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Los Angeles Unified School District Specially Funded Programs Division School Site Council (SSC). The School Site Council. All schools, with the exception of Independent Charter Schools, must establish a School Site Council (SSC). Overview.
Los Angeles Unified School DistrictSpecially Funded Programs DivisionSchool Site Council(SSC)
The School Site Council All schools, with the exception of Independent Charter Schools, must establish a School Site Council (SSC).
Overview This SSC presentation will include the following topics: • Responsibilities • Council Composition • Officers • Rules of Order • Records • The Consolidated Application (ConApp) • The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) • Local District Responsibilities • Central Office Responsibilities • Resources
SSC Responsibilities Develop, monitor, and evaluate a Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) for Consolidated Application (ConApp) programs operated at the school to improve student achievement. (Education Code Section 64001)
SSC Responsibilities SSC members must have knowledge of, review, and monitor: • Student achievement data (STAR, API scores, reading and math benchmark assessment results, CELDT results, attendance rates, suspension rates, etc.) • The implementation of the various components of the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) • The effectiveness of the SPSA strategies and make modifications as needed • Board policies • State and federal requirements • The core instructional program • The SPSA including proposed expenditures
Organizing the SSC • Elementary Composition • Secondary Composition (Refer to LAUSD Bulletin 1231: Advisory Committees and School Site Councils)
Organizing the SSC Opportunity and Equal Education Access The District does not deny any person the opportunity to participate as a member of planning or advisory committees on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender, ethnic group identification, race, ancestry, national origin, religion, color, mental disability, or physical disability. (34 CFR 100.3[b][1][vii], 104.10, 106.58;5CCR 4900)
Secondary School Site Council Composition 1 4 3 1 3 (Education Code Section 52852)
School Site Council Composition Exceptions: • SPAN • Span schools will form their councils based on the District’s classification of the school (elementary, middle, or high school). • Special Education Centers • Special education schools and centers with secondary students may use the same composition as elementary schools, or they may choose to follow the same composition as comprehensive high schools. • Middle Schools • Middle schools may, but are not required to, include student representatives. (Education Code Section 33133-c)
School Site Council Composition Election of Students All students in the secondary level are eligible to be elected as members of the SSC by the entire student body.
School Site Council Composition Other staff may include: • Assistant Principals • School Nurse • Counselors • Clerical Staff • Paraprofessionals • Custodial Staff • Food Service Staff • *Resource Teachers • Coordinators • *Instructional Coaches • *Library Media Teachers • Community Representatives *Non-classroom teachers refers to those full-time employees whose classroom teaching assignment, if any, is fewer than three (3) periods per day in secondary, or less than half-time in elementary.
The School Principal • Is a voting member of the council. • Provides information and leadership. • Is responsible for staff and student elections of the SSC. • Is responsible for the proper functioning and implementation of the SSC. • Is responsible for any program and/or fiscal implications due to non-compliance with federal/state policies, rules, and regulations. • Directs staff to implement the approved Student Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and monitors in conjunction with SSC. Note: The principal may not delegate any of these responsibilities. (Refer to LAUSD Bulletin 1231)
Officers The council shall elect officers, including: • Chairperson to organize, convene, and lead meetings of the council • Vice-Chairperson to serve in the absence of the chairperson • *Secretary to record events and actions taken at council meetings • Parliamentarian to resolve questions of procedure, often with the help of “Robert’s Rules of Order” or similar guide • Other officers as needed to perform stated duties in support of the work of the council * The principal may assign someone to take notes; however that person may not vote or participate in the discussions unless it is to make a comment on an agenda item just as any other member of the public.
SSC Bylaws Bylaws should clarify such matters as: Duration of terms for members and officers Election procedures Meeting times Quorum requirements Attendance procedures
SSC Bylaws (Continued) • Means of electing members and officers • Notice of elections for each peer group • Responsibilities of the council • A policy of non-discrimination • Election of alternate members (Refer to LAUSD Bulletin 1231: SSC Election Regulations, Pgs. 4-5)
Rules of Order The Greene Act - The council must observe the following rules of order: • Meetings must be open to the public. • The public must be given the opportunity to address the School Site Council (SSC) on topics under the jurisdiction of the SSC. • Notice of the meeting must be posted at the school site or other accessible place at least 72 hours in advance. • The notice must specify the meeting date, time, location, and the agenda. • The SSC cannot act on an item not described on the posted agenda unless, by unanimous vote, it finds a need for action unknown when the agenda was posted. • Questions and brief statements of no impact on pupils or employees that can be resolved by providing information need not be described on the posted agenda. • If these procedures are violated, upon demand of any person, the SSC must reconsider the item at its next meeting, after allowing for public input on the item. (Education Code Section 35147)
Records The school needs to maintain the following documentation for 5 years: • Orientation and election notifications • Council roster and ballots • By-laws (if adopted) • Meetings flyers/notification • Agendas of council meetings • Minutes of meetings (discussions, recommendations and actions) • Recordings of attendance (sign-in sheets) • Evidence of input from school advisory committees (CEAC, ELAC, other advisory committees) • Official correspondence • School plan including budgets
School Advisory Committees The SPSA must be developed with the advice, review, and certification of any applicable school advisory committees. Such groups include: • Compensatory Education (CEAC) • English Learner (ELAC) • Gifted and Talented Education • Special Education
Other Committees The SSC may appoint committees or individuals to serve and advise at their discretion. SSC minutes must document the purpose and decisions of appointees. Appointees may: • Gather and analyze data. • Propose strategies for improving instruction. • Examine materials and funding to determine effectiveness. • Draft portions of the SPSA for council consideration. • Integrate WASC recommendations into the SPSA (high schools and continuation high schools only).
The Consolidated Application The Consolidated Application (ConApp) is an agreement between the District and the State Board of Education on the use of categorical funds. - The approved Con App is the document that auditors and compliance review personnel use to determine compliance with state and federal mandates.
The Consolidated Application • The Con App consists of two parts: • Con App Part I: • The District’s intent to apply for funds (due June 30th of each year) • Con App Part II: • The District’s distribution of funds to school sites • (due January 31st of each year) • The Single Plan budget pages must match the ConApp Part II school site allocation pages and is reviewed as part of Categorical Program Monitoring.
Single Plan for Student Achievement Senate Bill 374 Requires each school to consolidate all plans required by Consolidated Application Programs into a Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA). (Education Code Sections 64001 [d],[f])
The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) The intent of the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) is to create a cycle of continuous improvement of student performance, and to ensure that all students succeed in reaching state academic standards.
The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) The school plan serves as an official document in audits to determine appropriate expenditures of categorical funds, including equipment purchases, and personnel responsible to complete multifunded and semiannual certifications.
Desired Outcome Revise Improvement Strategies and Expenditures Reaffirm or Revise Goals Inform Governing Board or Seek Its Approval Seek Input Monitor Implementation Measure Effectiveness of Improvement Strategies The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Steps for Developing the Single Plan for Student Achievement The graphic represents the cycle of actions required by the SSC in the development, implementation and revision of the SPSA.
Developing The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) • Step 1:Measure the Effectiveness of Current Improvement Strategies • Analyze Student Performance • Analyze the Instructional Program • [Education Code Section 64001(g)]
Certification of Advisory Committee Input • Step 2: Seek Input from School Advisory Committees • The SSC must document the following actions: • Written recommendations from advisory committee(s) • Consideration of recommendations at SSC meeting • Dissemination of information regarding the SPSA to advisory committee(s) • Share final draft with advisory committee(s) • Recommendation for approval of the SPSA to Local District • Note: If the SSC chairperson refuses to certify input, the minutes and sign-in sheets from the meeting where the approval was granted must be submitted with the SPSA. The local district superintendent or designee will decide whether to approve or send SPSA back to SSC for revision.
The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Step 3: Reaffirm or Revise School Goals School goals must be based on comprehensive assessment of student academic achievement, using multiple measures of student performance. Step 4: Revise Improvement Strategies and Expenditures The SSC will adopt specific actions to reach each goal, specify dates by which actions are to be started and completed, identify expenditures needed to implement the action, and identify the funding source.
The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Step 5: Approve and Recommend the SPSA to the Governing Board After appropriate advisory committees have reviewed the proposed SPSA, the SSC must approve it at a meeting for which a public notice has been posted. The Board of Education has delegated to the general superintendent and the local district superintendents responsibility for budget and program decisions related to SB1X and Title I Program Improvement schools, which includes schools in corrective action and restructuring. Restructuring Plans must be approved by the local district superintendent before implementation. Note: For schools identified as Program Improvement (PI), the SSC remains in place.
The Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Step 6: Monitor Implementation Once the plan is approved, the responsibility of the SSC is to monitor the effectiveness of planned activities and modify those that prove ineffective. Monitoring should follow the calendar of events established by the SPSA to verify timely implementation and achievement of objectives critical to the success of the plan.
Local District Office Responsibilities • Certify the election and monitor the proper functioning of the SSC. • Investigate and resolve concerns relating to the SSC. • Provide leadership and training for SSC members. • Assist with the analysis of school data to determine student needs.
Local District Office Responsibilities (continued) • Align professional development with state standards and curriculum. • Provide guidance and assistance in the development, including expenditures, of the SPSA. • Review and recommend the SPSA for approval to Specially Funded Programs • Provide assistance to conduct parent/community elections for SSC • Maintain SSC Certification forms.
Central Office Responsibilities • Approve the Single Plan for Student Achievement and its subsequent revisions based on the recommendation from the local district. • Review SPSA for compliance with the Local Educational Agency (LEA) plan required for federal funding. • Provide technical assistance to the local district on all federal and state mandates. • Maintain SSC/CEAC/ELAC Certification forms.
Resources • Public Schools Accountability Act:http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/pa • State Testing and Reporting data:http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/sr • Categorical Programs:http://www.cde.ca.gov/fg/aa/ca • California Education Code: • http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/calaw.html • LAUSD Bulletin 1231 • http://www.lausd.net • CPM Guide • http://cde.ca.gov • Specially Funded Programs Division • http://sfpc.lausd.ca.us