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Southlands 20/20 Vision. 3-Year Ministry Plan. The following 3-year ministry plan summarizes the discussion, goal setting and prayers of the leaders at Southlands.
3-Year Ministry Plan • The following 3-year ministry plan summarizes the discussion, goal setting and prayers of the leaders at Southlands. • The leaders gathered for a retreat on January 8-9, 2010 under the guidance of the Prairie Divisional Commanders of The Salvation Army, Majors Junior & Verna Hynes. Junior & Verna facilitated our spiritual focus on the subject “Leading Like Jesus.” • The framework for this plan was introduced and initially facilitated by Bill Cole, who assisted our leaders in thinking about vision, big goals for the future, and our core values as a church. • Following the retreat, a planning team was established to bring together the feedback from the retreat, and prayerfully summarize the content, with a focus on developing a 3-year plan. • The participants in the 3-Year Ministry Plan process were: Greg Reid, Cathy Cole, Wendy Swan, Wendi Park, Dean Whitbread, Frank Guo, Deborah Knight, Sheila Keys, Harold Park, Ashanti Fernando, Laura Shiloff, Darren Sedor, Bill Cole, Rick Huxter, Pastor Angie Bradbury, Pastor Justin Bradbury.
Southlands’ Purpose (ENDS) Statement: “Because of Southlands Community Church, the people of Winnipeg and surrounding area will increasingly come to know, love, serve, and become fruitful followers of Jesus Christ, to the glory of God”
Southlands’ Mission Statement: “Bringing the love of Christ to where you are”
Southlands’ 20/20 Vision: “Making Christ-like disciples among the nations in South Winnipeg and beyond”
Our Core Values: At Southlands, we valueL.I.F.E.in Christ:
Core Values: L – living a lifestyle of worship I – intentional discipleship F – far reaching mission E – enriching relationships
L – living a lifestyle worship Worship of God moves beyond Sunday morning into an everyday response to God and His presence in our lives • We seek to express our love for God through genuine, Spirit-led worship that is culturally relevant while maintaining biblical integrity • Our worship of God is lived out as we use our God given gifts to serve others • SeeMatt 22:36-40; Matt 25:34-40; Luke 4:43-45; John 4:23; Romans 12:1-8; Eph 4:11-16; Col 1:24; Col 3:15-16
I – intentional discipleship We are a life-transformation training centre, committed to biblical teaching and application • We believe that spiritual growth results from following the example of Jesus in everyday life. • We value making a full commitment to love the Lord with all our heart, soul, body, and mind and to live out that love with others. • See Matthew 5:13-16; Matthew 9:35; Matt 11:28-30; Matt 22:36-40 Matt 28:18-20; Acts 5:42; Acts 6:1-7; Eph 2:19-22; Eph 4:11-16; Eph 5:23-24; Hebrews 13:7
F – far reaching mission We equip people to live their lives with Kingdom purpose in their sphere of influence and the world at large • We value extending Christ’s love so that others may experience the life -changing power of the Gospel. • We believe Christ-followers have been strategically placed as His representatives to be a Christ-like influence with those around them and among all nations. • See Matt 10:43-45; Matt 16:15-19; Matt 24:14; Matt 25:34-40; John 10:14-18; John 10:21; Acts 4:35; 2 Acts 1:8; Cor 5:17-6:1
E – enriching relationships We believe God designed people for loving relationships that reflect Christ-like love and respect for others. • We believe the church is enriched through authentic relationships where people are loved and express love. • We believe such relationships should exemplify interdependence, mutual respect and selfless generosity. • See Matt 22:36-40; John 13:34-35, Acts 2:41-47; Romans 15:1-7; 1 Cor. 12:12-31; Gal 6:1-2: Heb 10:24; 1 John 4:7
Think of Southlands like you would your home … Foyer Living Room Kitchen Table
Foyers … … represent the “doors” through which a newcomer experiences a Southlands worship service or outreach program for the first time. **Our response to newcomers = “You don’t know me yet, but welcome home! ”** • Our main foyers are: • Sunday AM worship services • Outreach events e.g. Fall Carnival, Christmas Eve & Easter services, Love Winnipeg • KidsQuest Day Camps
Living Rooms… … represent any place we meet with newcomers beyond our foyers, in order to develop stronger relationships. ** Our responsibility toward those who stay beyond the first visit = “Hello, my friends, what day this week works to get together for coffee?” or “Would you like to join us for the upcoming __________ @ Southlands?” • Our main “Living Rooms” are: • People’s homes • Coffee shops or restaurants • Structured fellowship opportunities at Southlands.
Kitchen Tables… … represent discipleship focused groups that meet in various home or at the church, where we are equipped to grow in relationship with God, each other, and empowered to lead newcomers into our “foyers.” ** Our relational strength at Southlands = “Brother / Sister, let’s support each other and journey together in a community group. Would you like to join me?” • Our main “kitchen tables” are: • Community groups • Mission trips
The Next 10 Years What goals are central to pursuing our vision over the next 10 years? Vision: To make Christ-like disciples among the nations of South Winnipeg and beyond
The Journey of Discipleship: Foyer Building relationships in “living rooms” to help newcomers belong Inviting hundreds to begin through our “foyers” Living Room Kitchen So that we are “Bringingthe love of Christ to where you are” Meeting around “kitchen tables” in order to become more like Christ
Foyers Definition: … represent the “doors” through which we invite newcomer to experience a Southlands worship service or outreach program for the first time. Our 10-year Foyer goal is … … to see ‘each one reach one’ new person per year for the next 10 years.
Living Rooms Definition: Living Room gatherings represent any place we meet with newcomers beyond our foyers in order to develop stronger relationships and strengthen connections to Southlands. Over the next 10 years our Living Room goal is to … … see ‘each one befriend one’ new person per year for the next 10 years by creating relational glue that will help them ‘stick’ with Southlands.
Kitchen Tables Definition: Kitchen tables represent our discipleship community groups where we are equipped to grow in relationship with God, each other, and empowered to lead newcomers into our “foyers”. Over the next 10 years our goal is to … … see ‘each one grow in one’ community group by multiplying the number and type of ‘kitchen table’ groups, so that a minimum of 75% of our congregation is participating in one.
The Next 3 Years What are our objectives for the next 3 years as we pursue our vision? Vision: Southlands is making Christ-like disciples among the nations of South Winnipeg and beyond
3-Year Foyer Objectives: What steps do we need to take to increase the number of people coming through our foyers, and enhance our foyer experiences for those who attend them? • ‘Each one reach one’ new person per year. • Co-ordinate our advertising around key seasons, and communicate with the congregation for prayer support and participation. • Increase the quality of excellence in all our existing foyers. • Create new worship & program foyers.
3-Year Living Room Objectives: What steps do we need to take so that we continue to become more than a “friendly” church, but one where newcomers quickly become our friends over the next 3 years? • ‘Each one befriend one’ new person per year at Southlands. • Review & revise our greeting, follow-up and care-giver process (Begin & Belong teams). • Create structured living room opportunities (e.g. fellowship events and introduction to Christianity courses) • Integrate 90 new Partners into our church family (30 per year).
3-Year Kitchen Table Objectives: What steps do we need to take over the next 3 years to help our membership grow stronger in their faith and equip them to introduce newcomers to Southlands? • ‘Each one grow in one’ community group - encourage & expect community group participation • Resource our community group hosts with training, coaching and seasonal themes, as well as establish outreach ideas and goals for our groups. • Commence mission team training for a “work & witness” trip to Tanzania. • Strengthen spiritual leadership training within our Church Board (Sr. Pastoral Care Council).
Pastor Justin will meet weekly and / or monthly with those responsible for fulfilling the various objectives in order to maintain accountability and support the process. • Pastor Justin will report regularly to the Board about the progress of this plan at each scheduled Board meeting. • This plan represents the first steps toward a ten year vision to pursue our ENDS with greater focus. • Before the AGM in 2013, a new set of priorities and plans will be established for the next stage of pursuing our vision. • We encourage you to make this a matter of prayer and ask God to show you how He would want to work through you in this process. Our Vision: “Making Christ-like disciples among the nations of South Winnipeg and beyond”