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Data Retreat – MATH Mid-Year Report

Data Retreat – MATH Mid-Year Report. Michigan Center Jr./Sr. High School February 3, 2010. GOAL.

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Data Retreat – MATH Mid-Year Report

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  1. Data Retreat – MATHMid-Year Report Michigan Center Jr./Sr. High School February 3, 2010

  2. GOAL • All MCHS teaching staff will improve in power strands L1, L2, A1, G1, and S1 for all students in grades 9-12 as measured by common quarterly assessments (score 70% or higher) in each math course and MME so that 50% of All Except Disabilities students show proficiency (score of 1’s or 2’s MME) and advanced levels while accelerating the performance of Students with Disabilities so that 20% show proficiency on the MME by March 2010.

  3. Objective #1 The High School math teachers will collect common quarterly assessments and desegregate data to determine students’ weaknesses and strengths. This desegregated data will allow teachers to differentiate instruction.

  4. Action Steps Obj. 1 1.Review 2008-2009 common quarterly assessment data and identify strengths and weaknesses (gaps) to focus on 2009-2010 instruction.

  5. Evidence of Action: Algebra

  6. Evidence of Action: Geometry

  7. Evidence of Action: Algebra II

  8. Action Steps Obj. 1 2. Review individual HSCE’s, per common quarterly assessment question, to check student understanding per HSCE. • Teachers were provided release time Marking Period 1 and Marking Period 2 to review quarterly assessment by HSCE and identify areas of mastery, proficient, and not proficient. • Teachers administer quarterly assessment to students with enough time to allow for a student to retake the exam up to three (3) times. During this the teacher can identify areas of weakness and work one on one with students to address individual needs.

  9. Is it working? YES! 100% of our Math Teachers grades 7-12 administer quarter assessments. The data assists teachers in identifying progress and areas that need to be retaught. This data is specific as we align Exam View questions with the appropriate HSCE.

  10. Objective #2 • The high school math teachers will create HSCE’s based lesson plans specifically incorporating a variety of instructional strategies for L1 reasoning about numbers, L2 calculations and algorithms, A1 expressions and equations, G1 figures and properties, and S1 univeriate data and distributions. Teachers will collaborate with colleagues about successful strategies and address areas of need.

  11. Action Steps Obj. 2 1.Receive professional development on instructional strategies. 2.Implement instructional strategies in the classroom.

  12. Evidence of ActionSteps 1-2; Objective 2 • Teachers received PD from Jessica Trefry, MCHS Math Teacher, the week of August 2009 as part of her MMSTLC Grant partnership with the ISD focusing on Inquiry Based Instruction. • Teachers received Professional Development time on January 18, 2009 k-12 to discuss instructional strategies as well as time to work with teachers to develop lesson plans and identify, using quarterly assessments, patterns where scores were low two years in a row and adjust instructional practices. • Teachers will also receive further training in March regarding Instructional Teaching Strategies. • Example: R. Decoster Course Calendar, Course Alignment, Unit Plans (Handout)

  13. Action Step Obj. 2 3.Review and reinforce past instruction on HSCE’s before MME is administered.

  14. Evidence of ActionStep 3; Objective 2 • Teachers adjusted Curriculum Calendars to cover MME material in a timely manner. • Alg II and Geometry teachers will provide review along with a review packet (revised Feb. 2009)prior to the MME.

  15. Is it working? Time to Plan… Time to collaborate… Yes, Teachers have had seven days thus far to work on lesson plans and collaborate…providing the time for teachers to do this is what give them the breathing room to move forward and implement new strategies that they may not have had time to incorporate.

  16. Objective #3 • High school teachers in collaboration with teachers of Students with Disabilities, will plan a series of monthly meetings to discuss potential interventions and support systems for students not proficient in L1 reasoning about numbers, L2 calculations and algorithms, A1 expressions and equations, G1 figures and properties, and S1 univeriate data and distributions.

  17. Action Step Obj. 3 • Align special education and general education math curriculum for Algebra 1, Geometry and Algebra 2

  18. Evidence of ActionStep 1; Objective 3 • During Professional Development in August 2009 special ed and general ed teachers aligned their curriculum. Teachers continue to review alignment during release time and within co-teaching opportunities. • Special Education teachers have also been provided updated, current general education resources for instructional purposes.

  19. Action Step Obj. 3 2.Develop a shared calendar for sequence of instruction in Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2.

  20. Evidence of ActionStep 2; Objective 3 • Special Education Teachers have aligned their instruction with General Education Teachers during Professional Development days in August 2009.

  21. Action Step Obj. 3 3.Develop an inclusion plan for the 2009/2010 school year.

  22. Evidence of ActionStep 3; Objective 3 • We are currently working toward this goal as we have six teachers (3 general ed; 3 special ed) going through the co-teaching training at the ISD.

  23. Is it working? • Progress is being made; however, this continues to take the back seat to the other objectives. Challenges are release time and Special Education teachers being responsible for more than one subject area. There is an increase in discussion between spec ed and gen ed that did not exist last year. Meetings between spec ed and gen ed are informal to allow for flexibility in schedules. There still needs to be more follow through on the formal end with documentation. This continues to be a work in progress.

  24. What’s Next? • Focus on Objective 3 • Continue to collect and analyze the data we set out to accumulate. • Have purposeful discussion regarding the data and how we can strengthen instruction. • Continue to adjust school improvement goals and utilize this framework to reflect throughout the course of the school year. • Provide professional development around the analysis of data. • Continue to build valid assessment in reviewing current assessment and making necessary changes. • Use data to guide instruction and monitor progress.

  25. “The great thing in the world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving.” Oliver Wendell Holmes

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