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Dynamic Perceptual Mapping Analysis for Brand-Attribute Associations

Explore dynamic processes in branding analytics, transitioning from brand-to-attribute to attribute-to-brand associations. Smoothly analyze from individual to aggregate levels and transition from country differences to intricate demographic disparities.

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Dynamic Perceptual Mapping Analysis for Brand-Attribute Associations

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Figure 2 (dynamic): Rotating perceptual map around the first axis, bring third axis into view

  2. Figure 3 (dynamic): Moving from analysis of brand-to-attribute associations to attribute-to-brand associations, via hybrid analyses

  3. Figure 7 (dynamic): Smooth transition from individual- to aggregate-level analysis

  4. Figure 8 (dynamic): Transition from country differences (ES=Spain, RU=Russia, US=USA) to countrysex differences (M=male, F=female), then countrysexage differences (age groups 1 to 6)

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