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Making predictions – how sure you are. will definitely (100% sure) It will definitely happen. will almost probably It will almost probably happen. is / are likely to It is likely to happen. could / may well It may well happen. may / might (not) (50% sure) It might happen.
Making predictions – how sure you are will definitely(100% sure) It will definitely happen. will almost probablyIt will almost probably happen. is / are likely toIt is likely to happen. could / may wellIt may well happen. may / might (not) (50% sure) It might happen. isn't / aren't likely toIt isn´t likely to happen. probably won'tIt probably wont´happen. almost certainly won'tIt almost certainly won´t happen. definitely won't(0% sure) It definitely won´t happen.
Second conditional = hypothetical situations if = kdyby • Mluvíme o nereálných věcech, o tom, co by bylo, kdyby.... Člověk je zvláštní tvor a rád o podobných věcech mluví, i když je to zbytečné. If I had money, I would be happy. - Kdybych měl peníze, byl bych šťastný. (Ale peníze nemám, a tak nejsem šťastný.) If I had more time, I would study English every day. Kdybych měl více času, učil bych se anglicky každý den. (Ale nemám čas, tak se neučím) If I was hungry, I would have something to eat. - Kdybych měl hlad, dal bych si něco k jídlu. (Ale hlad nemám, a tak si nic k jídlu nedám) !!!!If I was/were you, I would not do it. – Být tebou (kdybych byl tebou), tak bych to nedělal. (Ale já nejsem tebou.) If the sentence begins on IF, we put comma after the first sentence.
Second conditional = hypothetical situations if = kdyby First conditional = real future situations if = jestliže I will go out if it stops raining in the evening. I will buy a jacket if I go shopping this week.
Past Perfect – předminulý čas • I had lived (subject + had + past participle) • I hadn´t lived • Had you lived? Vyjadřuje děj, který se odehrál před jiným dějem v minulosti.
Reported speech Backshift You must change the tense if the introductory clause is in Simple Past (e. g. He said). This is called backshift. Example: He said, “I am happy.” – He said that he was happy.