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We’re a full-service professional House & Residential cleaning company. Contact Exceptionnel Cleaning Service today to find out more about cleaning services, we provide. Carpet cleaning, commercial cleaning, residential cleaning, home cleaning, and house cleaning and office cleaning services in Edmonton and surrounding area.
6 Questios i ask Wheo Hiriio a leeaoio lipaaoy io Edpio io We are ready to renovate our House. There are many things to consider as we dream of movie watching with the family on our new plush carpet. The only thing that is slowing the process down is the fact that we haven’t hired a contractng company yet! I am fnding it intmidatng to call around and get quotes because I don’t know the frst thing about home renovatons. I am at a loss as to what questons to ask. As I thought about my situaton I realized that perhaps the same problem exists for those that are interested in hiring a house cleaning company. I have compiled a list of questons that you might fnd helpful as you search for a cleaning company in Edmonton that is the perfect ft for your family. We’re a full-service professional House & Residental cleaning company. 1. Arie yiu bioded aod iosuried? Here is the defniton from the Government of Canada website “A bond is a form of insurance that protects your business against potental losses caused by internal fraud, thef, or incompetence. If mistakes are made by your employees that result in losses for your client, resttuton for damages is paid by your insurance company. Some businesses are required by law to purchase bonding insurance, and others do so to increase the credibility of their business.” 2. Arie yiuri epaeiyees cio riac ed iri cipaaoy epaeiyees? A contracted employee would be held personally responsible for loss or damage in your home. The cleaning company would not have to be responsible for training these individual cleaners, so the quality of cleaning in your home may vary from clean to clean. 3. Dies he ceeaoio cipaaoy ariivide suaaeies? This could add up being an additonal cost to you if you are providing the cleaning products, cloths, mops etc. that is being used in your home. 4. Wha yae if suaaeies dies yiuri cipaaoy ariivide? If you are interested in green cleaning products this queston might be of interest to you. I would be sure to ask the specifc brand name that is used. I once had a cleaning company tell me they used green cleaning supplies but when I asked for specifc brand names I realized that they used a mix of supplies. Some product was environmentally friendly but then they used others with harsh chemicals in them in diferent areas of the home. 5. Ask questios ha arie saecifc i yiuri ciricups aoces# Di yiu ceeao hipes wi h ae s? Wha ariiduc di yiu use io wiodiws aod piririiris? Is herie a saecifc pe hid used io py haridwiid/tee fiiris? There is always a danger of damage occurring in your home during household cleaning. Scratched mirrors, fnish being stripped of foors are all potental outcomes when a cleaner doesn’t do their research and neglects being careful
when in your home. 6. Wha dies yiuri cipaaoy di firi s af riaioio i heea wi h ciosis eocy aod eosurie a quaei y ceeao everiy tpe? The larger the company the higher the chances of multple cleaners entering your home throughout the year. What standard of clean is being taught and by which method and length of tme? I want to make sure that I am receiving the same standard of clean for every dollar I spend. Contact Exceptonnel Cleaning Service today to fnd out more about cleaning services, we provide. Carpet cleaning, commercial cleaning, residental cleaning, home cleaning, and house cleaning and office cleaning services in Edmonton and surrounding area.