly code and did not crash the system • We passed some specific tests in the test file “by accident” • CJMP – is the “way to return” from an assembly code function to “C++” • Instruction format is interesting nop; nop; nop;; ; separate instructions executed together CJMP (ABS);; ;; indicates the end of an “grouped” instruction CJMP must be like RTS – meaning there is a CJMP register (or memory location) storing the address to return to after this COMPARE TO BlackfinP0 = [FP + 4]; Place storing return address UNLINK; JUMP (P0); TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
More detailed look at the code As with 68K and Blackfin needs a .section But name and format different As with 68K need .align statement Is the “4” in bytes (8 bits)or words (32 bits) As with 68K need .globalto tell other code that this function exists Single semi-colons Double semi-colons Start function label End function label Used for “profiling code” Label format similar to 68K Needs leading underscore and final colon TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Need to know • How do we return “an integer pointer” • Need to look at “C++” manual for coding conventions • As with 68K, MIPS and Blackfin expect to have • Volatile registers – function variate registers, that DON’T need to be conserved when developing a function • Non-volatile, preserved registers – function invariate registers, that DO need to be conserved when developing a function TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Return registers • There are many, depending on what you need to return • Here we need to use J8 • Many registers available – need ability to control usage • J0 to J31 – registers (integers and pointers) (SISD mode) • XR0 to XR31 – registers (integers) (SISD mode) • XFR0 to XFR31 – registers (floats) (SISD mode) • Did I also mention • I0 to I31 – registers (integers and pointers) (SISD mode) • YR0 to YR31 , YFR0 to YFR31 (SIMD mode) • XYR, YXR and R registers (SIMD mode) • And also the MIMD modes • And the double registers and the quad registers ……. #define return_pt_J8 J8 // J8 is a VOLATILE, NON-PRESERVED register TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Using J8 for returned int * value Now passing this test “by accidentShould be conditionally passing back NULL TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Conditional tests Need to code – returning a NULL or the starting address of the final array int *HalfWaveRectifyRelease(int initial_array[ ], int final_array[ ], int N) if ( N < 1) return_pt = NULL; else /* after some calculations */ return_pt = &final[ 0]; Questions to ask the instruction manual • How are parameters passed to us? • On the stack (as with 68K) or in registers / stack (as with MIPS and Blackfin)? – answer turns out to be more like MIPS and Blackfin • How do you do an IF? • How do you do conditional jumps? TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Parameter passing • Spaces for first four parameters ARE ALWAYS present on the stack (as with 68K) • But the first four parameters are passed in registers (J4, J5, J6 and J7 most of the time) (as with MIPS) • The parameters passed in registers are often then stored into the spaces on the stack (like the MIPS) for “safe keeping” when assembly code functions call assembly code functions • J4, J5, J6 and J7 are volatile, non-preserved registers TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Coding convention // int *HalfWaveRectifyRelease(int initial_array[ ], // int final_array[ ], int N) #define initial_pt_inpar1 J4 incoming parameters #define final_pt_inpar2 J5 #define N_J6_inpar3 J6 #define return_pt_J8 J8 return value TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Can we pass back the start of the final array Still passing tests byaccident and thestart of the array needs to be conditional returnvalue TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
What we need to know based on experiences from other processors • Can we return from an assembly language routine without crashing the processor? • Return a parameter from assembly language routine • (Is it same for ints and floats?) • Pass parameters into assembly language • (Is it same for ints and floats?) • Do IF THEN ELSE statements • Read and write values to memory • Read and write values in a loop • Do some mathematics on the values fetched from memory All this stuff is demonstrated by coding HalfWaveRectifyASM( ) TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Doing an IF (N < 1) JUMP type of instruction • 68K version CMP.L #1, D1 ; Performs subtraction (D1 – 1) and sets ; condition code flag BLT ELSE ; Branch if result of (D1 – 1) < 0 ; BLE is a branch if less than ; zero instruction NOT on whether D1 < 1 • TigerSHARC version COMP(N_inpar3, 1);; // Perform N < 1 test IF JLT, JUMP ELSE;; // NOTE: Use of comma , and semi-colons ;; • Same possible error on BOTH processors • 68K -- which test BLE, BLT or BGT should be used? • TigerSHARC – which test JLE, JLT or NJLE should be used? TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
ELSE is a TigerSHARC keyword Should have guessed as editor turned in blue ELSE is a KEYWORD Fix that error first TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Why is ELSE a keyword FOUR PART ELSE INSTRUCTION IS LEGAL IF JLT; ELSE, J1 = J2 + J3; // Conditional execution – if true ELSE, XR1 = XR2 + XR3; // Conditional – if true YFR1 = YFR2 + YFR3;; // Unconditional -- always IF JLT; DO, J1 = J2 + J3; // Conditional execution -- if true DO, XR1 = XR2 + XR3; // Conditional -- if true YFR1 = YFR2 + YFR3;; // Unconditional -- always Having this sort of format means that the instruction pipeline is not disrupted by jumps when we do IF statements TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Fix ELSE keyword error GREATER a keyword? Not blue Just change it to somethingelse rather than wasting time TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Label name is not the problem NOTE: This is “C-like” syntax, But it is not “C” Statement must end in ;; Not ; TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Should learn to read – looking at wrong error. Click on error line Missing ;; TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Still not got the correct syntax Because of missing ;; (dual semicolons) Processor thinks we want return_pt = 0; JUMP END_IF; return_pt = INPAR3 ;; Apparently such a complicated instruction IS LEGAL provided the jump is at the start of the multiple issue instruction TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Add dual-semicolons everywhereWorry about “multiple issues” later This dual semi-colon Is so important that you MUST code review for it all the time or else you waste so much time in the Lab. Key in exams / quizzes At last an error I know how to fix TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Well I thought I understood it !!! • Speed issue – JUMPS can’t be too close together. • Not normally a problem when “if” is larger TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Add a single instruction of 4 NOPsnop; nop; nop; nop;; • Fix the last error as part of Assignment 1 Fix the remaining error in handling the IF THEN ELSE as part of assignment 1 Worry about code efficiency later (refactor) when all code working TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
What we need to know based on experiences from other processors • Can we return from an assembly language routine without crashing the processor? • Return a parameter from assembly language routine • (Is it same for ints and floats?) • Pass parameters into assembly language • (Is it same for ints and floats?) • Do IF THEN ELSE statements • Read and write values to memory • Read and write values in a loop • Do some mathematics on the values fetched from memory All this stuff is demonstrated by coding HalfWaveRectifyASM( ) TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Assignment 1 – code the following as a software loop – follow 68K approach extern “C” int CalculateSum(void) { int sum = 0; for (int count = 0; count < 6; count++) { sum = sum + count; } return sum; } extern “C” – means that this function is “C” compatible rather than “C++”. • No overloading (requiring name-mangling) permitted TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada
Reminder – software for-loopbecomes “while loop” with initial test extern “C” int CalculateSum(void) { int sum = 0; int count = 0; while (count < 6) { sum = sum + count; count++; } return sum; } Do line by line translation TigerSHARC assemble code 1, M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada