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Explore the transformative nature of forgiveness, its role in reconciliation, and the spiritual significance in Catholic tradition. Learn about the sacrament of Reconciliation and how it leads to healing and spiritual growth.
The Gift of Forgiveness pp. 290-295
Forgiveness is not: • It is not about tolerating the wrong that others commit to us. Forgiveness requires recognizing the wrong and the wrongdoer. • It is not about forgetting what has happened. We cannot change the past or pretend the sin never existed.
Forgiveness is not: • It is not about giving up the right to justice. Forgiveness goes beyond the balancing of rights and justice. • Forgiveness does not invite someone to hurt you again. The act of forgiveness is a gift for the sinner and the person who is offering forgiveness. We are transformed by the act of forgiveness.
Forgiveness is: • Forgiveness is God’s work. It needs the power of love that comes from God. God’s love for us is the force for reconciliation and forgiveness among us. • Forgiveness is the first step toward repentance. Forgiving begins with faith and hope in the Spirit of God sent to us through Jesus. We all have something to forgive and something to be forgiven for. It is not earned through penance, but is given to us freely by God. We also have the freedom to seek out forgiveness or to live in sin. Repentance flows from a forgiveness that already has taken place in Jesus sacrifice for us.
Forgiveness is: • It makes both victim and wrongdoer into new persons. It involves a commitment to righting the wrongs and leads us to a new beginning. It empowers them to grow beyond them and the past. • It is in our Catholic tradition and is best understood through Jesus’ death and crucifixion. The wounds of the crucifixion are still present after the resurrection. The resurrection reminds us of God’s power to forgive an d give new life.
Forgiveness is: • It is eschatological. Forgiveness comes in bits and pieces in our lives but when God is fully revealed in the second coming, the New Jerusalem will be realized and the fullness of God’s kingdom. • The Church is the ambassador of forgiveness (through the sacrament of Reconciliation). It embodies the message of Reconciliation and continues the story of Jesus and the actions of the Holy Spirit.
Please watch the video below: • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtbpOERgMvk Reconciliation explained. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdNwS-2qYDk Howcast on how to go to confession.
Celebrating the sacrament of Penance • It can be done at any time of day or year and in any place. The minister is a priest or bishop. • It is usually encouraged during the season of Lent (to clear all mortal sins to allow for receiving the Eucharist on Easter Sunday). It is also encouraged during Advent as we prepare our hearts for the Second Coming. • A revised rite of the Sacrament of Reconciliation was given to the Church by Pope Paul VI on December 2, 1973. • See pg. 295
3 Rites of celebration for Reconciliation 1) The Rite of Reconciliation of Individual Penitents This involves scriptural reading and individual confession face to face or behind a screen. 2) The Rite of Reconciliation of Several Penitents with Individual Confession and Absolution. Involves a communal service followed by individual confessions 3) The Rite for Several Penitents with General Confession and Absolution (only done in rare and exceptional circumstances). Penitents do not make an actual confession and they must go to confession when next available to be forgiven of mortal sins.
Please with these clips: • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eY8CffVn5Sk Anger and Forgivness • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fdmsnbz1-EE Original Sin • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYfRY246rZY Catechism’s teaching on Reconciliation