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Leadership Mastery Series – Coaching in the Workplace

Leadership Mastery Series – Coaching in the Workplace. Leadership/Management Coaching: Turning Your Managers & Leaders into Coaches to Coach T hemselves and their Team. Course Objectives. Understand executive/management coaching & the benefits to the organisation

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Leadership Mastery Series – Coaching in the Workplace

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  1. Leadership Mastery Series –Coaching in the Workplace

  2. Leadership/Management Coaching: Turning Your Managers & Leaders into Coaches to Coach Themselves and their Team

  3. Course Objectives • Understand executive/management coaching & the benefits to the organisation • Know the differences between coaching & therapy • Understand the important skills required to be a coach • Explore traditional & non-traditional models for coaching • Create a conviction shift – change the way others think • Explore the “Y Curve” for change • Learn how to set powerful goals • Alter corporate culture • Take away action & implementation plan

  4. Management Coaching/Executive Coaching Long-term successful leaders need honest, objective feedback Coaching is a critical tool for successfully engineering organizational change Change is essential for an organizationto grow & adapt to today's rapidly shifting marketplace Coaching can facilitate productive change in persons, teams & systems

  5. Management Coaching/Executive Coaching Focus on profit, productivity & customer satisfaction Recognize that these measurements are the outcome of performance Focus on leadership practices, cultural factors & the learning & development practices that drive performance

  6. Management Coaching:Not a Fashionable Alternative Vehicle of Managerial Control Coaching Is Not a Technique It involves a way of viewing the world, relationships & the organization

  7. Management Coaching:Not a Fashionable Alternative Vehicle of Managerial Control a distinct way of communicating, relating & acting based on the commitments of human beings to accomplish more producing unprecedented results in organizations & work in any field working with people to show them possibilities & assist in taking actions previously not obvious the capability to alter/shift structures of interpretation, the context, the ground of being within which people normally operate

  8. Providing Performance-OrientedCoaching & Positional TechnicalSkills, Training & Feedback Technical Skills only represent 20% of the input into our performance 80% which affects our performance comes from our Personal Skills

  9. Peak Performance CoachingTools & Techniques When we fully understand a person's behavioural patterns & create positive self-managing coaching strategies, we canassist a person to create lasting performance change

  10. An Answer to New ChallengesFacing Today’s Leaders Training Senior Managers to Coach: • Produces breakthroughs in their capacity to meet today's organizational challenges • Empowers others in their work environment • Modifies/creates an organizational culture more adaptable to change, open to new possibilities

  11. Learning to LearnLearning to Lead Coaching as a Common LearningPlatform for Leaders & Co-Workers The leader leads byexample through displaying a commitment to ongoing self-improvement  (the need to get better)

  12. Managers as CoachesLearn How to: • Increase self-awareness by tuning in to thoughts & feelings • Choose when/how to take action • Solve problems creatively • Listen to feedback, incorporate constructive criticism • Understand & respect other’s opinions

  13. Managers as CoachesLearn How to: • Make appropriate requests of others • Set limits, saying "no" when necessary • Increase positive encounters with others • Decrease hostility & defensiveness • Reduce stress & negative emotions

  14. Direct Benefits to the Organisation Managers: obtain a clearer sense of their commitments& those of their organisation become more competent in generating & maintaining effective relationships expand their understanding of organisational & interpersonal dynamics

  15. Direct Benefits to the Organisation Managers: • will be able to help others expand their levels of responsibility & their capacity for initiative & action • become more effective by understanding & adopting the proven principles of coaching & empowerment • will begin to develop the kind of unity & team spirit that enable powerful work relationships

  16. Coaching/Leader Manager • empowers others to accomplish results on their own initiative • takes care to align the individual’s goals and commitments with those of the organisation • taps into the individual’s intrinsic motivation • coaches relationships or mutual commitments

  17. Coaching/Leader Manager • Employees are responsible for their own commitments, decisions & actions within the workplace • MANAGER/COACH: • emphasise development & future possibilities • develop their team to lead rather than leading them from the top • develop individuals to see possibilities/choices & work toward their own development/fulfilment

  18. Coaching/Leader Manager • encourage creative thinking & challenge the status quo • is fundamentally people oriented • listens, questions, supports & collaborates

  19. Similarities BetweenCoaching & Therapy SIMILIARITIES DIFFERENCES Both use assessment Therapists are lessself-disclosing than coaches; the power differential is less in a coaching relationship Both investigate & clarify values Therapists rarely give advice; coaches are free to make suggestions, advise, make request & confront the individual

  20. Similarities BetweenCoaching & Therapy SIMILIARITIES DIFFERENCES Both areclient centered Therapists tend to focus on the resolution of old pains & old issues; coaches acknowledge their historical impact but do not explore these in depth. Coaches are more inclined to reflect pro-active behaviours & move the person forward, out of their feelings & into action.

  21. Similarities BetweenCoaching & Therapy SIMILIARITIES DIFFERENCES Both listen& reflect Therapy tends to deal with dysfunction, either vague or specific; coaching moves a functional person onto greater success and refers clients on for clinical issues. Both help individuals recognise the potential destructive-ness of their actions & feelings Therapy tend to focus on past-related feelings; coaching is about setting goals & forwarding action.

  22. Similarities BetweenCoaching & Therapy SIMILIARITIES DIFFERENCES Both recognisestrengths & weaknesses Therapy explores resistance & negative transference; coaching attempts to rephrase complaints into goals Both seek to situate the individual in a context of adult development Therapy is about progress; coaching isabout performance.

  23. Key Skills for a Coach High level of emotional intelligence Ability tocommunicate effectively Active listening skills Handleconflict effectively Courage to havebehaviouralconversations Probe &challenge Goodrelationshipbuilders Demonstrategood leadership behaviours Structure & hold others accountable Good decision-makers &problem solvers Powerful questioners

  24. Behavioural CoachingVersus Traditional Coaching Traditional Behavioural does not include the objective of achieving any sustainable, measurable behavioural change derived from the behavioural sciences (i.e., Appreciative Coaching, Solution Focused Coaching, Cognitive Coaching, etc.)

  25. Behavioural CoachingVersus Traditional Coaching • Behavioural Coachselects the most effective instruments/ methods &uses them withina scientifically proven 7-step framework (the Behavioural Coaching Model) • Thispresents uniformity in the coaching process & permits accountability, ease of reporting, measurement, auditing &benchmarking

  26. Behavioural CoachingVersus Traditional Coaching Traditional coach develops & relies upon a system (e.g., the GROW model)—steps, tools & techniques that can be replicated with consistency The model provides a simple structure for the very busy line manager whohasn't the time for meaningful dialogue

  27. Behavioural CoachingVersus Traditional Coaching • a goal-setting training model limited in application to increasing performance of process workers • does not require any change of thinking, behaviour, etc. • focuses on “how to do” & “how to do it better”

  28. Behavioural CoachingVersus Traditional Coaching • Many still the traditional coaching model with all persons & in all circumstances • Many coachees find themselves going around in circles • Coachees simply unable to keep on track to complete their goals

  29. GROW Model:Traditional Coaching • Start with defining the topic in order understand: • what the player wants to talk about • what territory you are in • the scale of the problem • the importance & emotional significance • the player’s long-term vision of goal Goal Reality Options Wrap-up


  31. Step 1: Discovery Structure conversations around: Situation The business context in which the need for coaching has arisen Expectations Clarifying outcomes and outputs whilst recognising the nature of change & agreeing on realistic timeframes Style How the coach, client and other stakeholders will work together throughout the program Resources What is needed for diagnosis, organisational & management support

  32. Step 2: Data Collection • Personal Satisfaction • Changes in Knowledge, Skills, Beliefs • Changes in ObservedBehaviour • Business Impact & Return on Investment May involve use of formal assessment tools within the organisation:structured interviews, personal development plans & business outcomes

  33. Step 3: Planning Agree on targeted behaviours, goals & action plans to be implemented

  34. Step 4: CoachingBehavioural Change • Putting plans into action • Coaching clarity of understanding of how things are and what will change • Conducting skills-based coaching or rehearsal coaching to support implementation

  35. Step 5: Measurement • Collecting output measures to confirm progress • Targetingon specific behaviours identified in earlier stages • Some measures may be self assessed or through observation

  36. Step 6: Evaluation • It is essential that outcomes relate to & generate positive business outcomes, whether measured as Return On Investment (ROI) or Return On Expectations (ROE) • Results may be productivity based, satisfaction based or based on another measure that is valued by the coachee &the business

  37. Step 7: Maintaining Momentum • Goal is to establish effective self-coaching methods and habits, so the benefits of the coaching program are not lost • There is no regression to earlier, less effective behaviours • May involve agreement to follow-up sessions at appropriate intervals after the conclusion of the main coaching program

  38. CONVICTION SHIFTS In that strange state of consciousness when the heart is reaching and Thought has frayed out to thin, unimportant stuff without any form, a shutter of the soul sometimes springs open and fixes an image for an Instant. The image itself may be trivial, but it palpitates with meaning for the life of the mediator. Virginia Burden Tower

  39. Conviction Shifts:Change the Way You Think An experience or realisation that assists a person to make a new & deep decision about how they will live Subtle or powerful changes to our awareness allowing us to see what we can do, be, or have Elements involved in making a change that leads to new way of living: ThinkingFeelingWilling

  40. Conviction Shifts:Change the Way You Think • A deep realisation about life that alters the way we think, feel & act (will) simultaneously • Forms our belief systems, desires, assumptions, expectations, personality, etc. • May not be ‘real’ or helpful

  41. General Guide toConviction Shifts • To listen fully and affirm the power and possibility of our clients • To paraphrase a client’s being, to give permission & support for their brilliance feeling & will • To facilitate specific exercises in thinking, will & feeling • To facilitate your own thinking, will& feeling expansion

  42. H A N D O U T: States - Struggle, Stability, Success & Significance

  43. The Change Process:Y Curve Change – Y curve Future Goals – Activities to fulfill the void – something that will drive you to assist in letting go of the past and moving on Letting go of the past –Creates a void that must be filled D spot – Doubt Depression Time Line

  44. Goal Setting • Goals & motivation are the greatest source of human power creating success • All achievements, no matter how great or small, are ignited as goals & fuelled through motivation

  45. Living without goals is like going on a trip without a destination. If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll probably end up nowhere, and any road will get you there.

  46. Reasons Why People Don’t Set Goals • Not Serious • Don’t or won’t take responsibility • Don’t realize the importance of goals • Don’t feel worthy of their goals • Don’t know how • Fear of confrontation • Too comfortable – lazy • Goals not compelling

  47. What, Why, How Formula A process that must never be upset Holds the answers too many of the challenges you will face as you begin to design & create your life

  48. “What” Promise • Set some goals & stick solely to what you want • Do not let your mind deviate to how you’re going to get it • Stick to what you want

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