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States And Civilizations In the Americas

States And Civilizations In the Americas. By: Mr. Mark Gonzalez Grace Christian Academy. The Aztecs. Which native group founded the city of Tenochtitlan?. The Aztecs. Name of lake located on. Lake Texcoco. Tenochtitlan: The “ Venice ” of the Americas.

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States And Civilizations In the Americas

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  1. States And Civilizations In the Americas By: Mr. Mark Gonzalez Grace Christian Academy

  2. The Aztecs

  3. Which native group founded the city of Tenochtitlan? • The Aztecs

  4. Name of lake located on • Lake Texcoco

  5. Tenochtitlan: The “Venice” of the Americas

  6. What did the Aztecs use to take control of most of central Mexico? • Alliances and conquest

  7. What did the conquered people of the Aztecs pay? • tribute

  8. In return for tribute paid, what did the Aztecs allow the people they conquered? • Local control

  9. Had many temples and public buildings for religious ceremonies Causeways (raised roads) Aqueducts brought fresh water Canals, wide streets, markets Describe the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan

  10. Ruins of the City Center, Tenochtitlan

  11. Aztec Chinampa or Floating Garden:15ft. to 30ft. wide

  12. Tenochtitlan - Chinampas

  13. Aztec Writing Aztec Math

  14. Aztec Codex(15c Manuscript)

  15. Who was part of the Aztec class line • A. Emperor-at the top, all powerful • Hereditary nobles • Warriors • Commoners • Slaves

  16. Who was the most important of all the Aztec gods? • Huitzilopochtli (sun god)

  17. What did the Aztecs believe this god needed in order to make the sun rise each day? • Regular offerings of human blood

  18. What did Aztec priests carry out on a massive scale? • Human Sacrifice

  19. Wall of Skulls, Tenochtitlan

  20. Aztec Gold

  21. Break for video-The Aztec Empire (New World)

  22. The Incas

  23. Along the Andes Mountains and west coast of South America-stretched 2,500 miles north to south What Empire located in the Andes Mountain region included about 16 million people?

  24. Lands of the Incas

  25. God-king of the Inca Who was the Sapa Inca?

  26. Absolute power-owned everything What was his power?

  27. The people produced what the government told them to for the common good How did the Incan people know what to produce?

  28. the Inca fortress city of Machu Picchu difficult to take • A fortress city built upon a mountain top- could only reach by crossing a bridge • If enemies came near, the bridge could be removed

  29. Incan Suspension Bridges

  30. Incan Terrace Farming

  31. Quipu-set of knotted strings How did the Inca keep record despite having no written language?

  32. Who was the sun god the Inca worshipped? • Inti

  33. The Sapa Inca (emperor) Who was considered a descendent of this sun god? Pachacuti was the 1st Sapa Inca

  34. An excellent road system What linked all parts of the far-flung Incan empire?

  35. Relay runners How were reports swiftly carried from one end of the empire to the other?

  36. Discontent civil war What weakened both the Incan and Aztec Empires in the early 1500s and left them vulnerable when the Spanish arrived?

  37. Maize in Incan Pottery& Gold Work

  38. Over 100 Different Types of Potatoes Cultivated by the Incans

  39. Produce from a Typical Incan Market

  40. Incan Mummies

  41. Inca Gold & Silver

  42. Video-The Incan Empire-Plague episode

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