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Presentation Outline

Presentation Outline. Fall 2010. Assignment. Zeroth attempt to synthesize readings in sampler. THINK (on paper) about your excerpts Concepts , arguments, and perspectives Review the sampler description No extra secondary material at this point

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Presentation Outline

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  1. Presentation Outline Fall 2010

  2. Assignment • Zeroth attempt to synthesize readings in sampler. • THINK (on paper) about your excerpts • Concepts, arguments, and perspectives • Review the sampler description • No extra secondary material at this point • Design a brief "lecture" on the material • Criteria • interesting, informative, accessible fo fellow 116 students • sticks to texts (avoid throat clearing and book reportism) • Suggestion: 3 slide/3 bullet PowerPoint presentation

  3. Next step is to organize them into a story. • Most simple story is "beginning, middle, end," but many possibilities.

  4. Step 1. Review excerpts and highlights William James — multiple selves, social self Cooley — looking glass self, decide how to act based on imagined reaction others have DuBois — double existence of the outsider, can never just be subject Freud 1 — conflict between society/civilization and the individual it "tames“ Freud 2— structure of self as ego, id, superego Saussure — linguistic sign Mead — the I and the me Parsons —actor, means and ends, rational self Erikson — self, stages, identify with others, develop own ego Goffman — self, in interaction, moral worth that can be recognized or not by others.

  5. Step 2. Principles of organization Inside the Self and Outside the Self • Internal structure of the social self • James • Freud 2 • Parsons • Social self in interaction • Mead • Cooley • Dubois • Freud 1 • Erikson • Goffman NOTE: I find myself not knowing what to do with Saussure so I set him aside for now.

  6. Step 2. Principles of organization Approximate Chronology • Period 1 • James • Cooley • Dubois • Period 2 • Freud • Mead • Period 3 • Parsons • Erikson • Goffman

  7. Step 2. Principles of organization Genealogy • Freud > Parsons & Erikson • James > Cooley > Mead > Goffman • James > DuBois?

  8. Step 2. Principles of organization The Self When It Works and When It Does Not • "Normal" • James • Cooley • Freud 2 • Mead • Parsons • "Pathological" — what can go wrong • DuBois • Freud 1 • Erikson • Goffman (threat of lost face?)

  9. Step 2. Principles of organization Organize according to "Index of the Interesting" (Davis) • The individual, so obviously a unitary "object," is in fact a thing with an inside, with parts and components. • The self, rather than just being what it is, follows a developmental trajectory. • The components of the self rather than being in harmony, may, in fact, be in tension. • Civilization, usually taken to be the measure of the good, could, in fact, be neurotic. • Etc.

  10. Step 3. Essayer an Overview • To test out your attempt at organization, sketch out an essay explaining the basic storyline. This will, basically, be the script you use to describe your approach to your classmates on Tuesday. I would suggest (1) try more than one, and (2) that you revise it a few times and that you practice reading it out loud to see what it sounds like (is it coherent? do you stick to what you DO understand as opposed to slipping into mumbo-jumbo talk?). At the most it should be two typed pages which takes 3-5 minutes to read. • On Tuesday, you should basically read the script as you present the outline or slides. DO NOT ad lib (or at least do not primarily talk off the top of your head). We’ll have a sign up sheet and a feedback sheet. • For the Friday deadline, just send me your outline. On Tuesday, hand in hard copy of your outline and your script and your peer comments.

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