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The World of Connections. Lectorial Week 10 Krystina Benson. LEX is here . . . From now until Week 12. LEX is seen to be one of the main measures of individual as well as team teaching efficacy at QUT
The World of Connections Lectorial Week 10 Krystina Benson
LEX is here . . . From now until Week 12 • LEX is seen to be one of the main measures of individual as well as team teaching efficacy at QUT • As a result of feedback from last semester (for those who did do KCB201, sem 1, 2010), the unit schedule is being rearranged and unit assessments are also being refined. The unit has also been renamed New Media: Internet, Self and Beyond to reflect its focus more accurately. • This unit - KCB 202 - is still under reconstruction and your feedback is vital to its improvement. Please Note: Personally, as your tutor I find it highly useful to read your feedback. I think about it, reflect on it and incorporate it into my teaching. TO ACCESS LEX: Go to QUT Virtual under Student Messages box, under the Welcome tab, a Learning Experience Survey message will appear. They then click on the link 'Complete the survey'.
Agenda Notices Attendance Tools to help you with your case studies Engaging with the readings Video – watch portion of youtube ‘reading’ Wiki time, question time, case study time
Assignment 1: Individual Wiki Contributions Due date: This week - Week 10, Friday, 24 September, 12 midnight No contributions after this date will be included in your evaluation, however you can contribute as much as you like…
Please Note:No lectures or tutorials during the week of 27 Sept. - 1 Oct.
Databases to start your research from Proquest Project Muse EBSCOHost Swetswise Factiva QUT Liaison Librarian’s recommendations are also online
Some Journals for Research • Theory, Culture & Society • European Journal of Communication • Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society • First Monday, online journal • Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (JCMC), online journal • Fibreculture, online journal • M/C Journal, online journal • Ctheory, online journal • Discourse & Communication • Theory, Culture & Society • European Journal of Communication • Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society • First Monday, online journal • Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (JCMC), online journal • Fibreculture, online journal • M/C Journal, online journal • Ctheory, online journal
Referencing Management Software EndNote: software and training available to current QUT students Zotero: online, free and integrated into Firefox. No training from QUT
Tutorial Exercise We are going to write and explain an absence from a pre-arranged appointment…. Grab 1 piece of paper from each bag You have 10 minutes to write your note We will read these aloud and try to guess the medium and audience And see what we think about it….
Reflective Questions What was the medium? Who was the intended recipient? Did this note work well? Yes or No – why? What does this tell us about media? What does this tell us about media audience?
Week 10 Readings (1) Anthropological introduction to YouTube Presentation delivered by Michael Wesch, June 23, 2008, U.S. Library of Congress, 55 mins, 33 secs. Available online at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPAO-lZ4_hU (2) The Social Affordance of the Internet for Networked Individualism Wellman, B., et. Al., (2003). Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication Vol: 8 Issue: 3. Available online at: http://jcmc.indiana.edu/vol8/issue3/wellman.html
Anthropological Introductionto YouTube (Wesch, 2008) Why different than a world based in text? Separation of form and content “Not just about information its about linking people, and in ways we haven’t before, and in ways we can’t predict” Discusses - User generated content and user generated ranking (Digg, Delicious), user generated organisation (iGoogle page), user generated distribution – why is this important? Integrated Mediascape – not just youtube Not content, not tools, but “media mediate human relations” How goes these concepts relate to Actor Network Theory? Consider the communication technologies as actants and how they play a role as an active part in the development of a network, rather than simply inanimate tools that only achieve meaning when utilized by human beings.
“Media as mediating human relationships.…When media changes, human relationships change” (Michael Wesch, 2009)
The Social Affordance of the Internet for Networked Individualism (Wellman et al, 2003) Even before the coming of the Internet, other social, economic and technological phenomena affected the transition from groups to networks: Social Changes: Birth control and liberalized divorce laws and dual-career families have both reflected and driven the transition from a place-to-place to a person-to-person mode of domestic and community life. Land-Use Changes: Zoning separation of residential from commercial and work uses meant that people had less contact with coworkers in the community and that their travel time had eaten into their community networking time. Technological Changes: The proliferation of car ownership, expressways, affordable air transportation, and inexpensive long-distance telephony enabled people to have more frequent meaningful contact with physically distant relatives and friends
The Social Affordance of the Internet for Networked Individualism (Wellman et al, 2003) “More importantly, we argue that citizenship (including e-citizenship) is affected by the ways in which Internet use is in a positive feedback loop with the turn away from solidary, local, hierarchical groups and towards fragmented, partial, heavily-communicating social networks” (Wellman et al, 2003). What are the potential consequences of this?
NumaNuma…Infectious Happiness http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60og9gwKh1o
Your turn – what do you watch on YouTube? Come up and show us.