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Academic Responsibility

Academic Responsibility. INTEGRITY IS HONORABLE. Students:. You alone are responsible for your learning; no one else can learn for you.  You are also responsible for your own behavior and attitude. Moreover, you are responsible for attending class on time and participating fully.

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Academic Responsibility

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  1. Academic Responsibility INTEGRITY IS HONORABLE

  2. Students: • You alone are responsible for your learning; no one else can learn for you.  You are also responsible for your own behavior and attitude. Moreover, you are responsible for attending class on time and participating fully. • No one can make you dishonest, that’s your choice.

  3. Teachers and schools: • Are responsible for providing an environment in which students are able to learn.  • High academic and behavioral standards shall be maintained.  • An atmosphere of trust and caring will be promoted at all times. • The tools and opportunities to succeed are provided; its your choice to take advantage

  4. Academic dishonesty: • Defined as cheating of any kind • misrepresenting one's own work • taking credit for the work of others without crediting them and without appropriate authorization • and the fabrication of information.

  5. Common examples of academically dishonest behavior include, but are not limited to, the following: • 1. Cheating – • intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials to improve one's grade (for example, from another student, off the internet); copying from another student's work • submitting same work for an assignment in more than one class without prior permission of both instructors • representing material prepared by another as one's own work • inappropriate test taking conduct • violating rules of academic conduct relating to this course.

  6. More… • 2. Fabrication - intentional and unauthorized falsification or invention of any data, information, or citation in an academic exercise. • 3. Plagiarism of Intellectual Property - intentionally representing the words, ideas, or sequences of ideas of another, as one's own in any academic exercise; failure to attribute any of the following: quotations, paraphrases, or borrowed information from another student, internet, etc.

  7. More… • 4. Falsification and forgery - knowingly making a false statement, concealing material information or forging another's signature.  • 5. Facilitating academic dishonesty - intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another  student to commit an act of academic dishonesty. • 6. Use of cellular phones (photos, text messaging, etc) during exams- the use of any electronic device such as (but not limited to) a cellular phone, flash memory device, etc  for any reason will result in a zero on that test.

  8. Cheating • TEACHERS CAN TELL IF YOU COPY/PASTE FROM WIKIPEDIA as well as other sites • Teachers can tell if you use very technical language that is well above language you have previously demonstrated • Teachers know about scribd.com as well as other sites • Its still considered plagiarism if you just scramble the order of words and drop in a few synonyms. • You can work together but each document should be written in your own style. • Be honest if you need help. Just ask! It’s what we’re paid to do, after all.

  9. Cheating continued • Teachers know about using: • Water bottle labels • Gum wrappers • Bottoms of shoes • Graphing calculators • Notes on your arms, hands, legs • Passing info to other classes (even on pencils) • Signaling by coughing, scratching, tapping etc… • This is not a competition to dream up new ways to cheat

  10. Honesty • is appreciated and treasured • if you are frustrated and can’t figure out an assignment; STOP, email me and come in for help (please not the night before) • If you know of cheating then you are obligated to tell your peers to stop if they don’t…not letting the teacher know makes you an accomplice after the fact • Letting someone cheat off of you (assignments, tests) makes you an accomplice and you are equally guilty of academic dishonesty

  11. Any Questions?

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