1. Jan Meerman, Marion Cayetano, John McGill Infrastructure And Municipal Needs And Issues Identified At The National Land Use Policy And Planning Framework Workshop 10th February 2011.
2. 1. ‘Land locked communities’ and ‘No control over acquisition’. Towns and cities can come to find themselves physically constrained by their legally defined boundaries.
2. ‘Developer reaps the profit and council pays the cost’. The profit accruing to a developer from the subdivision of land often outweigh the costs that accrue to the municipality that must service the lots.
3. 3. ‘Political conflict between mayors (and chairmen) and Area Representatives’. Municipal authorities are required to make decisions on development and utility issues, yet they may find that their decisions are overruled by local Area Representatives who have different goals.
4. ‘How to manage ownership of public spaces and reduce discretionary authority’. Land reserved for recreational uses can be vulnerable to being leased, or even granted, for alternative uses with no consultation.
4. 5. ‘Legislative basis of Masterplans and Development Plans’. While there are several pieces of legislation with provisions for masterplans and/or development planning, they are not complementary, can be contradictory, and are in general inadequate.
6. ‘Provision of services’. The procedures by which city and town councils coordinate utility supply are imprecise.
5. 7. ‘LUA provisions should be expanded’. With its expanding remit, in response to increased rate of application, the LUA’s legislative powers should be considerably strengthened, either through primary legislation or subsidiary regulations.
8. ‘Governance – Horizon 2030’. Horizon 2030 recognises the integrated nature of development, and the NLUP project is building on the consensus Horizon 2030 is establishing.
6. 9. ‘Climate change’. The NLUP must find, in response to climate change, a means to ensure both caution and pragmatism are balanced in the policy.
10. ‘Migration’ and ‘protection of agricultural lands’. The issue of migration is linked to demographic change and population growth, and some of the answer to this lies in forecasting the level and type of demand an area, city, town or village will have to cater to.
7. 11. ‘Traffic and transportation’. Frequently many lots can be left with substandard, or even no, road access for a prolonged period, considerably inhibiting investment and effective occupation. Development planning would identify the most feasible routes for roads and streets. Strategically, the NLUP has been in discussion with the Ministry of Works on its plans for extending the national highway network, yet plans are still in the formative stage.
8. 12. ‘Sprawl of small communities’, ‘Boundaries’ and ‘Village development plans’. Cities and towns have legally established boundaries, and there is a programme being established to demarcate village boundaries. While boundaries define the area a municipality is responsible for, they will not address any development outside of them.
9. 13. ‘Reactive and/or proactive planning’. ‘Development control’ regulates current land use and applications to change the use of land while ‘development planning’ determines how land resources will be used in the future.
14. ‘Certification of planners’. Those drawing up plans for subdivisions or other development schemes should be certified in the same way architects and engineers are.
10. 15. ‘Local representation on Local Building Authorities’. Under the Belize Building (Amendment) Act, each town and city should have a Local Building Authority recommended for appointment by the Minister.
16. ‘Council revenues’. There are proposals for municipalities to have increased powers to plan and control development within their boundaries, yet effective implementation may require additional funding.
11. 17. ‘The Municipal Development Project’. This project, under the direction of the Ministry of Economic Development, is intended to address the increasing need for operational governance in towns and cities.
12. 18. ‘Possible means of implementing an approved plan’. One relatively easy way to ensure a plan is implemented is have the licensing processes (trade, hotels, subdivision, etc) obligated to follow it, yet this only be guaranteed by transparency.
19. ‘Accountability and transparency’. Increased transparency in the activities of statutory agencies should ensure that legal procedures are adhered to, and accountability should require an explanation of how that is executed.