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PENELOPE is a Fortran 77 subroutine package for Monte Carlo simulation of the coupled transport of electrons, positrons, and gamma rays, with energy range from 100 eV to 1 GeV. It supports arbitrary material systems and employs a detailed simulation of γ interactions and mixed simulation of e± interactions. The package includes various interactions such as incoherent scattering, bremsstrahlung emission, atomic relaxation, and ionization of inner and outer shells. PENELOPE offers stability, easy implementation, multiple-scattering accuracy, and supports simulation in static electric and magnetic fields.
PENELOPE: brief overview and benchmark simulations Francesc Salvat José M. Fernández-Varea Josep Sempau Eduardo Acosta
What is PENELOPE? Subroutine package (FORTRAN 77) • Monte Carlo simulation of the coupled transport of e± and • Energy range from ~ 100 eV to ~ 1 GeV • Arbitrary material systems • Full Class II algorithm: detailed simulation of interactions mixed simulation of e± interactions
Inner-shell ionization by electron impact Distorted-wave Born approx. cross sections
Atomic relaxation Ionization of outer shells (M, N, …): secondary e – no fluorescent radiation Ionization of inner shells (K, L1, L2, L3): secondary e – fluorescent radiation (x-ray or Auger e – )
Mixed simulation algorithm Hard collisions: > c , W >Wc; soft events: < c , W <Wc Recipe: Then, in a step of length we have (on average) and
Random-hinge method • Multiple-scattering moments are accurately reproduced • Easy to implement for the MW DCS • Interface crossing poses no difficulty • The energy dependence of Ss and s2 is easily implemented • Variation of the hard mfp with energy is accounted for by fictitious “ interactions” (defining smax) • Angular deflections in soft inelastic events are incorporated
Auxiliary tools • Geometry package PENGEOM • Geometry viewers • Variance-reduction techniques • Simulation in static electric & magnetic fields • Program SHOWER
Benchmark simulations Backscattering coefficients
Summary • Freely available from the NEA Data Bank • http://www.nea.fr • We have written ample documentation • http://www.nea.fr/lists/penelope.html • Over 200 copies of the program have been distributed • PENELOPE is the basis of multiple papers and PhD theses • Some of the models will be implemented in Geant4