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Pattern Decomposition Algorithm for Data Mining Frequent Patterns Qinghua Zou Advisor: Dr. Wesley Chu. Department of Computer Science University of California—Los Angeles. Outline. 1. The problem 2. Importance of mining frequent sets 3. Related work 4. PDS, an efficient approach
Pattern Decomposition Algorithm for Data Mining Frequent Patterns Qinghua ZouAdvisor: Dr. Wesley Chu Department of Computer Science University of California—Los Angeles
Outline 1. The problem 2. Importance of mining frequent sets 3. Related work 4. PDS, an efficient approach 5. Performance analysis 6. Conclusion
Frequent Itemsets a, b, c, d, e ab, ac, ad,bc, bd,be , cd, ce, de abc, abd, bcd, bce, bde, cde bcde 1. The Problem D is a transaction database 5 transactions 9 items: a,b,c,…,h,k D 1: a b c d e f 2: a b c g 3: a b d h 4: b c d e k 5: a b c The problem: Given a transaction dataset D and a minimal support. To find frequent itemsets Minimal support = 2
1. 1 More terms for the problem • Basic terms: • I0 = {1,2, …, n}: The set of all items • e.g., items in supermarkets, words in a sentence, etc • ti, transaction: A set of items • e.g., items I bought yesterday in a supermarket, sentences in a document • D, data set: A set of transactions • I, Itemset: Any subset of I0 • sup(I), support of I:The number of the transactions containing I • frequent set: sup( I ) >= minsup • conf(r), confidence of a rule r:{1,2} => {3} conf(r) = sup ( {1,2,3} ) / sup( {1,2} ) • The problem: Given a minsup, how to find all frequent sets quickly? • E.g. 1-item, 2-item, … k-item frequent sets
2. Why Mining Frequent Sets ? • Frequent pattern mining — Foundation for several essential data mining tasks: • association, correlation, causality • sequential patterns • partial periodicity, cyclic/temporal associations • Applications: • basket data analysis, cross-marketing, catalog design, loss-leader analysis • clustering, classification, Web log sequence, DNA analysis, etc. • Text Mining, finding multi-words combination
3. Related Work • 1994, Apriori: Rakesh Agrawal, IBM SJ Bottom up search; using L(k) =>C(k+1) • 1995, DHP: Jong et al. IBM TJ Direct Hashing and Pruning • 1997, DIC: Sergey Brin. Stanford Univ Dynamic Itemset Counting • 1997, MaxClique: Mohammed et el. Univ of Rochester Using clique; L(2) =>C(k), k=3,…,m • 1998, Max-Miner: Roberto et al. IBM SJ Top-down pruning • 1998, Pincer-Search: Lin et al, New York Univ Both bottom up and top down search • 2000, FP-tree: Jiawei Han Building frequent pattern tree
L1={a,b,c,d,e} C2={ab,ac,ad,ae,bc,bd,be,cd,ce,de} L2={ab,ac,ad,bc,bd,be,cd,ce,de} C3’={abc,abd,acd,bcd,bce,bde,cde} C3={abc,abd,acd,bcd,bce,bde,cde} L3={abc, abd, bcd, bce, bde, cde} C4’={abcd,bcde} C4={abcd,bcde} L4={bcde} Answer = L1, L2, L3, L4 3.1 Apriori Algorithm Example D 1: a b c d e f 2: a b c g 3: a b d h 4: b c d e k 5: a b c
Apriori Algorithm • L(1) = { large 1-itemsets }; • for( k=2; L(k-1)!=null; k++ ) { • C(k) = apriori-gen( L(k-1) ) //new candidates • forall transactions t in D { • Ct = subset( C(k), t ); //candidates contained in t • forall candiates c in Ct • c.count++; • } • Lk = {c in Ck | c.count>=minsup} • } • Answer = U L(k)
3.2 Pincer-Search Algorithm 01. L0 := null; k := 1; C1 := {{ i } | i belong to 0} 02. MFCS := I0; MFS := null; 03. while Ck != null 04. read database and count supports for Ck and MFCS 05. remove frequent itemsets from MFCS and add them to MFS 06. determine frequent set Lk and infrequent set Sk 07. use Sk to update MFCS 08. generate new candidate set Ck+1(join, recover, and prune) 09. k := k +1 10. return MFS
Pincer Search Example D 1: a b c d e f 2: a b c g 3: a b d h 4: b c d e k 5: a b c • L0={}, MFCS=abcdefghk, MFS={} C1={a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,k}, • L1={a,b,c,d,e}, MFCS=abcde, MFS={} C2={ab,ac,ad,ae,bc,bd,be,cd,ce,de} • L2={ab,ac,ad,bc,bd,be,cd,ce,de}, MFCS={abcd,bcde}, MFS={} C3={abc,abd,acd,bcd,bce,bde,cde} • L3={abc, abd, bcd, bce, bde, cde}, MFCS={}, MFS={bcde} C4’={abcd,bcde} C4={abcd} • L4={} Answer = L1, L2, L3, L4, MFS
{} Header Table Item frequency head f 4 c 4 a 3 b 3 m 3 p 3 f:4 c:1 c:3 b:1 b:1 a:3 p:1 m:2 b:1 p:2 m:1 3.3 FP-Tree TID Items bought (ordered) frequent items 100 {f, a, c, d, g, i, m, p}{f, c, a, m, p} 200 {a, b, c, f, l, m, o}{f, c, a, b, m} 300 {b, f, h, j, o}{f, b} 400 {b, c, k, s, p}{c, b, p} 500{a, f, c, e, l, p, m, n}{f, c, a, m, p} min_support = 3 • Steps: • Scan DB once, find frequent 1-itemset (single item pattern) • Order frequent items in frequency descending order • Scan DB again, construct FP-tree
FP-tree Example Ordered frequent items a b c d e a b c a b d b c d e a b c D 1: a b c d e f 2: a b c g 3: a b d h 4: b c d e k 5: a b c {} Header Table Item frequency head a 4 b 4 c 4 d 3 e 2 a:4 b:1 b:4 c:1 c:3 d:1 d:1 d:1 Recursively searching the tree to find Frequent itemsets. It is not easy. e:1 e:1
4. PDA: Basic Idea L1, ~L1 dicomposing calculating D1 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: D2 1: 2: 3: 4: 2 2 3 1
4.1 PDA: terms • Definitions • Ii , Itemset, is a set of item, e.g. {1,2,3} • Pi, pattern, is a set of itemsets, e.g.{ {1,2,3}, {2,3,4} } • occ(Pi), occur times of pattern Pi • t, transaction, a pair of (Pi, occ(Pi)), e.g.( { {1,2,3},{2,3,4} }, 2 ) • D, data set, a set of transactions • D(k), the data set for generating k-item frequent sets • k-item independent, itemset I1 is k-item independent with I2 , i.e. the number of their common items is less than k. e.g. {1,2,3} and {2,3,4} , common set {2,3}, so they are 3-item independent, but not 2-item independent
4.2 Decomposing Example • ). Suppose we are given a pattern p= abcdef:1 in D1 where L1={a,b,c,d,e} and f in ~L1. To decompose p with ~L1, we simply delete f from p, leaving us with a new pattern abcde:1 in D2. • ). Suppose a pattern p= abcde:1 in D2 and ae in ~L2. Since ae is infrequent and cannot occur in a future frequent set, we decompose p=abcde:1 to a composite pattern q= abcd,bcde:1 by removing a and e respectively from p. • ). Suppose a pattern p= abcd,bcde:1 in D3 and acd in ~L3. Since acd is a subset of abcd, abcd is decomposed into abc, abd, bcd. Their sizes are less than 4, so they are not qualified for D4. Itemset bcde does not contain acd, so it remains the same and is included in D4. Results will be bcde:1.
5 2|3|4|6|7|8 ~5~6~7~8 1 1 6 2|3|4|7|8 7 2|3|4|8 8 2|3|4 4.2 continue • Split Example: t.P={{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}}, we found 156 to be an infrequent 3-item set. We split 156 into 15, 16, 56. Result: {{1,2,3,4,5,7,8}, {1,2,3,4,6,7,8}, {2,3,4,5,6,7,8} • Quick-split Example: t.P={{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}}, we found infreq 3-item set {156,157,158, 167, 168, 178, 125, 126, 127,128, 135, 136, 137,138,145, 146, 147, 148} . Build max-common tree ~5; ~2~3~4~6~7~8 1 ~6; ~2~3~4~7~8 ~1; ~5~6~7~8 ~7; ~2~3~4~8 ~8; ~2~3~4 {{2,3,4,5,6,7,8}, {1,2,3,4}} 3 {{2,3,4,5,6,7,8}} {{1,2,3,4}} 4-item independent
4.3 PDA: Algorithm PD ( transaction-set T ) 1: D1 = {<t, 1>| t∊ T }; k=1; 2: while (Dk≠ Φ) do begin 3: forall pinDk do // counting 4:forall k-itemset s ofp.IS do 5: Sup(s|Dk) += p.Occ; 6: decide Lk and ~Lk ; //build Dk+1 7: Dk+1= PD-rebuild(Dk, Lk, ~Lk); 8: k++; 9: end 10:Answer = ∪Lk
4.4 PDA: rebuilding PD-rebuild (Dk, Lk, ~Lk) 1: Dk+1 =Φ; ht = an empty hash table; 2: forall p in Dk do begin 3: // qk, ~qk can be taken from previous counting qk={s|s in p.IS ∩ Lk }; ~qk={t|t in p.IS ∩ ~Lk } 4: u = PD-decompose(p.IS, ~qk); 5: v ={s inu| s is k-item independent in u} 6: add <u-v, p.Occ> to Dk+1; 7: forall s in v do 8: if s in ht then ht.s.Occ+= p.Occ; 9: else put <s,p.Occ> to ht; 10: end 11: Dk+1 = Dk+1∪ {p in ht};
f g h k L1 IS Occ {a} 4 {b} 5 {c} 4 {d} 3 {e} 2 ~L1 IS Occ {f} 1 {g} 1 {h} 1 {k} 1 L3 IS Occ {abc} 3 {abd} 2 {bcd} 2 {bce} 2 {bde} 2 {cde} 2 ~L3 IS Occ {acd} 1 L4 IS Occ {bcde} 2 ~L4 IS Occ L2 IS Occ {ab} 4 {ac} 3 {ad} 2 {bc} 4 {bd} 3 {be} 2 {cd} 2 {ce} 2 {de} 2 ~L2 IS Occ {ae} 1 4.5 PDA Example D1 1: a b c d e f: 1 2: a b c g: 1 3: a b d h: 1 4: b c d e k: 1 5: a b c: 1 D2 1: a b c d e: 1 2: a b c: 2 3: a b d: 1 4: b c d e: 1 D3 1: abcd, bcde: 1 2: a b c: 2 3: a b d: 1 4: b c d e: 1 D4 1: b c d e: 2 D5=Φ
5. Experiments onSynthetic Databases • The benchmark databases are generated by a popular synthetic data generation program from IBM Quest project • Parameters: • n is the number of different items (set to 1000) • |T| is the average transaction size • |I| is the average size of the maximal frequent itemsets, • |D| is the number of transactions • |L| is the number of the maximal frequent itemsets • T20-I6-1K: |T| = 20, |I| = 6, |D| = 1k • T20-I6-10K: |T| = 20, |I| = 6, |D| = 10k • T20-I6-100K: |T| = 20, |I| = 6, |D| = 100k
T10.I4.D100K T25.I10.D100K Figure 7. Execution times comparison between Apriori and PD vs. minimum support Comparison With Apriori
T10.I4.D100K T25.I10.D100K Figure 8. Execution times comparison between Apriori and PD vs. passes Time Distribution
T25.I10 Figure 9. Scalability comparison between Apriori and PD Scale Up Experiment
D1=T10.I4.D100K, D2= T25.I10.D100K T25.I10 Figure 10. Performance comparison between FP-tree and PD for selective minimum support Figure 11. Scalability comparison between FP-tree and PD Comparison with FP-tree
6. Conclusion • In PDA, transaction number shrinks quickly to 0 • Shrinks both the transaction number and itemset length • In transaction: summing • In item set: decomposing • Only one scan of database • No candidate set generation • Long patterns can be found at any iteration
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