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Sejarah Sosial Keagamaan Learning to Faucoult. Didin Nurul Rosidin Presented at the Workshop on The Research Methodology for Lecturers at IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon 8 March 2012. Historical Activities. Mengalami Peristiwa Sejarah ( History as what happened in the past )
SejarahSosialKeagamaanLearning to Faucoult DidinNurulRosidin Presented at the Workshop on The Research Methodology for Lecturers at IAIN SyekhNurjati Cirebon 8 March 2012
Historical Activities • MengalamiPeristiwaSejarah (History as what happened in the past) • MemahamiFaktaSejarah, MembacaFaktaSejarahdanMembacaTulisantentangSejarah (History as Knowledge or Historical Knowledge) • MenulisdanMempresentasikanSejarah (History as a production of Historians or Historiography) • MengajarkanSejarah (History as a part of education or Historical Education)
The Uses of History • Sejarahberkaitandengansesuatu yang kadaluawarsa (out of date). • SejarahsebagaiIngatanBersama (collective memory or the storehouse of experiences) . • Sejarahsebagaisebuahkajianpengetahuan (History confined to academic circles and powerless to influence society). • Sejarahsebagaireferensinilaiuntukmembangunkesadaransosial (History as forms of social consciousness offering precedence and yielding prediction about the future) • Sejarahsebagai arena otoritasdankekuasaan (History is a political battleground) • Sejarahsebagai media pendidikan (History as to train mind, enlarge the symphaties and provide a much-needed historical perspective on some of the most pressing problems of our time).
Definition The past is not discovered or found', … 'it is created and represented by the historian as text, which is in turn consumed by the reader. Scott Wilson, ‘Historicism” in Kate McGowan (ed.), The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory, Oxford University Press, n.d., hal. 53.
Quotations “History is not the past, nor the surviving past. It is a reconstruction of certain parts of the past (from surviving evidence) which in some way have had relevance for the present circumstances of the historian who reconstructed them” (Gordon Cornell-Smith and Howell Lloyd) “Historical Knowledge is not and cannot be objective” (John Tosh) “The writing of history is one of the fullest and most rewarding expressions of an individual personality” (Richard Cobb)
Sumber, FaktadanSejarawan • Sejarahsebagaimanailmulainnyaberkaitandengan data dansumber data (otentisitas, jenis-jenis, metodepengumpulanhinggaanalisanya) • Sumber data mulaidaridokumentertulis, angka, lisanhingga landscape dan film • Sumber data memberikanfakta. • Duamacamfakta: FaktaMasaLalu (Facts of the past which are limitless and in their entirety unknowable) danFaktaSejarah (facts of history which are a selection made by historians for the purpose of historical reconstruction and explanation) • Sejarawan as a painter and not a photographic camera.
Quotation The essence of historical enquiry is selection of “relevant” sources, of “historical” facts and of “significant” interpretation John Tosh, The Pursuit of History: Aims, Methods and New Directions in the Study of Modern History, p. 117
Michel Faucoult Michel Faucoult (1926-1984) salahseorangFilosofbesarPerancis Abad 20 Karya-karyautamanyaantara lain Madness and Civilisation: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason, The Order of Things: An Archaeology of Human Sciences, The Archaeology of Knowledge, Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison, the Birth of the Clinic dan The History of Sexuality Beberapakonseputamanyaadalah Discourse, Power, Knowledge, Episteme, Archaeology, Genealogy danMetodeObservasi.
Lanjutan … • BagiFaucoult, Sejarahtentangsistempengetahuanmanusiadanbagaimanasistemituberubahdarisatumasakemasa. • Setiapperiodesejarahmemiliki intellectual rules (episteme) yang berfungsiuntukmembangunpengetahuan yang benar • Dengan Episteme, Faucoultmenolakprinsipcontinuitydalamsejarahdanmengusungidediscontinuity. • Representasibahasapengetahuanituakanmenjadidiscourse sebagaielemenutamadalammembangunpower. • Powerinidalamkonteks Foucault bukansebuahinstitusi, struktur atau kekuatantertentu yang dimilikiolehseseorang atau sekelompokorangtetapilebihsebagaigambaranakanhubungan yang komplex yang adapadamasyarakattertentu.
Lanjutan …. • Dalammenganalisaperkembanganpengetahuandalamsejarahini, Faucoultmenggunakanmetode yang iasebutArchaeology and Genealogy. • Yang pertamamelakukanexplorasiterhadappoladimanasatuepistemsecarabertahapmenggantikanepistem yang lain. • Yang keduadiarahkanuntukmengujifaktorkausalitas yang berperanterhadapbagaimanaide atau epistemberubahdanmuncul.
Quotation “It is a question of what governs statements, and the way in which they govern each other so as to constitute a set of propositions which are scientifically acceptable, and hence capable of being verified or falsified”
Faucoult’s Ways Dalammengumpulkandanmengolah data iamenggunakanapa yang iasebut “The Questioning of the document” as the way for the reconstitution of the history. Documenatau data dilihatsebagai the language of a voice. DalampenelitiannyaIalebihcenderungkepadapendekatan “case study” sepertikasusKegilaan, Seksualitas, Penjaradan lain-lain. Dalambeberapahaliajugamenggunakanmetodeobservasi.
Quotation “In the past, history undertook to memorise the monuments of the past, transform them into documents, which are often not verbal. Now, history is that which transforms documents into monuments” Michel Faucoult, The Archaeology of Knowledge, p. 7
W A S S A L A M Wa al-Lahu ‘Alam bi al-Showab