March 1st Reading and Writing Math We will continue working on addition to 5 using objects and pictures. We are going to add the next step of decomposing numbers to 5. They will be learning how to take the number 5 and find different combinations for how to add to 5. Example: 1 and 4, 2 and 3, 0 and 5 Reinforcing the terms add, plus, and equal Stem Night March 19th 6:00-8:00 pm Please come and enjoy a night of science and math fun at Holmes! Mr. Groves, Catherine’s father, will be coming on on March 18th to present to the kids about his career in mathematics and to do a hands on math activity with them. • We will be reading a variety of books written by Dr. Seuss in honor of his birthday and Read Across America Week. We will read them and form opinions on which ones we like best and why. Writing opinion pieces with valid reasons will be our focus. We will be critiquing and providing feedback to each other to improve our writing. • Visit this website for more fun with Dr. Seuss • http://www.seussville.com/ We are trying a new behavior program to see if it better suits our needs. It includes 5 positive and 5 negative behaviors to give points and take points away. You will be able to see what behaviors were observed, at what time, and at what frequency. Please set up your account through Class Dojo. You will be able to check your child’s report daily. www.classdojo.com Upcoming Dates March 8: PTO Auction 6:00-8:00 March 14: Scholastic Book Order Due March 18: STEM Night 6:00-8:00 March 21: Trimester II Report Cards Distributed March 24-March 28: Spring Break