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History of Flight/Space Travel and Exploration. Objectives:. To learn how we explore space. To explore some of the technology used for space exploration. To learn about some famous space explorers. To examine the history of space exploration. Early Beginnings:.
Objectives: • To learn how we explore space. • To explore some of the technology used for space exploration. • To learn about some famous space explorers. • To examine the history of space exploration.
Early Beginnings: • 1000 BC Chinese credited with invention of the kite • 1903Dec. 17, Wright brother's flew the first gas-powered plane 120 feet ● 1912Planes used in WWI (speeds 7-80 miles per hour) • 1963X-15set speed and distance records of 4354 miles per hour List of Objectives: To learn how we explore space. To explore some of the technology used for space exploration. To learn about some famous space explorers. To examine the history of space exploration.
Who were the Pioneers in Rocketry? • Make four door foldable. Add two pictures (one of Robert Goddard and the other Wernher von Braun) , then add notes on the next screen under the tabs. • Directions: Use 8 1/2" X 11" piece of paper of your color choice. Will need glue and scissors. List of Objectives: To learn how we explore space. To explore some of the technology used for space exploration. To learn about some famous space explorers. To examine the history of space exploration.
Robert Goddard (1882-1945) • Video of Goddard’s life At 16 became interested in rockets due to reading the book by H.G.Wells titled:"War of the Worlds" 1919 paper "A Method of Reaching Extreme Altitudes" talked of sending a rocket to the moon. He was dismissed as a "Crank" for thinking we could go to the moon. 1926 First liquid-fueled rocket shot into the air - 14 ft high. 184 ft down range Held 214 patents in rocketry at his death. List of Objectives: To learn how we explore space. To explore some of the technology used for space exploration. To learn about some famous space explorers. To examine the history of space exploration.
Wernher von Braun(1912-1977) On right side of four door foldable, we will add a picture of von Braun after we write the notes under the tabs. Under tabs write the following: German By age 22 had Doctorate in physics Age 24, director of Germany's military rocket development program October 1942: the start of the space age (Wernher von Braun launched a rocket for the German military that hit a specific target 120 miles away.) 1945 Hitler ordered the execution of von Braun and 100 other rocket scientist to keep the "enemy" from getting their hands on their expertise. Wernhervon Braun was able to get all of his team to American troops before Hitler's SS men could get to them to execute them all. 1946 Entire German team reassembled in White Sands, Texas. US Space program underway! List of Objectives: To learn how we explore space. To explore some of the technology used for space exploration. To learn about some famous space explorers. To examine the history of space exploration.
Monday Nov 14, 2011 • Hi Guys! Sorry I am not there. I have a touch of the flu, I think, and am not able to make it in. Feeling really lousy. • However, I have every confidence that you can finish these notes today without me. • I believe we ended with the next slide…The Space Race. Make sure you have all of the info before moving to the next one. I added drawings to show how you should add the notes along with the pictures. This will hold true for the rest of the pages. • Starting with The “Space Race” cont. , continue adding the notes about Yuri 1961 – 1966 on the same two pages we started the other day. Add pictures as you go.
The “Space Race” • October 4, 1957 Sputnik ("Space traveler") launched by the Russians** • November 1957 Sputnik 2 USSR launched 1st living animal into space - Laika** • January 31, 1958 Explorer I and Jupiter - C The 1st US Satellite and Space Launch Vehicle. Discovered the Van Allen Belts** • October 1958 U.S. Mercury Program started, goal to pioneer technology and skills for spaceflight NASA created by President Eisenhower List of Objectives: To learn how we explore space. To explore some of the technology used for space exploration. To learn about some famous space explorers. To examine the history of space exploration.
The “Space Race” cont. April 1961 U.S.S.R.'s Yuri Gagarin 1st man in space, orbited Earth** May 1961 Alan Shepard 1st American in space, sub- orbital flight President Kennedy committed U.S to be the first on the moon ** February 1962 John Glenn 1st American to achieve orbit** December 1962 Gemini program, goal to further advance technologies and knowledge needed for a lunar mission, two man spacecraft February 3, 1966 Luna 9 USSR first to land an unmanned craft on moon List of Objectives: To learn how we explore space. To explore some of the technology used for space exploration. To learn about some famous space explorers. To examine the history of space exploration.
Directions for next page • Turn to the next comp book page. • Title the page “TO THE MOON!” • Cut out and add the timeline labeled to the moon. • Continue adding notes to the left and right (on both pages) including pictures that go with the dates. • Items in Blue should be a link to a short video clip on the topic.
To The Moon! Apollo Program: Goal to land on the moon and return safely! January 1967 Apollo I: Grissom, White, Chaffee killed on launch pad** December 1968 Apollo 8 first manned craft to leave Earth's gravity, 1st to orbit moon July 16, 1969 Apollo 11 with Armstrong, Aldrin, Collins; 1st lunar landing on July 20th** April 1970 Apollo 13 Lovell, Swigert, Haise; successful failure** December 1972 Apollo 17 the last mission to land a man on the moon List of Objectives: To learn how we explore space. To explore some of the technology used for space exploration. To learn about some famous space explorers. To examine the history of space exploration.
Directions to the next page • Turn to the next page. • Title it Shuttle Program • Cut out the two time lines that go with these pages. Glue the earlier time line on the back of the previous page and along the inner right hand side of the page. Glue the later timeline, on the right hand page along the left hand margin. • Continue with notes adding pictures as you go along. • Items in blue, should again be video clips about the topic. Just click the link. • You will need to add July 7, 2011 at the bottom of the page. It will not be on the timeline.
Shuttle Program April 12, 1981 Columbia, first shuttle launch June 1983 U.S. 1st female in space** August 1983 1st African American in space** January 1986 Challenger explodes 72 sec. into flight** April 1990 Hubble telescope launched from Discovery**
Shuttle Program October 1998John Glenn returns to space on Discovery , oldest astronaut in space** February 1, 2003 Columbia breaks up 15 minutes before finishing its 28th mission** July 7, 2011 Last shuttle launch**
Last page of notes directions • Title page Space Stations • Cut out the last timeline and glue it to the right hand page along the left margin. • Continue adding the notes on both sides of the time line (back of left page and to the right of the time line on the right hand side. • Blue links go out to short video clips.
Space Stations 1973 Skylab, 1st American space station** 3 manned missions= 9 men total; spent 174 days in space Goal: to learn how the mind, body, and materials reacted to long term exposure in space 1975 US-Soviet joint mission Apollo-Soyuz Test Project 1986 Mir, last Russian station launched, still in use 1998 ISS finally launched** 2000 First crew on ISS** List of Objectives: To learn how we explore space. To explore some of the technology used for space exploration. To learn about some famous space explorers. To examine the history of space exploration.
HOMEWORK: • Using index cards, begin working on defining Chapter 27 vocab. • Term should go on the front with a possible hand drawn picture, or you may add a picture you find at home from the internet. • Glossary definition goes on the back.
Exit Slip • On a post-it note, write down two things you would like to know more about from today’s lesson. • Park replies by door • Be sure your name is on post-it