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Preparing for the Text Response SAC

Preparing for the Text Response SAC. A SAC is s chool a ssessed c ourse work. All of year 9 will be participating in this. You can bring your essay plan, quotes handout and 2 pages of notes to the sac. SOME THEMES OF THE DECLARATION Entrapment Indoctrination Importance of youth

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Preparing for the Text Response SAC

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  1. Preparing for the Text Response SAC A SAC is school assessed course work. All of year 9 will be participating in this. You can bring your essay plan, quotes handout and 2 pages of notes to the sac

  2. SOME THEMES OF THE DECLARATION Entrapment Indoctrination Importance of youth Cost of medical advancement Immortality Human Spirit & Human rights Freedom

  3. Taking the theme of entrapment here are some ideas: • Grange Hall • Anna is trapped • Surpluses can only be servants • Society is trapped-no new ideas. • Older people are trapped circle of longevity drugs. • The declaration traps people and no babies • Peter is trapped in the house in London

  4. Have a look at the plan on the following slide. Ms.Schultz has added her ideas to the theme of entrapment.

  5. Remember the 3 steps to writing an essay: Step 1: analyse the question Step 2: develop a plan Step 3: write the response

  6. What follows is the essay created from the previous plan. Look out for the T.E.E.L in the paragraphs: T: topic sentence E: evidence- use evidence from the textE: explain- explain how the evidence supports what you are saying. L: linking sentence back to the major essay topic.

  7. What follows is the final essay

  8. Now let’s see what the T.E.E.L looks like.. Highlight the following the topic sentences in Yellow the evidence in Green the explanation in Orange the links to topic in Blue

  9. HOW IS THE THEME OF ENTRAPMENT PORTRAYED IN THE DECLARATION? In The Declaration by Gemma Malley, the theme of entrapment is explored. This is shown through the surpluses being trapped at Grange Hall, through Anna’s indoctrination, and through society because of the control the drug has over just everyone’s lives. The author shows that entrapment leads to unfulfilled lives.

  10. In The Declaration Grange Hall exemplifies entrapment for all who live inside it. In 2140/2135 all illegal children are called Surpluses, and are forced to live at Grange Hall. Here they are mistreated because they are seen as unwanted beings who take up the Earth’s resources, “Surplus meant unnecessary. Not required.” Surpluses are forced to do hard work and study to become servants for legal people. Anna gets a taste of freedom when she is sent to work for Mrs Sharpe, but upon her return she is again trapped at Grange Hall. Grange Hall is like a prison for Surpluses, as they are trapped inside and forced to do what they are told or suffer the consequences. The conditions at Grange Hall are a living hell, with many children forced into the cramped and harsh environment. If a Surplus questions or breaks the rules, they are punished and sent to solitary confinement. Their futures are bleak, as they rarely get to see the outside world, unless it is to serve the legals. For the Surpluses, Grange Hall is their only world, and they are trapped within its walls until they are old enough to become a servant.

  11. As well as physical entrapment, Surpluses in The Declaration are also trapped through indoctrination. Anna is brainwashed to believe that she is a worthless burden on society, “I shouldn’t exist. But I do.” She is also taught to despise her parents, “I hate my parents,” as she is told they are bad, selfish people for breaking the Declaration. By brainwashing the Surpluses to believe they are unwanted and useless, Mrs Pincent is putting negative ideas and attitudes in the Surpluses heads, so she can continue to control them and exploit them as servants for legals. When Surpluses are indoctrinated they cannot think for themselves, and therefore won’t question the mistreatment they receive or try to find a better, freer way to live. This brainwashing causes the Surpluses to be trapped in their own thoughts, and unable to break free of the ideas that have been embedded in their minds, that they are useless, unwanted and unloved.

  12. Members of society who take the Longevity drug are also trapped by the laws that dictate what they can and cannot do. In The Declaration, most people are taking the Longevity drug, which enables users to live forever. The drugs stop the dying process, but as this would lead to overpopulation, people must make a choice between living forever, or having children. Not everyone thinks Longevity is a good thing. Mrs Sharpe, who has been taking the drug, wonders whether taking the drug is enough anymore, “Was keeping the big bad wolf away enough anymore?” or whether it was all getting out of control. By taking the Longevity drug, people are restricted to a life without children. They have to make a choice and deal with the consequences, or face the extreme punishment of breaking the Declaration. They are also stuck in a routine of taking the drug, and many feel compelled to continue taking it so they are not outcast from society. Society is trapped by the Longevity drug, as people feel compelled to keep using it, and are forced to adhere to strict rules.

  13. In The Declaration, Gemma Malley explores the idea of entrapment, and what it is like to be trapped or confined. The Surpluses are confined to Grange Hall, never to live free lives, and are also mentally trapped (indoctrinated) to feel as though they deserve no better. Members of society are also trapped by the longevity drug and the repercussions of taking or not taking the drug. Through The Declaration, the author seems to be suggesting that entrapment leads to unhappy, unfulfilled lives, and only when people can break away from the barriers that detain them can they be truly free.

  14. Okay now it’s your turn! You are going to write a plan for your SAC. Choose one of the following questions .

  15. 1.“He said that we belonged together because he was born with a flower and I was born with a butterfly and that flowers and butterflies need each other for survival.” What is the symbolism of the butterfly in The Declaration? 2.The Declaration demonstrates that the human spirit can never be completely broken. Discuss with relation to two major characters. 3.“Longevity was how humans fulfilled the ambitions of nature.” Does The Declaration suggest that immortality is the answer to humanity’s problems? 4.The Declaration demonstrates that youth is always necessary. Discuss. 5.In The Declaration, science has robbed the Surpluses of their identity, compassion and love. Discuss. 6.“I hate my parents. They broke the Declaration and didn’t care about anyone else but themselves.” How has Anna been indoctrinated in The Declaration?

  16. Some quotes to help you in your essay. You can choose from these to use as evidence. Go to the wiki for the chapter summary and quotes sheet http://year9bbenglish.wikispaces.com/

  17. Do a 6 minute essay plan bomb to get you going

  18. Copy and paste your chosen question into the below space or create a word document and copy the next 6 slides into it. You may find it quicker writing in work rather than this power point.

  19. Brainstorm some ideas that come from this question:

  20. Write some ideas for your INTRODUCTION here :




  24. Write some ideas for your CONCLUSION here:

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