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Why would these people become involved in the Olympics coming to Hull?

Why would these people become involved in the Olympics coming to Hull?. Theresa Green Environmentalist. Ivun Fast Student. Hazel Nutt Local Resident. Lee D. Ship Counsellor. Isla Walker Student. Bill Derr Local Builder. Kate E. Ring Caterer. The Big Picture. In context:

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Why would these people become involved in the Olympics coming to Hull?

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  1. Why would these people become involved in the Olympics coming to Hull? Theresa Green Environmentalist Ivun Fast Student Hazel Nutt Local Resident Lee D. Ship Counsellor Isla Walker Student Bill Derr Local Builder Kate E. Ring Caterer

  2. The Big Picture • In context: • Today at Hornsea you are learning all about the Olympic games and this lesson is no different. • We Are Learning To: • Make a decision about whether the Olympic games should or should not come to a town near you.

  3. THE BIG QUESTION: Should the Olympic games should come to a town near you? • Your group must decide yes or no to the above question. • Your group must be able to explain your reasons using evidence that you have gained this lesson.

  4. “Calling on the Community!” Public Meeting ! Venue: Hull Town Hall Date: November 21st 08 Time: 11am Purpose: To discuss whether the Olympic games should or should not come to Hull.

  5. Who Might Be Affected? Lots of different types of people attended the meeting all of whom had a real interest in the area. Task 1: In groups decide on what types of people might attend the meeting and decide on their reasons. Write your answers on the worksheet. For Example:

  6. For or against? • Will the people that you have identified be for or against the Olympic Games?

  7. Feedback: Who Might Be Affected? Decide on the spokesperson for your group and decide on a scribe. Each spokesperson will take it in turns to share ideas with the rest of the class. If any points are mentioned that your group has not got then the scribe must add them to your list.

  8. A young male athlete called Ivun Fast POINTS: Kids might want to make a career out of sport. My main hobby is 100m track but I also enjoy the 200 m swimming freestyle. Every time I wish to compete in National championships I have to travel down to London on the 06.45 train from Hull. Because I am so tired from the swimming, running and of course the train journey I often miss school on Monday. My dad says I have to follow my dreams of being a track runner.  

  9. A young female school child called Isla Walker POINTS: Be even more health freaks around than there are already. A jogger nearly knocked me over. I had to settle for a double with onions and mustard. There’s a boy in my class who is always walking around in his stupid running shorts. I get bullied even more. I am allergic to carrots so my throat would swell up and I might die.

  10. A resident called Hazel Nutt POINTS: I live in a tiny house with paper thin walls and if the proposals go ahead all I will hear all day long will be lorries and excavation teams. My electricity bills will go sky high. The poor ducks, and no doubt the beautiful swans, will just fly away to find a safer place. My final point is who will pay for all this? My pension is a pittance.

  11. Bill Derr from Construction Company Knock On Builders POINTS: Much building work will hopefully be coming to our area. It was unfortunate 2 weeks ago when I had to lay off 18 of my lads. Job Seekers Allowance won’t feed and clothe them. It will do great things for the unemployed lads around here. I imagine an environmentally friendly design with solar panels on every available roof. I will build on the brown field areas because it will allow our area to be regenerated. Knock on Builders

  12. An Environmentalist called Theresa Green POINTS:  Vast tree areas will have to be destroyed, which will impact on the amount of oxygen being released A large percentage of children suffer from asthma Need to consider the animals and their habitats. You only have to see images of commuters in China with protective masks over their faces, to realise the medical impact on people’s lungs.

  13. Kate E. Ring M.D of Catering Company called Tempting Tastes POINTS : The poor level of cuisine in our area is worrying. Obesity is rising in our area especially amongst young children. I am willing to create training opportunities in the catering world. With the youth in training schemes hopefully crime levels too will decrease. It will give young people lots to do and lots to look forward to.

  14. Lee D. Ship the mayor of Hull POINTS: There has been nothing but bad press about the area. The local economy has been on a downward Jobs will be created which will include; building, catering and cleaning. We will be working with local builders. 10,000 homes will be built, all of which will be environmentally friendly. The Games will provide inspiration to the youngsters.

  15. Task 2: Compose own questions • Your group needs to create 5 questions to ask each person about the Olympic bid to help you make the final decision. • The questions need to be questions you can ask all the people and NOT specific to one person. • Be prepared to feedback your questions as the 5 best will be chosen as the class questions.

  16. Task 3: Ask the expert activity • We will now read the task 2 instruction sheet together so everyone is clear. • Your original table group will be relying on you to act as the expert for that character in the community. • Return to your tables and feedback. • This activity will take approx 20 minutes if completed successfully.

  17. Task 4: What will be the advantages and disadvantages of the Olympics in Hull? • On your large paper complete this Venn diagram to show your group’s thoughts. advantages disadvantages commonality

  18. Main Task • It is clear that within each group some of you will decide Hull should host the Olympic Games and some of you will oppose this view. • To show your teacher which view you have taken run(!) to the For or Against Corner. • Now please find a partner within that corner to work with for the rest of the lesson and return to your seats.

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