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2013 C&MS Traffic & Roadway Spec Updates. Office of Construction Administration Dan Groh. 606 GUARDRAIL. 606.02 Materials: Concrete shall now be Class QC Misc., QC 1 and QC Deep Beam guardrail now includes Type MGS . 607 FENCE.
2013 C&MSTraffic & Roadway Spec Updates Office of Construction Administration Dan Groh
606 GUARDRAIL • 606.02Materials: • Concrete shall now be Class QC Misc., QC 1 and QC • Deep Beam guardrail now includes Type MGS.
607 FENCE • 607.02Materials: Concrete shall now be Class QC Misc., QC 1 or QC 2 instead of Class C, F, or S. • Section 607.03, Clearing and Grading has been changed to Clearing, Grading and Seeding. • Sections 607.05 and 607.06: (B) Type CL Fence has been changed to Type CLT Fence.
607 FENCE • *NEW* Item 607 – Fenceline Seeding and Mulching. Deduct the area paid for under Item 607, Fenceline Seeding and Mulching from Item 659, Seeding and Mulching quantities.
614 MAINTAINING TRAFFIC • Item 614 has been revised to include the construction and maintenance of facilities for bicycle traffic, and bicycle lanes. • **614.02B- Traffic facilities Changed the language to require Contractor to maintain the roadway including potholes and added other pavement deficiencies
614 MAINTAINING TRAFFIC • 614.15Method of Measurement has been revised. • Line quantities for Work Zone Pavement Markings will be the length of the completed stripe, including gaps, intersections, and other sections of the pavement not normally marked. • Portable Changeable Message Sign will no longer be measured in Days. The Department will measure Portable Changeable Message Sign by the number of months each sign is at the project, or project storage yard, and immediately available for project use. See specification for additional details.
622 CONCRETE BARRIER • 622.02Materials has been revised to replace Concrete, Class C with Concrete, Class QC 1. • 622.04Portable Concrete Barrier has been revised to Portable Barrier.
622 CONCRETE BARRIER • 622.08Method of Measurement: When measuring Concrete Barrier by the number of feet along the centerline of the top of the barrier, measurement shall exclude end anchorages and excluding sections will be paid for separately. Department will measure Reinforced End Anchorages (Each) and End Sections (Each) by the number complete in place. • 622.09Basis of Payment: The cost of Aggregate Base is now incidental to this item.
622 CONCRETE BARRIER • **NEW** 622 ITEMS* • 622 Each Concrete Barrier End Anchorage, Reinforced, Type ____ • 622 Each Concrete Barrier End Section, Type ____
625 HIGHWAY LIGHTING • 625.05Materials, 625.10 Foundations, and 625.12 Raceways and Conduits, the use of Concrete, Class C has been changed to Concrete, QC Misc. or QC 1. • 625.22 Method of Measurement: Foundation for light poles has been revised to include raceways, concrete, backfilling, and when required the 8 foot or 10 foot foundation section of concrete barrier, and the disposal of surplus excavation. For light poles or light towers mounted on median barrier or retaining walls, the junction box at the point where the stub conduit to the light pole or tower joins the main lighting circuit raceway and the stub conduit from the junction box to the light pole or light tower are also included.
630 TRAFFIC SIGNS AND SIGN SUPPORTS • 630.02Materials: Concrete, Class C is no longer used and has been changed to Concrete, QC Misc. or QC 1. • 630.09Specific Service and Tourist-Oriented Directional Signs: These signs will now be maintained in accordance with 614.07, instead of a private company, unless indicated otherwise in the plans.
630 TRAFFIC SIGNS AND SIGN SUPPORTS • 630.12has been revised to include delivery. Removal and Storage, Reerection, or Disposal of Signs and Support is now, Removal and Delivery, Storage, Reerection, or Disposal of Signs and Supports. • 630.14Method of Measurement: • Delivery has been included in the method of measurement. The Department will measure the Removal and Delivery, Storage, Reerection, or Disposal of Signs by the number of signs removed and delivered, stored, reerected or disposed of. • The Department will measure Removal and Delivery, Storage, Reerection, or Disposal of Support by the number of supports removed and delivered, stored, reerected or disposed of.
631 SIGN LIGHTING AND ELECTRICAL SIGNS • 631.09 Electrical Signs: Changed sign code for School Speed Limit 20 During Restricted Hours sign from S4-3P to S5-H1 per the Sign Design Manual. • 631.10has been changed from REMOVAL AND STORAGE OR REERECTION to REMOVAL. Storage and re-erection is no longer part of this item. Removed items now become the property of the Contractor. • 631.12Method of Measurement: Verbiage regarding storage and re-erection of sign lighting equipment or electrical signs have been removed from this section.
632 TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIPMENT • 632.03Materials and Equipment: Concrete, Class C is no longer used, and has been changed to Concrete, Class QC Misc. or QC 1. • 632.225Tether Wire: Tether wire accessories now include those shown in the “appropriate Plan Insert Sheet or Standard Construction Drawing and Backup Ties”, in addition to other accessories as detailed in this section. • 632.29 Method of Measurement: Pole clamps and safety tie clamps are now included in the accessories for Tether Wire, in accordance with the applicable Plan Insert sheet or Standard Construction Drawing.
633 TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROLLERS • 633.03Materials and Equipment: • The use of Concrete, Class QC Misc. or QC 1 has been added. • Telephone Service 733.08 has been deleted. • 633.15has been renamed Communications from Telephone Service. • 633.18Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS): A Ground Rod shall now be provided for free-standing UPS cabinets.
633 TRAFFIC SIGNAL CONTROLLERS • 633.19Method of Measurement: Verbiage has been added to this item indicating that the Department will measure Communication service by the number of locations shown on the plans for furnishing Communications service to an intersection controller, and will include the modem, conduit, trenching, and wiring.
641 PAVEMENT MARKING – GENERAL • 641.08Marking Types • H: Bicycle symbol markings shall now be placed using white markings. A shared lane marking includes the bicycle symbol and two sharrows. Removed references to 817. • M: Yield Lines” has been added. Yield Lines shall be placed as solid white 24” isosceles triangles pointing toward approaching traffic. • The term Auxiliary Markings, when used in Items 642 through 648 now includes yield lines. • 641.13Basis of Payment: The Department will now pay for accepted quantities of work performed under Item 648, in addition to 642, 643, 644, 645, 646, and 647.
642 TRAFFIC PAINT • 642.02 Materials has been revised to remove language stating that material be furnished from the Department’s Approved List. • **NEW** 642 ITEMS • 642 Foot (Meter) Yield Line, Type ____ • 642 Each Bicycle Lane Symbol Marking, Type ____ • 642 Each Shared Lane Marking, Type ____
643 POLYESTER PAVEMENT MARKING • 643.02Materials has been revised to remove language stating that material be furnished from the Department’s Approved List. • **NEW** 643 ITEMS • 643 Foot (Meter) Yield Line • 643 Each Bicycle Lane Symbol Marking • 643 Each Shared Lane Marking
644 THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING • 644.02Materials has been revised to remove language stating that material be furnished from the Department’s Approved List. • **NEW** 644 ITEMS • 644 Foot (Meter) Yield Line • 644 Each Bicycle Lane Symbol Marking • 644 Each Shared Lane Marking
645 PREFORMED PAVEMENT MARKING • 645.02 Materials has been revised to remove language stating that material be furnished from the Department’s Approved List. • **NEW** 645 ITEMS • 645 Foot (Meter) Yield Line, Type ____ • 645 Each Bicycle Lane Symbol Marking, Type ____ • 645 Each Shared Lane Marking
646 EPOXY PAVEMENT MARKING • 646.02Materials has been revised to remove language stating that material furnished be from the Department’s Approved List. • **NEW** 646 ITEMS • 646 Foot (Meter) Yield Line • 646 Each Bicycle Lane Symbol Marking • 646 Each Shared Lane Marking
647 HEAT-FUSED PREFORMED THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING • 1. 647.02 Materials has been revised to remove language stating that material furnished be from the Department’s Approved List. • **NEW** 647 ITEMS • 647 Foot (Meter) Yield Line, Type ____ • 647 Each Bicycle Lane Symbol Marking, Type ___ • 647 Each Shared Lane Marking, Type ____
648 SPRAY THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING • **NEW** - ITEM 648 SPRAY THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKING • 648 Mile (Kilometer) Edge Line, ____ inch (____ mm) • 648 Mile (Kilometer) Lane Line, ____ inch (____ mm) • 648 Foot (Meter) Center Line • 648 Foot (Meter) Channelizing Line, ____ inch ( ___ mm) • 648 Foot (Meter) Dotted Line, ____ inch (____ mm) • 648 Foot or Sq. Ft. (Meter or Sq. M.) Removal of Pavement Marking • 648 Lump Sum Two-Way Radio Equipment
661 PLANTING TREES, SHRUBS, PERENNIALS AND VINES • 661Planting Trees, Shrubs, and Vines has been changed to 661 Planting Trees, Shrubs, Perennials and Vines. • 661.01 Description has been revised to include furnishing and maintaining perennials. Landscape watering is to be provided according to Item 662.
Proposal Notes & Supplemental Specifications • PN 607 Fence Rescinded. Incorporated into 2013 C&MS 607. • PN 614 C&MS Revisions for Construction Vehicle Conspicuity Rescinded. Incorporated into 2013 C&MS 614. • PN 661 Planting trees, Shrubs, Perennials, and Vines Rescinded. Incorporated into 2013 C&MS 661.
Proposal Notes & Supplemental Specifications • SS 817 Spray Thermoplastic Pavement Markings Rescinded. Moved to 648 in 2013 C&MS. • SS 917 Spray Applied Thermoplastic Markings Rescinded and moved to 2013 C&MS 740.
Questions • Dan Groh, P.E. • Construction Traffic & Roadway Engineer • Office of Construction Admin • Division of Construction Management • Ohio Department of Transportation • 1980 West Broad St (Mail Stop 5190) • Columbus, OH 43223 • Phone: 614-387-1162 • Dan.Groh@dot.state.oh.us