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Example: MNCH Health Partner Mapping

Aligning the work of the SWGs to support health policy m aking/reform Experiences from the health sector. Example: MNCH Health Partner Mapping. NSEDP Alignment and Cross-sectoral Linkages. Poverty alleviation & economic growth Social welfare & protection Nutrition HIV/AIDS

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Example: MNCH Health Partner Mapping

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  1. Aligning the work of the SWGs to support health policy making/reformExperiences from the health sector

  2. Example: MNCH Health Partner Mapping

  3. NSEDP Alignment and Cross-sectoral Linkages • Poverty alleviation & economic growth • Social welfare & protection • Nutrition • HIV/AIDS • International health security e.g. emerging diseases • Environment/Climate change • Gender • other

  4. Policies & strategies e.g. Mother & Child Health (MNCH) / Nutrition HTM & other diseases / ESR / Health Human Resources Skilled Birth Attendant / Health Information System HF & NHI decree /Medical devices / HEPR / Water & Sanitation (WASH) / Others Sector Common Work plan & Monitoring Framework Health partner resource mapping Costing estimates Successful GFATM & GAVI HSS proposals in 2009/2010 (Re)-establishment of MOH website Key documents developed cross- sectoral e.g. Health SWG Products Developed Key documents developed to strengthen SWGs/TWGs and their activities • Revised ToR / Annual work plans • Guidelines s.a. supervision • Other

  5. Achievements of SWC in Health Structural and technical progress since August 2006 e.g. • Input to high level Round Table (Implementation) Meetings (i.e. aid effectiveness) • Contribution to health chapter of 6th and 7th NSEDP • Joint preparation of draft 7th Health Sector Development Plan • Regular sector-wide information exchange, consultation, planning and monitoring through • MoH Steering Committee • SWG (P) and (O) levels, • TWGs on HPF, HRH & MNCH with multiple Task forces • Secretariat (Chair, Co-chairs and invitees) • Harmonized with other Country Coordination Mechanism (CCM of GFATM, GAVI and SWC) • Rolling out of SWC mechanism to provincial level

  6. Good Practice in Health SWC(according to Lao UNDP analysis 2010) 1. Leadership and Partnership - leadership and commitment to guide SWG - Generate dynamic process in which development partners (DPs) want to be part of the success. - Transparency and provide DPs with greater willingness to align their resources behind sector priorities. - More effective collaboration among and between the DPs. - Towards a programme-based approach: 2. Common Understanding on Scope of Work 3. Management of the SWG’s Work

  7. Budget support Variations in Sector Aid Arrangements: SWC vs. SwAP/Programme-based Approach Sector reform program Project type aid Earmarked funds Pooled funds Stand alone projects

  8. On going support from Nossal institute • Engagement of Ministry of Public Health, Lao PDR with the Health Policy and Health Finance Hub • Institutional strengthening for universal coverage in the Lao PDR: barriers and policy options • Findings will be useful to establish the National Health Insurance Authority in Lao PDR to accelerate the Universal Coverage

  9. Conclusions & Recommendations • Critical importance of health sector for MDG and NSEDP achievement • Good progress in many areas of sector but challenges remaining e.g. • Urgent need for increased & sustained funding for sector • Ongoing need for cross-sectoral exchange and cross-fertilization of SWG and MPI DIC facilitation • Joint support required for issues s.a. pro-poor policies, transparency & accountability, strengthening human resources (PACSA), environmental protection, etc

  10. Thank you

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