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Sources of Weather Information. Chapter 9, Section E. Preflight Weather Sources. Flight Service Stations - FSS can be contacted anywhere in the USA by using 1 800 WX-BRIEF 1 800 992-7433 Identify yourself as a pilot and provide the following information VFR or IFR
Sources of Weather Information Chapter 9, Section E
Preflight Weather Sources • Flight Service Stations - FSS can be contacted anywhere in the USA by using 1 800 WX-BRIEF 1 800 992-7433 • Identify yourself as a pilot and provide the following information • VFR or IFR • Aircraft number and type • Departure airfield
Route of flight • Destination • Flight Altitude • Estimated time of departure • Estimated time enroute
Types of Briefings • Standard is the most complete briefing and assumes no familiarity with the weather picture • Abbreviated is used to update weather information when you need only one or two specific items • Outlook is used if you departure is six or more hours away. You should update with a standard or abbreviated briefing closer to flight time
TIBS • Telephone information briefing service allows you to get recorded weather information • It is designed to be a preliminary briefing tool. It is not intended to replace a standard briefing
DUATS • Direct User Access Terminal System allows pilots with current medical certificates to receive weather and file flight plans with a personal computer and modem • If you have any question, you should contact a live briefer to help you interpret the raw data and to advise you on how or whether to complete a flight
DUATS • DTC Duats • http://www.duat.com • 1 800 245-3828 • DynCorp • http://www.duats.com • 1 800 767-9989
In-Flight Weather Sources • Airmets - WA - Airmans meteorological information are forecasts for a maximum of a six hour period • Sierra for IFR conditions • Tango for turbulence • Zulu for icing and freezing levels
SIGMETs • Significant meteorological information - WS - • Severe Icing • Severe and extreme turbulence • Volcanic eruptions • Duststorms, sandstorms or volcanic ash lowering visibility to less than three miles
Convective SIGMETs • Imply severe or greater turbulence, severe icing and low level wind shear • Contain either an observation and a forecast or just a forecast for tornadoes, significant thunderstorm activity or hail 3/4 inch or greater in diameter
Enroute Flight Advisory Service • Flight Watch is available daily from 6 AM to 10 PM when flying between 5,000 AGL and 17,500 MSL any where in the US • Contact on 122.0 with your aircraft ID, ARTCC facility identification and name of the nearest VOR
Center Weather Advisory CWA • Issued by ARTCC to alert pilots of existing or anticipated adverse weather conditions • May be issued prior to an AIRMET or SIGMET as a result of PIREPs
HIWAS • Hazardous in-flight weather advisory service is a continuous broadcast of in-flight weather advisories over selected VORs or SIGMETs, convective SIGMETs, AIRMETs, severe weather warming alerts AWW, and Center weather advisories CWAs.
AWOS • Automated Weather Observing System was the first widely installed automated weather data gathering system • AWOS reports at fixed intervals and cannot issue special reports like ASOS does
ASOS • Automated surface observation system are becoming the primary weather observing system in the United States • Can be reached by telephone or by monitoring an ASOS frequency • It provides information for ATIS