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Från mellanrum till mellanslag. Carin jonsson. Oscarsfavoritferjersvat. OscarsfavoritferjersvatOscarsfavoritferjersvatOscarsfavoritferersvat. Pedagogical work Critical Discource Analysis Critical literacy. Classroom as PRACTICE and EVENT.
Från mellanrum till mellanslag Carin jonsson
Oscarsfavoritferjersvat OscarsfavoritferjersvatOscarsfavoritferjersvatOscarsfavoritferersvat
Classroom as PRACTICE and EVENT …the link between text, context, approach, medium and intention (Kress 2002, 2003)
”When different perspectives appear, the boundaries between what we regard as knowledge, values and opinions become more fluid”(Erixon et al 2012)
Withoutcomputers as a tool in writing, no writing process? ReconstructReviseRespondRereadRedesignReplaceReprintReflect
policy documents as mirrors…
”landscape can mask the land”(Malcolm Andrews) Havewe a right to take for granted that a picture shows what it representsregardless of what it is like and who is looking? (Arnheim, 1969, p 271)
I wish the world was flat like the olddays So I couldtravel just by folding the map Bejamin Gibbard
Literacy as experience as literacy of imaginationnew- digital-, visual- cultural and computer literacy A history doesn´t start, it is already there… (Kerstin Ekman)
Texttyper, komplexa texter, visuella texter, sammansatta texter och det vidgade textbegreppet A WIDENED TEXT CONCEPT EXPANDING TE T
Can anything be seen as it really is?