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Jake, a lively teen with cerebral palsy, found his voice through Eye Gaze technology provided by The Sequal Trust. Learn how assistive devices transformed his life and empowered him to communicate and control his surroundings.
The Sequal News 2017 (incorporating the Trustees’ Annual Report and Accounts for the year ending 31st March 2017) Setting Lively Minds Free Our son, in a parent’s own words............... Jake is a bright lively fourteen-year-old boy with quadriplegic cerebral palsy which affects all four limbs. Whilst he understands everyday language his own communication was restricted to a “yes” and “no”, facial expression and crying. His control of his world is minimal and we as his parents found it frustrating and confusing as we tried to meet his needs. As Jake has no fine gross motor skills, he was unable to use switches consistently, so after numerous assessments we decided eye gaze was the most positive form of communication for him. Jake was introduced to a simple first stage vocabulary called ‘Look to Talk’ which is a range of symbols relating to his day, allowing him to make choices of food, or how he was feeling, what he wanted to play with , what he wanted to watch on tv etc. As he got older we had assessments for a Tobii Eye Gaze using Grid 3 software . It’s fantastic how assistive technology can help individuals achieve their potential, to enable access to education and leisure and allow Jake to express himself and to communicate generally. His device also has environmental controls which gives him independence at home and allows him to control simple things that we take for granted like changing channels on the television or turning a lamp on , so even though he has physical limitations, Jake can control all the familiar comforts of his home. Happy Jake with his Tobii (below) We as a family are so grateful to the SEQUAL TRUST for all their support and funding, as without them Jake would never have had the opportunity to have a voice or control over his life choices. Their generosity truly makes a difference to our son’s life, and to ours, and we can not thank them enough. ………………………………………………………………. Many thanks to our President, the Hon Nigel Havers and team players, for the fantastic addition of £25,000 to our funds, following his successful appearance on The Chase-Celebrity edition, last October. This was a stupendous boost to our general pot, making it possible for us to meet the cost of a larger volume of life changing speech aids, for so many more people, that much quicker. Well done and a big thank you to all concerned. The Sequal Trust, 3 Ploughman’s Corner, Wharf Road, Ellesmere, Shropshire, SY12 0EJ Tel/Fax: 01691 624222 Email: info@thesequaltrust.org.uk Website: www.thesequaltrust.org.uk
Trustees’ Report - Review of the Year Since 1969 The Sequal Trust has worked within the disabled community to promote independence and self-help for individuals suffering from many types of disability. We do this by fundraising to provide communication aids for disabled people of all ages throughout the UK who have speech, movement or severe learning difficulties. The equipment we provide is wide ranging and satisfies a variety of needs. At the lower end of the scale we provide iPads with communicational software to provide a simple and basic way to give a ‘voice’. At the top end, we fundraise for eye-operated systems with wheelchair mounts that give people with very limited movement and no natural voice a way to communicate with other people, and the outside world. In between, there is a variety of communication equipment available which also stimulates learning and independence and reduces the sense of isolation so often experienced by those who are unable to speak for themselves. What is often a real problem is to find a way to reach the people who so desperately need this help, and to make them and their families and carers aware of what is available. Whilst the NHS can offer help in many ways, not all requirements can be met for one reason or another, and Sequal is a charity which exists to step in and fill the void, offering a service which will change people’s lives for the better, by providing augmentative speech aids to children and adults who are prevented from expressing their thoughts and feelings or who are perhaps housebound and so are socially restricted. This year, we have made a concentrated effort to make both potential users of communication equipment and the people in the health care system who support them aware of The Sequal Trust. We have had promotional stands at Disabled Living Roadshows, ongoing contact with NHS hubs and Speech and Language therapists throughout the UK, and an extensive advertising campaign in major disability magazines. We have also stepped up our social media activity in an effort to make known what we can do to help and how we work. Thank you to everyone who has supported us this year. The donations we receive from charitable organisations and individuals are fundamental to our existence, and without our supporters’ generosity we would not be able to help as we do. The donations we receive make it possible for us to provide communication equipment to those who really need it, and we thank you all so much and hope that you will continue to support The Sequal Trust in the future, and help us to ensure that everyone in the UK is given that precious gift of communication. If Professor Stephen Hawking, who is one of our Patrons, had not been initially provided with an aid such as the ones we issue, we may never have experienced his genius. Who knows how many more individuals out there have as much to offer, given the chance? Our aim is to provide everyone with a means of communication as a basic right, and we will continue, with the help of our supporters, to try to fulfil this and set lively minds free. Rob Clarke, Vice-Chair, on behalf of the Sequal Trust Board of Trustees. AGM - A Diary NoteSequal’s next AGM will be held on Thursday 14th September at 11.30 a.m. at The Holiday Inn, Wolverhampton Racecourse. If you would like to attend, please contact the Sequal office for further details.
THE SEQUAL TRUST STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31ST MARCH 2017 A total of almost £151,000 was spent on supplying equipment to our members this year which included 7 laptop systems and 30 iPads, all with communicational and educational applications; 16 communication aids and 14 eye operated systems, some of them with wheelchair or floor mounts. In addition, several thousand pounds were expended on repairs, upgrades or replacement printers/monitors and access devices, as well as training sessions.
The financial information presented in this Trustees Annual Report and Accounts does not comprise the statutory financial statements of The Sequal Trust (Registered Charity No. 260119) year ended 31st March 2017, but represents extracts from them and therefore does not provide as full an understanding of the financial performance as the reading of the complete Annual Report and Accounts prepared under the requirement of the Charities Act 2011. A copy of the complete Trustees’ Annual Report and Accounts, including the Independent Examiners’ Report can be obtained from The Sequal Trust office or the offices of the Independent Examiners. THE SEQUAL TRUST BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31ST MARCH 2017 Bankers: CAF Ltd 25 Kings Hill Ave West Malling Kent ME19 4JQ Accountant: KV Ford FCA Pointers Gallows Green Alton Stoke-on-Trent ST10 4BN Solicitors: Martineau Johnson No 1 Colmore Square Birmingham B4 6AA Independent Examiners: Morris Cook, Chartered Accountants 6 Salop Road Oswestry Shropshire SY11 2NU At the end of the year, we are holding £30,062 (2016: £66,864) on behalf of members, pending completion of fundraising, trials, further assessments or delivery of equipment. This will be used to fund the purchase of equipment in the coming year.
In the News ............ It’s that time of year again when the Royal Antedeluvian Order of Buffaloes make their annual visit to the Sequal offices, to present their donation cheque, this year in the sum of £600 which is very much appreciated. Many thanks to the Lodge members who have continued to support our work over the years. We currently have a very extensive list of people all needing communication aids and all donations are very welcome! Pictured left Bro Glynne Rees, Liz and Bro Cyril Steen. This year has seen us again attend several exhibitions, including Kidz to Adultz, where we often meet Sequal members and Speech and Language Therapists. It is always pleasant to chat, with old faces and new ones, and especially to let people know that we are here to provide them with a ‘voice’. Meryl Parsons setting out the table ready for the visitors. Jackie & Hannah Cheetham with SLTs who are interested in Hannah’s device. Nigel Driver, Trustee and Judy Ford, CEO. One of our Patrons, Lee Ridley the comedian, better known as ‘Lost Voice Guy’will be appearing at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival from 2nd – 27th August. If you are interested in seeing this very funny guy perform live, then see http://lostvoiceguy.com/2017/05/12/edinburgh/ If you can’t make it to Edinburgh, Lee will be playing other dates in various areas, details of which can be found on http://lostvoiceguy.com/gigs/ David Croft who lives in Cornwall and is a long time Sequal member, has recently been presented with Gold Awards in the Cornwall Tourism Awards and South West Tourism Awards in the Unsung Hero sections. David was formerly a pastry chef working at such prestigious Hotels as the Savoy and Churchill in London. He was also a 2nd Dan black belt in karate, having fought twice in the British Championships. Sadly, when he was 21 and working in Bermuda, at what was then a Trusthouse Forte Hotel, David suffered a diving accident and was paralysed from the neck down. The accident ironically occurred on the same day David was told he would compete in the 1980 World Karate Championships and inaugural World Games. In the years since, David has fought hard for disability rights, especially in the tourism industry and advising various organisations on Equality Rights for the disabled. David has also written a book–part autobiography and part cookbook with recipes from some very well known chefs and as David mentions in his book it would not have been possible without the support of The Sequal Trust. David has done so much campaigning on behalf of the disabled community and well deserves any accolade coming his way! See http://www.davidcroft.info/ to read more about David’s life.
It always brightens our day to receive letters and photos from those whom we have helped and to know how life changing these systems are to you. Please do write in or email and keep us posted on how things have improved for YOU Dear Sequal Trust, Thank you for the News Letter. I do love to read the letters and see how happy you have made young and old people. Best wishes again from Sue, Shropshire (and thank you Sue for all your support over the years) To all the staff at the Sequal Trust Thank you so much for all your hard work fundraising for all the equipment for Alison. We can’t thank you enough. You have opened doors that we have been trying to open for the last forty years. I will keep you in touch with Alison’s progress. If there is anything we can do to support you please let me know. Best wishes and thank you again. Susie, Somerset Just a few lines to say how very pleased I am that my daughter Summer has been able to benefit from your charity, by providing her with “Eye Gaze Technology” equipment which would have taken me another 10 years to save for myself. Thank you so much for giving her the opportunity to illustrate her potential abilities that have remained hidden for years. Summer and mum, Devon And an update on Jim whom we funded last year and who featured on the front cover of our newsletter 2016 – Hi Liz Just a little update on Jim's progress with the Eyegaze . He has been working really hard and just loves having his own computer. He now has his own music, photos and videos which he can enjoy and more recently has got Skype so that he can contact his brothers . I only wish he could have had Eyegaze when he was little as learning comes so much easier when you are young. However he continues to make slow but significant progress and we are so proud of his achievements. Thank you so much for making it possible for Jim to have this important independence. It means a great deal to all the family. With all best wishes Betty (mum), Sussex Dear Liz and all at The Sequal Trust ‘Thank You’- two small words that mean so much but don’t seem enough. You helped me first six years ago with a laptop and printer when I was searching for a suitable laptop to use the software I had been given by Access to Work. That laptop no longer works but Liz surprised me when she said ‘we look after you for life!’ I was astonished! Surprised! and truly grateful when my new laptop arrived. Thank you so much . I can communicate with my family and friends both abroad and at home. A much treasured gift. With love and regards, Lynda, Sussex
100+ Club Draw Winners: From Dec.2016 From Sept.2016 1. £100 No: 80 Mr D Taylor, W Mids 2. £70 No: 191 Mr R H Lawson, London 3. £50 No: 124 Miss E J Black, N Ireland 4. £30 No: 83 Mr G S S Knapp, E Sussex 5. £20 No: 16 Mrs L Adams, Essex 1. £100 No: 103 Mrs B Bassett, W Mids 2. £70 No: 181 Mrs J Ford, Staffs 3. £50 No: 117 Mrs J Whitaker, W Yorks 4. £25 No: 150 Mr F Charlesworth, Sheffield 5. £20 No: 118 Mrs B Winchcombe, W Mids From March 2017 From June 2017 1 £100 No: 63 Mrs J Knapp, E Sussex 2. £70 No: 98 Mrs D Beddoe, Gwent 3. £50 No: 99 Mr D Mander, Somerset 4. £25 No: 84 Mrs E Goodchild, Cumbria 5. £20 No: 66 Mrs S Rollason, Shrops 1. £100 No: 68Miss P Chialoufas, Middlesex 2. £75 No: 60 Mrs E Heaton, Cheshire 3. £50 No: 35 Mr J Bassett, S Wales 4. £25 No: 51 Mr I Wenham, Kent 5. £20 No: 208 Mrs V Wright, W Mids THE TOP PRIZE IN EACH 100+ DRAW IS £100 AND YOU COULD BE IN WITH A CHANCE OF WINNING THIS EVERY QUARTER AND AT AN ANNUAL FEE OF ONLY £12! PLEASE CONSIDER JOINING AS ALL PROCEEDS SWELL OUR GENERAL FUNDS, HELPING US TO FUND MORE EQUIPMENT. The Sequal Trust Offices are located at 3 Ploughman’s Corner, Wharf Road, Ellesmere, Shropshire, SY12 0EJ. Website: www.thesequaltrust.org.uk Email: info@thesequaltrust.org.uk Tel/Fax: 01691 624222 Sequal’s 100+ club exists to raise funds towards our work. If anyone would like to join this club which has 4 draws a year, or make a donation to Sequal, please complete this form and send it with your cheque to the office. Thank you President: The Hon Nigel Havers Patrons: HRH The Princess Michael of Kent, Prof Stephen Hawking, CH., CBE., FRS, Roger Jefcoate, CBE, DL; Lee Ridley, AKA Lost Voice Guy. I would like to join the 100+ club and enclose my cheque for £12 I would like to make a donation towards your work and enclose a cheque in the sum of £ Board Members: Chair: Dorcas Munday,MBE Vice-Chair: Rob Clarke Trustees: Pat Redfern, Keith Ford Ron Harnett, Jackie Cheetham Nigel Driver CEO: Judy Ford Name Address Charity Manager: Liz Downes Tel No. Administration Assistants: Carol Griffiths, Meryl Parsons. To enable my subscription to go further please treat my donation as Gift aided as I am a taxpayer Signature:………………………………. ….. / …. ./ ….. Date:
Acknowledgements: We would like to thank the many individuals (too many to list all), Grant Making Trusts, Companies and other Organisations that have so generously supported The Sequal Trust. Here are just a few:- W E D Charitable Trust Welwyn Garden City Lodge of Freemasons Westcroft Trust Wilmcote Charities Trust Woodroffe Benton Foundation